ناشطون وحقوقيون يستنكرون شريط فيديو يتهم حزب الله بتصفية جرحى في سوريا

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يثير شريط فيديو نشره ناشطون سوريون ضجة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على الانترنت، اذ يظهر، بحسب قولهم، عناصر من حزب الله وهم يطلقون النار على جرحى لم تعرف هويتهم، بقصد تصفيتهم.

ولا يمكن التحقق من صحة الفيديو ولا من هوية المسلحين الذين يظهرون فيه وهم يرتدون ملابس القتال المرقطة، ويظهر على بعضها الشارة الصفراء التي يضعها اجمالا مقاتلو حزب الله، ويتكلمون بلهجة لبنانية.

ويظهر في الشريط وهو ذو نوعية سيئة جدا، المسلحون وهم يسحبون جريحا وقد غطى الدم عنقه وقسما كبيرا من قميصه الابيض، من مؤخرة سيارة ويجرونه ارضا.

ثم يسحبون آخر، بينما بدا على الارض قربهما شخصان ميتان على الارجح ومغطيان بدمائهما ايضا. واطلق المسلحون من رشاشاتهم النار على الجرحى بطلقات اوتوماتيكية متتالية.

وتسمع اصوات متداخلة في الشريط، ويمكن تبين اسمين: "يحيى" و"علي" تتم المناداة عليهما.

وفي آخر الشريط، يتدخل احد المسلحين ويقول للآخرين "لحظة، لحظة، نحن نؤدي تكليفنا، ولا ننتقم لانفسنا". فيصرخ الآخرون "في سبيل الله، في سبيل الله".

وضجت صفحات "فيسبوك" وحسابات "تويتر" بالتعليقات المريرة.

وفي هذا كتب مصطفى فحص على فيسبوك "بين السلفية الجهادية السنية والاصولية الجهادية الشيعية، علينا ان نتحسس رقابنا كثيرا".

كذلك شبه هيثم شمص والصحافي عمر حرقوص على صفحتيهما ما فعله العناصر المفترضون من حزب الله، بممارسات الجهاديين في سوريا.

فكتب الاول "قلناها من زمان... حزب الله وداعش (دولة الاسلام في العراق والشام) وجهان لعملة واحدة". وقال الثاني ان الفيديو "هو بكل سيئاته كما فيديو آكل القلوب"، في اشارة الى الشريط الذي نشر عن مقاتل سوري معارض يهم بأكل احشاء سوري علوي موال للنظام في حلب والذي اثار تنديدا عالميا.

وانتقدت الناشطة الحقوقية فرح قبيسي الشريط، معتبرة ان "هذه ليست بأخلاقيات من حمل سلاحا ضد اسرائيل يوما. هذا إنحطاط ميليشيات ومرتزقة".

وعلى موقع تويتر، كتبت انجي نصار ان الشريط "مروع ومثير للاشمئزاز".

وندد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان بالحادثة التي تظهر في الشريط، واصفا اياها بانها "جريمة حرب تستوجب المحاسبة"، مشيرا في الوقت ذاته الى انه لم يتمكن بعد "من التحقق من تاريخ الشريط المصور ولا هوية المسلحين أو الجرحى الذين أطلق النار عليهم، أو مكان تنفيذ الجريمة".

وفي مقال لحسام عيتاني في صحيفة "الحياة" العربية جاء ان الشريط "يعلن المعنى العميق لشعارات دفع السوريون واللبنانيون والفلسطينيون والعرب عموما ثمن زيفها"، من "المقاومة والممانعة والصمود وأشرف الناس"، وهذه التسمية الاخيرة هي التي يطلقها الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله على مناصريه.

التعليقات 55
Thumb liberty 20:48 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Criminals, Sectarians, Hateful Thugs. May the Lord punish them for what they have done.... everything! I watched the video so did most people all over the world. This is an organization and a culture that must be annihilated as it poses a danger to humanity. Their hatred for their fellow moslems outweighs any other cause the falsely claim to fight for. Nassrallah is a criminal.

Thumb liberty 21:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Zip it you half-tongued ignorant and illiterate southerner!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 22:07 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

:) lol @liberty! This was a "truck" insurgency according to a very well known poster here on Naharnet, and similar to the Baniyas insurgency was swiftly put down. In wars, people die including women and children. Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mazloooooooooooooom

Missing lebcan 01:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Southern Shia are NOT Muslims!!! But I will NOT hate you but pity the like of you!!! I will Leave you alone to follow your beliefs but LEAVE US alone... OR....

Missing VINCENT 02:28 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Israel did it. This is all fabricated and a ploy my Zionists, like the U.S., Israel and Baba Ghanouj.

Thumb shab 20:55 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Filthy militia

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:32 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

there is no truer description my friend. Filthy militia indeed!

Thumb benzona 21:03 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Araf! The whole organization should be judged in the Netherlands.

