جنبلاط يأسف لـ"الإقتصاص" من جيش مصر: الجيش السوري يأتمر بشخص يعاني من انفصام
Read this story in Englishأسف رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط لأن الجيش السوري بات يأتمر "بشخصٍ يعاني من إنفصامٍ في الشخصيّة" ولأن هناك محاولات "للإقتصاص" من الجيش المصري من خلال ما أسماه بـ"الإرهاب".
وقال جنبلاط في موقفه الأسبوعي لصحيفة "الأنباء" الصادرة عن الحزب الإثنين "عندما يتأمل المرء أين أصبح الجيش العربي السوري الذي سجّل بطولات في حرب تشرين ووصل إلى مشارف بحيرة طبريّا وإحتل رادارات جبل الشيخ وقاتل في سعسع وسواها وقام بأسر جنود إسرائيليين، تراه اليوم يأتمر بشخصٍ يعاني من إنفصامٍ في الشخصيّة".
ورأى أن الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد "يُصّر منذ اللحظة الأولى أنه يُقاتل الارهابيين بدل تلبية المطالب المشروعة للشعب السوري في الحرية والكرامة والتحرّر من النظام المخابراتي فأصر على الاستفحال في الحل الأمني".
أضاف "ها هي بعض أبواق النظام بدأت تبشرّنا بأنه سيترشح للانتخابات الرئاسيّة في العام المقبل فوق أشلاء الشعب السوري وعلى أنقاض المدن والقرى المدمرة وعلى حساب الملايين من المهجرين داخل وخارج سوريا ومئات الآلاف من المعتقلين والمفقودين".
كما أشار إلى أن الأسد "إستطاع في غضون سنواتٍ قليلةٍ أن يحوّل سوريا من موقع وازن في المعادلة الاقليميّة والدوليّة إلى ساحة إحترابٍ وتجاذبٍ بين القوى الاقليميّة والدوليّة محطماً كل مقدرات سوريا وتراثها وإمكانياتها الاقتصاديّة والاجتماعيّة والبشريّة".
وعن مصر قال "من الواضح أن بعض القوى تنفذ سياسة تخريب منهجيّة للأمن القومي المصري بما يتعدّى مجرّد الاعتراض على واقع سياسي مستجد من خلال ممارسة الارهاب والتدمير وإستخدام السلاح".
ورأى أن جماعة الإخوان المسلمين دون أن يسميها "تصر على إلهاء الجيش المصري في معارك جانبيّة في محاولةٍ مكشوفةٍ للاقتصاص منه على موقفه التاريخي المؤيد للثورة الثانية للشعب المصري ولاجهاض المفاعيل الايجابيّة لثورة الثلاثين من يونيو (حزيران)".
واتهم الجماعة بأنها "مرتبطة بالارهاب المتكرر في سيناء وغير سيناء التي كانت ساحة نصرٍ كبرى للجيش المصري في العمليّة العسكريّة الاستثنائيّة وواقعة العبور التاريخيّة، وكأن المطلوب تفريغ ذاك الانتصار من مضمونه السياسي وجعل سيناء بؤرة إرهاب لضرب الاستقرار المصري الذي لن يُصان إلا من خلال التطبيق الحرفي لخارطة الطريق التي أقرّت بتوافق سياسي عريض وتتيح أوسع مشاركة سياسيّة من مختلف القوى والتيارات".
وإذ أعرب جنبلاط عن استغرابه وارتيابه من "هذا التبدّل السلبي في المشهد العربي والاسلامي" ختم "كم صدق الأمير شكيب أرسلان في كتابه الهام: "لماذا تأخر المسلمون وتقدّم غيرهم"، حيث أشار إلى أن أسباب إنحطاط المسلمين هي الجهل والعلم الناقص وفساد الأخلاق والجبن وتخليهم عن ثقافتهم وديانتهم، معتبراً أن العزيمة والارادة كفيلتان بإحراز أي تقدّم" سائلا "أليس هذا هو الواقع المؤلم؟".
ونظم الاخوان المسلمون تظاهرات الاحد في الذكرى الاربعين لحرب السادس من تشرين الاول بالتزامن مع احتفالات نظمها الجيش المصري بهذه المناسبة. واستهدفت التظاهرات التنديد بقيادة الجيش الحالية وخصوصا وزير الدفاع الفريق اول عبد الفتاح السيسي الذي يتهمونه بالقيام ب "انقلاب على الشرعية" بعزله مرسي.
