12 مسؤولا لبنانيا قد ترد اسماؤهم في اللائحة الثانية من القرار الاتهامي

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كشفت مصادر امنية بريطانية ان "اسماء عدد من اللبنانيين المحسوبين على سورية اضافة الى الضباط الاربعة الذين قضوا اربع سنوات في السجن بتهمة مساهمتهم في عمليات الاغتيال التي طالت عددا من القادة اللبنانيين منذ العام 2005، ستظهر اسماؤهم خلال الاسابيع الثلاثة المقبلة في لائحة الدفعة الثانية من القرار الاتهامي".

والاسماء هي "امثال ميشال سماحة وسليمان فرنجية ووئام وهاب وناصر قنديل وعبدالرحيم مراد وسبعة اخرون".

ونقلت المصادر عن التقارير الاستخبارية الاوروبية الواردة من دمشق خلال الاشهر العشرة الماضية، تأكيدها ان "خمس اوست شخصيات امنية سورية عملت في الاستخبارات في لبنان خلال احتلالها اياه، اختفت كليا عن الساحة السورية منذ نهاية 2008 ، ويعتقد انها قتلت او ان بعضها عين في السفارات السورية في العالم العربي او ابعد الى بعض دول اميركا اللاتينية ذات الجاليات السورية الضخمة".

وقالت المصادر بحسب صحيفة "السياسة" الكويتية ان لوائح القرار الاتهامي التالية "ستحدث هزة عنيفة في لبنان وسورية عندما ستميط اللثام عن شخصيات سورية حاكمة على ارفع مستوى في الحكم وشخصيات اخرى كانت مجهولة حتى الان".

واشارت المصادر الامنية البريطانية ان "ما لا يقل عن اثني عشر عنصرا من الدرجتين الثانية والثالثة من "حزب الله" كانوا خضعوا لاستجوابات لجان التحقيق الدولية بجرائم اغتيال رئيس الوزراء السابق رفيق الحريري وشخصيات سياسية وامنية وعسكرية واعلامية وحزبية اخرى".

واذ اكدت ان صور واسماء عناصر "حزب الله " المتهمين باغتيال الحريري "باتت تتقدم المطلوبين الدوليين من الانتربول والاجهزة البريطانية الداخلية والخارجية في مراكز الحدود البرية الجوية والبحرية في المملكة المتحدة، كما في 186 دولة في العالم"، اعربت عن اعتقادها، استنادا الى تقارير استخبارية وديبلوماسية اوروبية، ان يكون اثنان على الاقل من هؤلاء المطلوبين الاربعة انتقلوا قبل فترة الى دمشق ويقيمان في احدى قواعد "حزب الله" العسكرية قرب الحدود مع لبنان".

واضافت "فيما الثالث مازال يقيم في منطقة بعلبك البقاعية اللبنانية، والرابع قد يكون قتل في ظروف غامضة تتعلق بدوره في جريمة اغتيال الحريري، بمعنى ان قيادة "حزب الله" تبلغت من جهازها الامني ان هذا المسؤول قد يكون قابلا للتعاون مع الانتربول مقابل تحييده فيما بعد عن الجريمة".

التعليقات 31
Thumb ado.australia 15:13 ,2011 تموز 11

Frangieh? LOL. If this doesn't "create a violent earthquake in Lebanon and Syria", then the third indictment will include Aoun, nassrallah and Assad.

Default-user-icon unknown (ضيف) 15:13 ,2011 تموز 11


Missing mabboud 15:14 ,2011 تموز 11

Now, that's it; STL will prove that conspiracy theories do exist... in fact, everyone in Lebanon knew about Hariri killing except his security team. ma ba3da ba3da next indictment will include the name of Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, the little kids of the cousin of Khomeini as well as Khadafi and his kids the liaison on the operation was bombed by NATO planes. There r rumors also the Mladic was one of the coordinators to bring explosives from Serbia.

On a more serious note, it seems that NATO started some kind of negotiations with Libya, is it triggered only because US can't continue the operation or is it to start preparing the next operation and put pressure on Syria? Conspiracy Theory again??

Default-user-icon @^@ (ضيف) 15:23 ,2011 تموز 11

That's odd usually mr mabboud and ado rage against newspaper reports as unsubstantiated, look at them now they believe every word. This is a medical condition called imbeciliciades brought about by regular heads beating with a stick.

