جعجع: ندعم الحكومة لتثبيت حدودنا البحرية بعيدا عن الاستغلال الإقليمي

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شدد رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على ان "القوات" تقف خلف الحكومة الحالية لتثبيت حدود لبنان البحرية وضمان حقوق لبنان لدى الامم المتحدة والمراجع الدولية"، مشيراً الى أن "المطالبة بالحقوق البحرية شيء وادخال هذه الحدود في اطار صراع اكبر خدمة لمصالح اقليمية شيء آخر تماماً".

ورأى في دردشة مع الإعلاميين في معراب انه "إذا كانت هناك نية للحوار، فليقدم حزب الله وهو المعني بالبند المتبقي على الطاولة اقتراحا عمليا بشأن سلاحه وفي ضوء ذلك يتم الحوار".

وقال جعجع: "لدينا سلاح واحد في كل المواجهات التي نخوضها وهو الحوار والوسائل الديمقراطية ولا أسلحة اخرى"، مشيرا الى انه "لن نتصرف بغباء بان يُستعمل ميلنا الدائم الى الحوار لتغطية حكومة موجودة من غير المفترض ان نغطيها لأنها لا تُغطى بكافة المقاييس".

ولفت الى أن "الفرقاء الآخرين يحاولون استثمار وإضاعة الوقت الموجود ليصلوا الى نتائج أدهى من النتيجة التي وصلوا إليها، مضيفا "لا يطلبن أحد منا ان نتجاوب مع دعوة الى الحوار هي بالفعل للتمويه لا أكثر ولا أقل".

وفي سياق آخر، قال جعجع: "إذا كانت الأسباب لعدم تثبيت المدير الحالي للأمن العام أخلاقية أو مناقبية أو ما شابه، فليتفضلوا ويعلنوا عنها، أما إذا كانت الأسباب طائفية، فهذا أمر غير مقبول على الإطلاق"، متوجهاً لمن أعلنوا انهم "رجعوا الحق لأصحابو" بالقول: "لا نريد ان نرجع الحق لأصحابه، بل ان يبقى الحق مع أصحابه".

وأعلن جعجع ان لديه بداية مؤشرات الى ممارسات كيدية في وزارة المال تحديداً، قائلا "الحكومة لم تستلم عملها بعد، وقد نقلوا أناس من مكان الى مكان آخر وهذا حصل حتى قبل نيل الحكومة الثقة لأنهم منذ نيل الحكومة الثقة، ذهبوا وارتاحوا ولم يفعلوا شيئاً"، مؤكدا انه "سيطرح الموضوع وهناك أشخاص سيزورون وزير المال".

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Souma (ضيف) 15:25 ,2011 تموز 11

Where was Dr. Criminal during the past 3 years when Bassil was desperately asking the co-operation of Saad Imbecillus Grande, the leader of these goats? Dr. Criminal, always the wrong timing, always the wrong policies, always wrong.

Missing mabboud 15:28 ,2011 تموز 11

Statement concerning Borders is very good Mr, Geagea...

On the rest, I though u were clever enough to avoid contradicting yourself (or maybe it's naharnet who didn't get everything into context, I hope it's the case if not, it will mean that even the clever people are becoming so brainwashed themselves as politicians that their brain is not functioning anymore as it should)...

“We only have one weapon in confronting challenges and that is dialogue and other democratic methods,” he stressed.

“Don’t expect us to respond to a call for dialogue that in reality is no more than a distraction,”

Distraction from what democracy?

Do you surrender some of your weapons (dialog) as a goodwill sign for HA to surrender theirs? what's the logic??either I missed something or Naharnet missed something!!

u need to elaborate more I guess on your strategy of using democratic methods?

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 15:53 ,2011 تموز 11

lol...he wants to take it in the ass and not to be called gay. i apologize to gays for comparing them to sammir gaga. just needed the metaphore.

Missing peace 16:34 ,2011 تموز 11

mabboud, the point is how can you dialogue with a party that already said he will not dialogue on the most important issue that is their illegal waepons?

that is not dialogue! you dialogue with someone willing to, not with someone that says "accept my conditions then we can dialogue" !

Missing mabboud 16:57 ,2011 تموز 11

peace... that's not the point, I didn't say anything, Geagea said that he will use dialog... with who? was my question (formulated differently with some irony).

It isn't up-to me to bring the answers, it's up to Geagea and his friends who are saying that now they don't want to dialog anymore... I respect any consistent position and integrity even when I don't share it.

What is proposed now? how do we move forward? and I will repeat again, what is the plan?

Let's say that STL ens-up after an in abstentia tiral with a verdict condemning high ranked official in Hezb, Syria, Iran.. u name it; what happens next? what could be the best outcome?

I have been asking those questions on several boards and while people r prompt and clicking red thumb down, no one exposed the best plausible scenario. If STL ends-up with no verdict then m14 loses all so they should have a strategy and a vision in the other case... no? what do u think it is? what is the ideal scenario?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:10 ,2011 تموز 11

the ideal solution is a demarcation line all around the 10452 including the maritime line with occupied palestine.
and a psychological demarcation line with farsis and wahabies.
very soon ,it will be clear that this gvmt is a joke.

