اجتماعات مكثفة لـ"14 اذار" لبحث سبل التعاطي مع الحكومة
Read this story in Englishذكرت مصادر مطلعة أن مشاورات تجري بين قيادات "14 آذار" لعقد سلسلة اجتماعات في إطار "هيئة الطوارئ" التي شكلها لقاء "البريستول".
وتأتي هذه المشاورات التي ستتكثف الاسبوع المقبل لوضع خطة العمل للمرحلة المقبلة مواكبة للتطورات على مستويين: المحكمة الدولية والسلاح خارج سيطرة الدولة، خاصة بعد انتهاء فترة الشهر المحددة وفقاً لقواعد الإجراءات والاثباتات لدى المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان.
واشارت المصادر الى صحيفة "اللواء" إلى أن البحث يدور حول سبل التصدّي للحكومة، سواء في إطار المؤسسات الدستورية (حكومة الظل)، أو عبر تنظيم اضرابات وتظاهرات نقابية ومطلبية•
كما اوضحت مصادر مواكبة من 14 اذار لصحيفة "النهار" انه تبين "ان المجلس النيابي يمتلك حيوية كانت معطلة بفعل اقفاله بدءاً من 2006-"2007. ورأت ان 14 آذار "لم تربح معركة التصويت في مجلس النواب لكنها ربحت معركة الاصوات".
ولفت منسق الامانة العامى لقوى "14 اذار" فارس سعيد في حديثه الى الـ"LBC" في هذا السياق ان قوى المعارضة ستنتهج المعارضة السلميّة الديمقراطيّة والشعبيّة في بعض الأحيان، مضيفا "لا رغبة لنا ولا قدرة على توتير الأوضاع، إلا أننا سنكون موجودون في كل ساحة وندوة من أجل التعبير عن انفسنا ولن نسمح لحزب مسلح في وضع يده على لبنان".
You guys are too power hungry. You are acting like your counterparts. Only thinking of acquiring power to control the country and you forget about the citizens and our daily hardship. Work with the government and only protest when they do something that harms Lebanon and its citizens. Enough political bullshit! We want to live !
shab ma 3am byefhamo eno they are gonna hurt the cause, they are scared fro Aoun madness and vengeance!
They forget that if Aoun harms them with his anti corruption claims, he has to harm 4 million Lebanese also because all are corrupted!
M8 or M14 have no influence on STL whatsoever its an international court! Live with it LEBANON and SYRIA!
Soon they will hold their biggest meeting from behind bars at Roumieh prison. The guards there shall shower them with all the candy that these thieves like.
Yalla khalass ba'a , just go home and stop your Comedia Del Arte ,,, bunch of bad losers ;;;
March14th ,you are acting worse than march 8th, khallass let the people who are with them judge them some of yoj are mps prepare for 2013 by doing some good deeds and shut the ******
as long as they do not create violent demonstrations like the M8 has accustomed us, what is wrong with opposing a gvt through all legal means?
it is the natural job of an opposition!
unless you do not believe in democracy...
but blocking the city center, using arms against lebanese people, blocking the airport, closing the parliament, threatening an MP to force him to change his camp , M8 think it is legal and responsible?
if lebanon is to rise and prosper illegal arms have to be withdrawn from outlaw parties!
why would M14 work with a gvt that has blocked all reforms to take place when the m8 was in the opposition?
let the M8 prove they are better to make lebanon prosper as they shouted vomited barked for so many years of blocking the country...
Nasrallah must be spitting mad to see women in the photo, no power or position for them if he has his way.
The authorities should take notice of their upcoming meeting to close in on them and net them in one quick swoop. I cannot wait to see the post-modern chain gang of Hariri Mafia & Co., SARL and his Christian Sunnis. Here is how it goes:
All day long they work so hard
till the sun's comin' down
workin on the highways and biways
and wearin a frown
I hear them moanin' their lives away
and then you hear somebody say
Oh don't you know
that's the sound of the quasi-men
working on the chain gang
Gosh, for once in their lives they are working on something beneficial for Lebanon.