"المستقبل" تدعو الى الاسراع في تشكيل الحكومة: حزب الله يتسبب ببؤر توتر حيثما حل

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شددت كتلة المستقبل النيابية على ضرورة تشكيل حكومة "تعيد الثقة بالمؤسسات"، معتبرة في الوقت عينه ان "حزب الله بسلاحه غير الشرعي وبميليشياته هو المسؤول عن هجرة اللبنانيين"،وأنه "يتسبب ببؤر توتر حيثما حل".

وقالت الكتلة في بيان صادر عنها بعد اجتماعها الاسبوعي الدوري عصر اليوم الثلاثاء: "إن السلاح غير الشرعي و غير الخاضع لسلطة الدولة هو المسؤول عن هجرة اللبنانيين، وذلك في سياق الحديث عن غرق الباخرة التي كانت تقل مهاجرين بينهم لبنانيين من اندونيسيا الى استراليا.

وحملت الكتلة أيضا حزب الله مسؤولية الاشتباكات التي حصلت في بعلبك، قائلة أن "حزب الله يتحمل مسؤولية الاعتداءات التي حصلت في بعلبك على المواطنين"، لافتة الى أن "مسلسل سطوة سلاح حزب الله على الحياة العامة والذي يتسبب ببؤر توتر حيثما حلّ".

وعليه، طالبت الكتلة حزب الله بسحب "ميليشياته من كل القرى والمدن اللبنانية"، داعية الدولة الى أن "تتولى مهام حماية الوطن والمواطن".

وكانت اشتباكات دامية قد حصلت في بعلبك بين عناصر من حزب الله وآخرين من آل الشياح، سقط خلالها أربعة أشخاص.

وأشارت تقارير الى أن الاشتباكات حصلت بعد رفض شبان الوقوف على حواجز تفتيش لحزب الله في بعلبك.

كما نوهت الكتلة بالجهود التي قام بها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في نيويورك، لافتة الى انه "يمثل لبنان خير تمثيل ويحمي الدستور وحقوق المواطنين"، مشددة في هذا السياق على ضرورة "اسراع كل من سليمان ورئيس الحكومة المكلف في تشكيل الحكومة لاعادة الثقة بالمؤسسات ، والاهتمام بشؤون المواطنين واحوال البلاد الاقتصادية التي لم تعد تحتمل هذا الشلل".

وتطرقت الكتلة في بيانها الى المعلومات التي تحدثت عن عدم تلبية وزارة الاتصالات لطلبات المحكمة الدولية، وأوضحت أن "الوقائع دلت على تأخير متعمد من وزارة الاتصالات لتلبية طلبات المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان".

وفي هذا الاطار، استنكرت الكتلة "تصرفات الوزير المشبوهة"، مضيفة: "نحتفظ بالحق بالادعاء على الوزير لاعاقته سير التحقيق".

التعليقات 12
Default-user-icon lo'it'sme (ضيف) 18:12 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

the saudi traitors have no right to blame anyone

suleiman's speech was at best passable

al-mustaqbal have no place in lebanon's future, DEAL WITH IT!!!

Default-user-icon Elie (ضيف) 18:19 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

The biggest threat to Lebanon is the Sunni infiltration into the mindset of poor Christians and their infiltration in Christian areas of the nation. Lebanon and its Christina sin particular will not be fooled by the suites and ties worn by these Sunnis who are born fundamentalists at the core. They are the cancer of the nation and are responsible for every bit of bloodshed this nation has experienced let alone the region. Wake up people. I couldn't emphasize it any stronger.

Missing helicopter 07:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 02

Sorry Elie, I disagree with you.
Moderates of all Sects are the true Lebanese. Takfiris, all exxtremists and HA do not fit into Lebanon's culture.

Default-user-icon Shame Lebanese (ضيف) 18:21 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

If the next door neighbour fell pregnant by mistake they will blame hizbollah. If they tripped and broke a leg, which I hope they do, they will blame Hezbollah, if they choke, if they have a headache, if they didn't get any sex that night, etc, they will blame hizbollah. Seriously how do the Lebanese, mainly Christians, even support these criminals and thieves. They have sucked the light and living out of people and made people beg and bow down to them for a loaf of bread in life.

Default-user-icon redpepper (ضيف) 19:47 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

Thank you for exposing your shia hypocrisy. Usa is the great satan when it's close to saudi arabia but when it approaches iran, it becomes a good friend, ally, soon to be partner and so on. Shia will directly ally with israel in the future and your no strangers to this, you did it in the past. If saudi arabia and israel were to get in to a war, you would chear for israel, no doubt. The only principles shia have is to be against the muslims and whoever is perceived by shia to be allied to muslims. The rest can all be changed, anyone can be your ally, friend or brother and anyone can be traded. This is why i never trusted your fake love-brotherhood with the FPM, they will be traded no doubt. But ill give you this, you are masters at pretending to be the closest of brothers and allies to whoever your ordered to fool.

Default-user-icon Kitaro Durbakey (ضيف) 21:40 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

I also blame the Hezz for the medical condition that affects al-Mustaqbal al-Ta3ees and that is known as Sannis Lunaticus Berserki. alla yechfihon cause allahou akbar with and wirhout a BOOM

Missing peace 22:31 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

tell us what hezbi did to improve lebanese economy, education, social welfare??

nothing.... just talking weapons, wars and iran... so yes hezbis keeps lebanon weak for the biggest pleasure of israel and FPM....LOL

Missing peace 18:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 02

"hezb takes care of its people, repairs their houses, pays their school tuition and medication."

so many BS in this post it is a record!
1/ typical way of islamic extremists to proceed to be popular among sheep. see hamas, islamist party in algeria, muslim brotherhood in egypt and so on... nothing to do with my post as usual...
2/ i thought they were a govrnmental party, if so what have they proposed for LEBANON? nothing...

3/ taking care of "its" people? what about lebanese as a whole as they pretend to want to be in the gvt and are a so-called "lebanese" party? LOL

so take ur BS to elmanar you ll have many fans there to take care of your oversized ego....

Missing peace 22:34 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

it is up to the state to help develop poor regions... no gvt ever took care of akkar...
oh! and akkar is also made of christians who share the same living conditions.... what does FPM do to help them financially? LOL

Thumb inside_manz 22:36 ,2013 تشرين الأول 01

Al Musataqbal blames their insubordination as a movement on HA. Furthermore, they also accused 9/11 on HA as well as the holocaust...not to mention the fact that their wives wont sleep in the same bed as them anymore....that is also blamed on HA.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 02

lol who still takes moustaqbal seriously? these kind of statements are public acknowledgement that even they dont take themselves seriously.

Missing peace 18:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 02

"what about the lands that have been stolen from their owners in Beirut Solidaire? "
what about the lands stolen from the gvt in ouzai? dahiye? LOL

"so hizbullah's arms are forcing people to leave this country? and reducing the work chances?? "

YES they are... a bit difficult for your narrow mind to understand so i won't develop here....