I value Jumblat for hos just stance on the Syrian war. Here we have a person who is playing a fair game of upholding what's just and right. 25 Million people in Syria, which is the entire population, want Assad to leave yesterday not today. This person is really sick. He wants to rule a nation of 25 million through his family. His father was a corrupt, mean, stupid and manipulative and his ways subjected Syria, a great nation, to four decades of dictatorship that made all of them poor except the ruling family. Assad must go not by deportation but by having the same fate of Saddam and Gaddafi.
First christians didn't jumblat and co to masacre them tgey were very fine doing it by themselves... Not saying that jumblat milicias didn't comit masacres but ur way of taking facts of our history and omitting the rest of picture is a litle delusional man, u seem to hv lived another war from the one i grew up in, a war were all of them did massacre, where no one was clean where all was pursiuing his own interest...
Anyway u know what at least jumblat recognised the fact and did some moves with the maronite church wherease other still thinks that did nothing wrong, i know it wont bring back martirs but at least be honest... Eh ya achraf el ness....
So christion didnot killed each others, no masacres where done between each others? No execusions? No assassinations?... Come on man be realistic a litle, don't let feelings tske over rationality...
As for bashar u r right he did only good deads, spread love and democratie on all, cherich his people, cheriched lebanese people, palestinians and even irakis... What a great guy....
Bachar card? Berri wasn't a friend of syria? El sayed? El hezb en kawmeh...all march 8 expet general aoun who was preaching in front of us diplomates in favor of tesolution against syria then, so here also stop being irrationsl all colaborated, all had their own interest in mind exept one who was in exild in france another one in jail and some few in the coutry then...
And if u don't see that i all ur posts (most of them) u r deffending bachar there is a problem man...
I love the selective memory of Assad's brown nosers, they forget to mention that the full military support of the "heroic Syrian Arab Army" and Bashar's papa hate incitements were required for Walid, his father and his war time alines most of whom are members of M8, to massacre the Christians in Lebanon.
walla ma fi ghayrak Schizophrenic Walid beik. Those who change their mind often within a second, those who wake up one day talking great about a person then wake up another day talking bullocks about the same person are Schizophrenic. Yes That's you Walid so now how could a Schizophrenic accuse someone else of being schizophrenic. Anyway what is this Rhetoric how could some Claiming to be respected politician say about someone to be schizophrenic on media?? what is this insanity and disorder and lack of political mind if that stupid person is considered to be the smartest politician in Lebanon then i must say our smartest is the dumbest on earth. Have you ever heard any descent complete minded politician saying on the media such words of discrimination about an existing politician? Schizophrenic?
Patriotic- Lebanese : obviously God does not exist because neither Bashar nor Aoun or any of your idols are blessed they are all the creation of Evil. But at Least Bashar Assad and Nasrallah would not say that word on Media But Aoun would but i dont blame him i mean he takes a 100 pills a day thankfully otherwise i dont know what would he say.
Walid beyk, walaou! Syrians achieved victories in October '73 war? Talk about revisionist history!
The Egyptians performed decently, but the Syrians? Within days of their assault, the Syrians were wondering how to protect Damascus from the Israeli counter-attack.
The Syrian army is one that fights best against unarmed civilians.
If you could only get your history right you would know that it was Israel which had forces over the line of the 6 day war, before the Syrian leadership agreed to a cease-fire.
The Egyptian forces "performed well with their ancient Russian weapons" so why didn't the Syrians?
Into just what part of Palestine/Israel did the Syrian army advance?
banima3roof, you should get yourself an education in military history or at least plain history if you want your comments not to reflect your ignorance.
During the 1973 war, the Syrians like the Egyptians had massive amounts of the best weapons the Soviets had produced at the time. They included anti-aircraft missiles (SA-6, Strela 2, in addition to the long range SA-2 and SA-3's), and the formidable (at the time) AT-3 Sagger guided anti-tank missile. The Egyptians performed much better with these weapons than the Syrians who had to resort to the Iraqis and Jordanians to prevent Damascus from being taken over. The Iraqis had sent two divisions of about 30,000 men and roughly one thousand armored vehicles to save Damascus.
What about all the Alawites who thinks Assad can do no wrong, are they suffering from Mass Hysteria?
When did Jumblat not admit being behind massacres in the war? And which side wasn't massacring people during the war?
Even Assad can't say with a straight face that the army is not massacring people, but his pets on naharnet say it all the time.