Thumb Marc 15:36 ,2011 تموز 11

These names came about and were listed right at the very beginning . . . I will say the same thing again, innocent until proven guilty in the court of law and beyond any reasonable doubts . . . So, it is an opportunity for them to defend themselves... if they run away from the court, then it may be considered an instant admittance of guilt . . . . Just saying!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:54 ,2011 تموز 11

the synchronized tsunami is in action,no need to comment: a pop some popcorn, and watch the movie.

Missing peace 16:15 ,2011 تموز 11

it is funny when M8 people are indicted by the stl they call it politicized, but if it was israeli or M14 people they would say it is fair...

as if no one in lebanon could have done these murders and that it is impossible that some lebanese could be killers...

wait for the evidence to be produced and then you ll see if it is fair or not!

Default-user-icon Iben el Nimer (ضيف) 17:35 ,2011 تموز 11

Let's not forget

Iben Jamil a.k.a. Emile Lahoud

Missing startrip 17:42 ,2011 تموز 11

The difference between modern democratic countries and banana republics, as Lebanon has been, is how the institutions of justice are treated. The rambling village idiots finds conspiracy theories in his falafel sandwich, so don't expect much from the few on this board. The STL wheels will turn steadily, methodically and crush the guilty.

Threats, demagoguery, and boneheadedness work only in banana republics, but not in self respecting democracies.

Missing joseph 17:55 ,2011 تموز 11

CROWWDED! Boy!. 2 per single bed, first come first serve. these are the rules in Nisrallah's bunker. Finally, Wahhab and sayyed will be tucked in under the same binky.

Missing mabboud 18:28 ,2011 تموز 11

Startrip... why do u assimilate conspiracy theories to media and public opinion manipulations (aka Goebels); it's not always the case. As for democracies being better than banana republics @ respecting justice, I think u probably wrote a very very stupid sentence.
"Threats, demagoguery, and boneheadedness work only in banana republics, but not in self respecting democracies"

Bush didn't use Threats, demagoguery or anything u'd like to make as exclusive to banana republics!!!

You are right, intervention in Irak, afghanistan and Libya is just to save people and innocent civilians and was donne with total respect of International Laws...

Either u r with us or against us (reminds me a certiain Sayed!!).

In Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo or Fallujha... human rights have never been better served

Is that correct ya Einstein!!! or is ur "boneheadedness" exclusively due to ur origin? I think it's due to brainwashing set to "very dirty 90 Celsius"... hope it makes u feel very white...man

Thumb canaanite 18:44 ,2011 تموز 11

Akh ya Le Phenicien .... Akh!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 18:48 ,2011 تموز 11

What a joke this STL , let them try and see what will happen to their local Lebanese and Saudi friends in Lebanon .

All Hariri family + Siniora and all members of al mustakbal will be jailed in few hours . and all their belongings and properties will be seized , burned or distroyed .. Let them come and save you .

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 21:44 ,2011 تموز 11

Israel is the big winner here. You guyz are upsetting each other for what? none of you can do a thing. The jews are so happy that lebanon is down. Most tourists are going to Israel because its safer . It is a big plot propaganda by the jews to divert the tourists . Why do yo think they found mossad among hizbo? and God knows if march 14 and others have mossad among them. Its all about the money people. Lebanese are selling their country and payers are all over. So why dont you stick together as lebanese no matter what your religion is if you love lebanon. We all left lebanon because we want peace and we hate war. If we were bad people we could have stayed there and joined the crowed. The jews are controlling the us gov. dont you think its easy for them to control lebanon? so why dont you kiss and join voices against israel only. If the lebanese people unite no one can hurt lebanon. Thats a dream but its possible.

Missing startrip 22:58 ,2011 تموز 11

I typically don’t respond to posts that have no merit, as most yours happen to be -no personal offense intended. But I thought I would in this instance to help you out, and perhaps vector you towards being somewhat interesting.

I actually have no issues with your political leanings, and in the democratic spirit I’d defend (and in fact encourage) your right to say whatever the hell you want to say anytime anywhere no matter how stupid it sounds.

However, in my attempt to follow your manifestos on this board with headache inducing persistence, I must say I failed. I struggled through your meandering, repetitiveness, mangling of history and long windedness. I finally gave up. Now, when I see your name, I skip to the next poster.

