1500 ملف ينتظر الحكومة في جلستها الأولى الخميس وبند التمديد لسلامة أولوية
Read this story in Englishباشرت الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء ورشة عمل مكثّفة لفرز الملفات المتراكمة منذ توقف أعمال الحكومة السابقة، وإعادة تحديثها، لوضعها على جدول اعمال مجلس الوزراء، وهي ملفات يناهز عددها الـ 1500 ملف مؤجلة منذ حكومة الرئيس الحريري، بالاضافة إلى ملفات يفترض ان تكون استجدت منذ ذلك الحين الى اليوم.
وكشفت مصادر وزارية لصحيفة "اللواء" أن مجلس الوزراء سيضطر إلى عقد جلسات مكثفة، ربما تكون جلستين في الاسبوع لبت هذه الملفات تمهيداً لاطلاق عجلة الدولة بالتوازي مع اجتماعات وزارية يومية سيعقدها الرئيس ميقاتي مع الوزراء في مجالات الاقتصاد والكهرباء والاتصالات والمياه، باعتبارها من اولويات حكومته.
وبحسب المصادر الوزارية، فإن جدول اعمال مجلس الوزراء يوم الخميس المقبل، سيكون حافلاً بالموضوعات العاجلة والملحة والعالقة، وابرزها التجديد لحاكم مصرف لبنان رياض سلامة، وتعيين رئيس اركان الجيش والمرشح له العميد وليد سلمان، وكذلك تعيين العميد عباس ابراهيم مديرا عاما للامن العام.
وعلم أن رئيس تكتل "الإصلاح والتغيير" النائب ميشال عون، يفضل ان يعيد هذا مركز مدير عام الأمن العام الى الطائفة المارونية، لكن المصادر رجحت ارضاءه في مكان آخر، خصوصا وان ملف التعيينات الادارية يأخذ ايضاً اولوية، انطلاقاً من ملء الشغور الحاصل في الادارات والمؤسسات الرسمية، من اجل اعادة تحريك الادارة.
وفي السياق عينه علمت صحيفة "النهار" أن "المرشح لهذا المنصب العميد عباس ابرهيم المساعد الحالي لمدير المخابرات في الجيش والمدير العام للقصر الجمهوري".
First files to be opened are the many ones of Corruption . Wait and see , than you will understand why Saad is hiding in Paris .....!!!!!!
see, they gonna work some. Unlike the harriri goverment that stalled mediteranian gas field. That's the difference between patriot and traitor. See, shab, sasi, and others from zionist information war department? that's the patriotism.
The first 1499 issues will deal with the false witnesses and their fabricators, mainly Marwan Hamade, Saad Harri and Wissam Al Hassan. The 1500th item will deal with sending the corruptors and the entire Hariri Mafia & Co., SARL and his Christian Sunnis to the prison in Roumieh, pending their hanging in Centre Ville du 3ohr.
Other subjects are, How to force children of the filthy militia to get an education and not turning into canon feed like there moron fathers, how to force the same families to pay electricity bills, how to strip them of the ugly chador that make Lebanese women look like penguins, , and last to educate them to believe that working 9-5 and earning money is not a sin. stop the commonly used inbreed in the Shiite and Druze community as it has started to show
last post form shab traitor is a typical hate piece that was so common before the civil war. his mindset is hate, he is a provocatuer, he is evil a he is a traitor. it's time to ban him from this website.
the difference between him and me is that i use common language in the political scene: traitors, spies agents and similar. But you will never see me going after Sunni or Maronites or any other group. My stand is political not sectarian. Actually, i'm from the south shia community but i don't believe in God at all. If shab is lebanese (BIG IF), i don't care what is his sect.
But his hatred is so obvious...and you cannot allow that. Or else you are sectarian also.
There is a lot of work to be done, we had a gov't that was paralyzed internally from day 1 and now we have a 1 color gov't which can take decisions and proceed with them. As long as they get the work done and stay away from sensitivebissues at this time, things will get better for every 1.
Please stop discussing things like it's black and white only. Both 14 March and 8 March are corrupt, just go deep in history since 1975. What we need are young fresh honest decent people to run the country. We need the lebanese to stop voting over and over again for the same people! they did nothing good for the country and they will do nothing. Lebanese say they are the most intelligent people in the world, then prove it in the voting ballots and vote for people based on their agenda only, not based on religion/sect/foreign affiliation/bribe (500$ per vote). Enough is enough. USE YOUR BRAINS PEOPLE!!!.
ya jamal amel
Nice try, portraying others as sectarian while all along is YOU who is selling us out!
We need to stop fighting over who is Sunni and who is Shi'a and who is Maronite and think for once, does anyone care what we are doing to Lebanon. Before all these sects start running to America and Iran and Israel and Syria, why don't we become Pro-Lebanese. We need to stop alliying ourselves with foreigners, and ally ourselves with eachother. Every foreign nation in the history of Lebanon, (Syria, America, Iran and Israel) have never wanted the best for Lebanon and they have always tried to use their powers to split us and stop us from making Lebanon the best country in the world. This website is called 'Naharnet' and if it is the living legacy of Gebran Tueni. Gebran never looked at politics from a sectarian point of view, but rather from a nationalistic, where our country was put first above our religion and social status. Lets put Lebanon first, and remember that we are Blessed by God to have the most beautiful and amazing country in the world