Missing mabboud 17:11 ,2011 تموز 11

peace.... r u fluent in French? I have some material that could be good for u to visualize... it is related to media-lies and I think it will help you better understand some of my positions.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 18:46 ,2011 تموز 11

Nobody asked you for your opinion Mr Geagea . The government knows what to do about the borders . Just take care of your ally Sad Saad , and make sure he can afford to pay his hotel bill in Paris and Monte Carlo ..

Missing mabboud 20:40 ,2011 تموز 11

Slash... what u r saying makes lot of sense and u r describing a rather not too happy ending. Yeslam hal tem!!!

This was what I wanted you to reach in terms of what the STL could bring and its hidden agenda; I posted some material on another thread (news linked to Kataeb today (u have the picture with the Kataeb flag)) I suggest u take the time to read the material, it will help u learn a lot and understand why the issue is to try to morph the STL into using something closer to ICC (international crime court).. Special tribunals have always special rules & procedures that make any serious defense impossible. If u search and try to learn about other Special Tribunals such as Rwanda, u will notice that it's always like that.

The solution is dialog, we could have had one with a government headed by Mikati and m14 being part of it... I am not saying that it would have been gr8 but that it could have helped dialog. Could is better than Nada...

Thumb bashir 20:56 ,2011 تموز 11

He is pointing out that a real dialogue would include the subject of disarming private militias (Hezbollah), calling for dialogue but not being wiling to address this most important topic in NOT real dialogue.

Anyone here with a year 6 education should be able to follow the argument.

Missing mabboud 21:06 ,2011 تموز 11

Everyone understands what the issue at stake is concerning dialog ya Bashir, what a 4 year old kid knows also is that by pushing for dialog and pushing and pushing again subject after subject, u might (I am not saying u will) be able to tackle things that u couldn't at the beginning of the dialog.

Now if you think that no dialog then let it be war.... I think that it is mostly a problem of trust and that it could take lots of time to build confidence through dialog but by firing at each other, and by arguing that the arms is the only problem Lebanon has to tackle in a dialog, u certainly won't help things move ahead.

What do u expect by keeping thing going bitter and bitter? will it help Lebanon and its citizen? will it help to push 4 a global boycott of Lebanon?

Is it responsible to call for such a thing?? what would be the issue?

And please explain it to me as a 4 year kid, make it simple. Thx 4 ur understanding.

Missing peace 22:05 ,2011 تموز 11

first thing there is taef which was accepted by all and clearly states to disarm all militias.
then there are UN resolutions. then there is the constitution etc etc

therefore why does a political party wants to keep its arms outside the control of the only legitimate body which is the army?
this party plays on words saying it is not a militia but resisting.

the national dialog is to end with the disarmemant of this militia and see the best way to defend the country: which in EVERY state of the world is given to its national army!

if the hezb refuses then it will bear the responsibility of what would follow.

but as it does not in any case want to disarm, what is the point of a dialogue? they wanted to set up a calendar, they never refer to it anymore and they want to liberate palestine! clearly meaning they will not disarm!
let it face its responsability and assume the consequences.

Missing mabboud 22:42 ,2011 تموز 11

peace... u continue circling and saying the same things again like an old vinyl disc (maybe u r to young to know... 3alak al disk).

the problem is not to say let the Hezb take the responsibility but how can responsible politician act to help their country and if dialog is the solution, even a fake one; courageous politicians will accept it.

Rejecting it and saying u will have to bare the consequences is not a patriot attitude because at the end of the day, u will get bombed as well... do u want to end-up in Iraq?

HN is not as crazy as other people in the Hezb and is probably the best Hezb numero uno to talk to (it is the different generals from UN in Lebanon that say so i.e. that he is a reasonable man).... even if it doesn't end-up with a nice honeymoon, a responsible politicians has to try it....

The only way to confront the Hezb is through serious dialog and not by playing the international game and try to trick it, this will only lead to more wars & destroy lebanon

Thumb bashir 01:45 ,2011 تموز 12

mabboud, you are the only one here ignorant enough to endorse 'fake' dialogue (your words, not mine). absurd.

Missing mabboud 03:20 ,2011 تموز 12

fake is in the perception i.e. we don't engage in dialog cause there is no dialog.... a dialog could never be fake if u engage, it can be from the other part if its your perception. I know it might be hard to get but I am happy that at least u r reading and trying to find things to comment :)

Default-user-icon sammy (ضيف) 08:28 ,2011 تموز 12

Le Phenicien, please don't stop, you are now even better than Abu El Abed jokes.... OMG I am cracking here
and for all the others that can only use defammatory words, you can do better than that, that only shows your weakness cos honestly, the ones you are trying to insult do not give a damn... like tht old saying "what john tells me about Paul tells me more about John that it does about Paul"

Missing people-power 09:09 ,2011 تموز 12

What John said about Paul..... "the only thing you did was Yesterday"