Missing startrip 23:00 ,2011 تموز 11

(cont'd for my buddy)
It is not your charming ubiquity, gullibility, rambling, and certifiably brainwashed nature that I struggle with. It is the fact that you are very boring.

At least the other declawed moron, who advocates violence against those he disagrees with, is actually entertaining. Yes, he’s hot headed, harmless, not to be taken seriously…but entertaining. Not you though. You are just plain boring.

So, my dear mabboud. My advice to you is this: shorten your ramblings and try to make a point. It is quality not quantity, and always remember: Less is More.

Hope this helps!

Thumb benzona 23:07 ,2011 تموز 11

Justice sera rendue, le TSL est impartial, si les personnes convoquées sont innocentes, elles n'auront rien à craindre.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 23:11 ,2011 تموز 11

who is that jew who gave me a thumb down? f all jews . hitler should have killed you all.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 23:21 ,2011 تموز 11

as long as there are jews the arab world wont know peace. I wish hizballah will unleach all their rockets on them. Some lebanese people are so stupid they only think as far as their noses. They are even taking our natural resources .
first they are sucking the water from the litani rever and now they are taking our gas resources from our ocean. hariri is dead. lebanon will be dead soon if the people keep pickering at each other.

Missing mabboud 23:26 ,2011 تموز 11

Startrip... u just wrote two messages to say that what I say is just boring and that u are just skipping my messages now (so u probably won't read this one :))

ur english is gr8 but that doesn't make what u say clever

I am boring because I try to explain and give details, if u can't Challenge and discuss the ideas (since u use ur skills in English) then fine but don't try to escape debate by simply rejecting it (acrobatically)

u said nada on what I write in terms of content and I think that it's because u can't argue else u would simply do it instead of trying to patronize with 2 paragraphs to say u have decided to skip my posts.... what the heck, just skip it!!!!

I'll continue to read your messages though and comment them (this is democratic) and u can select not to answer to them but please, stop patronizing and argue for god sake!!!

That said Bravo for the nice writing style, it makes u even a better "Tartuffe"

Missing future_vision 23:42 ,2011 تموز 11

@Le Phenicien
Instead of saying stupid STL look at the proof they got against you in court and start living in the 21st century justice.. you dt present stupid videos and papers on news saying u discovered the truth about the assassination and the implication of Israel by uploading a video of a drone in 1997.. u go to court where a 5 year international investigation has been made specially for Lebanon and this is the first time in history we have that after all the killings that were made (Bashir, Rene M3awad) and the responsibles are still free. U hate Geagea.. at least he was the only one, who after being judged by the fair "Lebanesse-Syrian Justice" to a complete fraud bombing of a church that brought back the crimes of the war, paid his debt by staying more than 12 years underground.
U think Israel killed Samir Kassir or maybe israel tried to kill May Chidiac .. I love ur consipacies.. How about Colonel Wissam Eid? did u forget what he discovered? or also Israel killed him..

Missing people-power 23:55 ,2011 تموز 11

Sorry Mammoud, I have to side with Startrip on this one. I started reading your response and fell asleep before I could finish it. Yawn.

BTW, since you are a big fan of Ahmadinejad, please tell me your opinion on something. Since you acknowledged that Iran founded Hezbollah, and therefore Hezbollah must be under the control of Iran, does it follow that Ahmadinejad was the one who ordered the killing of Hariri, if Hezbollah members are found to be guilty, or would the orders have come from Khameni?

Missing mabboud 00:02 ,2011 تموز 12

in another post where Strider was not at all as democratic and "bien-pensant" than in his patronizing message, he wrote

"and to mabboud... this is about lebanon.. we dont give a rats behind about ur flotilla, israel or the palestinians. khalsouna with the palestinians .. they killed more lebanese than the israelies and turned lebanon into a dump... khallosna ba2aminnak wou minnon."

Yep, this is true democracy and he was protecting my right to speak, all I was saying was ... "Why Ashton is not concerned with the apartheid in Israel, the flotilla report and Israel total disrespect for international laws and UN resolutions!!!"

I have 2 recon that Strider was helping me in expressing myself, insulting me for making a remark about how come Ashton who as a European has more problems to deal with the flotilla and Israel and arab/palestinian cause (they have plenty of palestinian supporters at home) was focusing on STL!!!

Strider, if u read me... u r a gr8, fantastic "Tartuffe"

Missing mabboud 00:09 ,2011 تموز 12

Sorry Startip, I mixed Startrip and Strider... I am sorry, just noticed... I should have noticed from the style... My fault and apology.

Missing mabboud 00:35 ,2011 تموز 12

people-power, u r right to be with startrip since I mixed him with strider when answering him today...

that said, in case hezb operatives are behind Hariri assassination, the order could come from Syria, Iran or internal to the Hezb (in case of rogue elements working for the mossad.. most unlikely of the scenario but possible)

Iran could order such a move to force Syria out and increase its influence on the Hezb vis a vis of Syria; in such case, it will probably be a general policy/vision for Iran which is above the president, this doesn't mean that Ahmadinejad wouldn't be aware but in general, I tend to believe that in such operations, the less u have people who know the better it is. (In Iran u have 4 poles of power). In that case, I also think that not all operative from the Hezb will know but few (very small team) who r closer to Iran than Syria.

We can even imagine Mosavi who hired Imad Moghniye as a lisaison (in which case other poles...

Missing mabboud 00:42 ,2011 تموز 12

and certainly not Ahmadinejad could be aware of.

Of course, all the above is based on thinking around the lines and elements we have such as Moghniye Brother in law being involved and other info we got around the STL through the media.

There are other scenario and not always "conspiracy theories", in the case of Hariri, it is in any case a conspiracy; it's not as if Israel kills a member of the Hammas. So other options could exist, Syria (here the motive could be Hariri trying to push for Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, working with Khaddam); it could be others, trying to push another hidden agenda.

But if u ask me who killed him and why, I'll tell u I don't know and won't buy an STL scenario (for the many boring reasons I exposed at length); part of the TSL scenario could be true though but I think that the main objective of the STL is still to ignite strife in Leb or set the stage for international intervention (hereI hope I am wrong).

Missing mabboud 01:06 ,2011 تموز 12

that said, I am not a fan of Ahmadinejad neither of Mosavi... I just said that Ahmadinejad isn't what u think he is and even posted a link about that.

I think that he is more popular in Iran and more nationalist than others (which is better for Lebanon I guess since he is more into Iran than exporting the revolution); I am not Iranian and don't vote and don't really care what happens in Iran... of course, it would be better for them to get more freedom but it's not up-to me to decide for them... they did a revolution more than 30 years ago and I think that can do it and better without the help of anyone.

It is typical since Bonaparte tried it for Spain to think that we can assist people in making revolutions.... it didn't turn good for Spain and it should never be the case. I am for power to the people without external interference.

What happened in Egypt & Tunis is good, could b 4 Syria if they succeed without intervention; for Libya it's gonna be bad like Irak/Afghan

Missing mabboud 01:49 ,2011 تموز 12

I am sorry, I forgot when answering that when Hariri was killed, Ahmadinejad wasn't even president, it was Khatami who happened to be on of the leaders of the Iranian Green Movement (together with Mosavi).

I am sorry for not thinking a little bit before writing, my mistake.

However, this makes it very likely that Ahmadinejad was probably not aware of what was happening in Lebanon in 2004 (when it was decided to organize the killing of Hariri)

Is that ok as an answer people-power... u probably made the same mistake while asking the question about Ahmadinejad except if u have some info that I don't know about the real power of Dinejad b 4 becoming president.

Thanks for asking by the way :)

Thumb bashir 01:56 ,2011 تموز 12

And post of the week goes to...

"The difference between modern democratic countries and banana republics, as Lebanon has been, is how the institutions of justice are treated. The rambling village idiots finds conspiracy theories in his falafel sandwich, so don't expect much from the few on this board. The STL wheels will turn steadily, methodically and crush the guilty.

Threats, demagoguery, and boneheadedness work only in banana republics, but not in self respecting democracies."

Well stated indeed...

Thumb shab 02:06 ,2011 تموز 12

This guy calling himself neutral, isn't very neutral. He sounds like a Palastinian, for only they use the word "Jews" every time something goes wrong.
Try to understand this, no the Lebanese can unite as long as there is a filthy mafia militia threatning us with weapons. We call it "the enemey within" and must be eleminated begfore outside enemies like Iran.

Missing people-power 07:37 ,2011 تموز 12

I have to agree, the murders of Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, and Eid were most likely ordered by Khameni