Thumb justice 21:05 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Nassrallah has created a cult similar to others in modern history including the Nazis. He has convinced an already agreeable shia society he is their hope and protection. Yo may ask hope for what? It is their hope to control Lebanon through weapons, obtain privileges, and avenge the death of their Hussain by humiliating and killing Sunnis. For them, if you kill a Sunni you go to heaven. They believe when all Sunnis are killed their Mahdi will appear. Yes, it is a cult, a disease, a tumor.

Missing canadianadam 04:42 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Yep. That's when musa al sadr will make his return lol.

Thumb benzona 21:22 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

NEVER EVER AGAIN should Hezbollah be part of a government. NEVER! C'est fini!

Thumb primesuspect 21:46 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Naharnet is hardly accessible 2day. it's laggy! i guess a lot of people want to know how far these obnoxious hizballa terroritas are willing 2 go 2 ensure their survival as an internacional terrorist and criminal org.

Default-user-icon Tar Bouche (ضيف) 22:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10


Thumb benzona 22:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

'Te fatigue pas avec cette enflure ! Il est irrécupérable. De plus, je lui ai interdit de m'adresser la parole, Il me salissait.

Missing muslim 22:47 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

I could clearly hear the heavy southern lebanese accent in the video. So if it isen't hezballah, then who is it? Don't be foolish. These were clearly hezballah. They like to show themselves as honourable with high morals but they are just thugs.

Thumb lebanon_first 23:20 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Disgusting. Executing prisonners of war is against Geneva convention. Allah yse3idna to have such a milicia controlling our country.

Thumb primesuspect 00:40 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Controlling our country ? No

Holding a country hostage YES

They'll pay 4 it. trust me, it'll get back at them like a boomerang in the face !

Missing lebcan 02:05 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Yes, What goes around comes around... ;)

Thumb lebanon_first 23:23 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

Southern. This behaviour is obviously not accepted by the leadership of HA. It is a few rogue elements who are under the extreme tension of war acting of their own.
Cant you say this instead of systematically defending each and every action that HA does?

Missing peace 23:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

"even they know it's another staged video, they want to believe it... Hate!"
just like all the videos of alqaeda you talk about, they are all staged.... LOL

Missing peace 23:39 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

sure , not easy for hezbis to acknowledge their militia acts like qaeda or nusra! LOL their brain bugs !

Thumb lebanon_first 23:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 10

a logical answer to a cheap accusation. Keep them coming Texas.

Missing peace 00:03 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

you are just to pity... i let you to your sexual fantasies of yours always resorting to them when you get nervous...

Missing peace 00:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

just like you praised the bombing of ashrafiyeh....

Missing peace 00:05 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

and the killings of lebanese in car bombings and distribution of sweets in dahiye the day hariri got killed and... and...

Missing peace 00:06 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

now you feel like all those victims of car bombings in their neighborhood by your syrian friends... just reap what you sow

Missing peace 00:20 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

he carefully avoided to mention the baklawa distribution to celebrate killings, have you noticed? LOL

Missing peace 00:24 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

no baklawa distribution when hariri died, when others died to... seems you are definately trying to omit that... sure it is embarassing for your propaganda... poor thing.

Missing peace 00:48 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

yes they did ... seems you have selective memory poor thing....

Thumb primesuspect 00:48 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

as u say comrade, as u say.

same sh!t, different logos!

Thumb primesuspect 00:53 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

al qaeda and hizballa are two sides of one same coin. they feed on sheep like u .... lost people in life.... hopeless and helpless, again like u.

Missing peace 01:00 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

no he is fun! he is better than mr bean, more laughs! but the funniest thing is that he is not even aware of it. but eventually he gets boring... i ll let him rant , i have more important things to do now... entertaining he was and for free! LOL

Missing peace 00:55 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

and if you and M14 dislike al-qeada so much then why support them in syria???

yes in fools heads like yours M14 support qaeda... but i won't bother your neurones with it, they are too tired to understand reality.... good luck with your lala world ... always funs and good laughs reading your stupidities!

Thumb primesuspect 01:02 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

wow! that's shocking news.

Missing peace 01:06 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

isn't he cute? ... mwah!

Thumb Loubnani 02:03 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Shameful criminal act whoever has done it. I hope the culprits whoever they are perish in their own hatred.

However I find it difficult to believe anything I find on Youtube. It is definitely not a reliable source of information

Just check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXH5VfEAbs for example. It could be anyone staging anything

Thumb Loubnani 03:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Did you see me take sides lebanonforever? You will never see me take sides as what's happening is criminal on both sides. Ultimately what is happening in Syria from whichever angle you look at it, is shameful at best and simply beyond barbaric. Extremism has no one face, I'm afraid, and all its faces are ugly.

We should take all news these days with a pinch of salt is all I'm saying.

Your words ooze anger fired aimlessly. I don't think "we" disagree about politics as I don't trust or believe in any one political movement, party or politician that exists in Lebanon.

Any normal level headed person wants what's best for the country. I hope we all at least agree on this.

Thumb Loubnani 03:53 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Trust me lebanonforever I know how you feel because this is how I feel, frustrated.

Lebanon has always had so much potential to be a great country but unfortunately it's not. We failed our country in so many ways it is heartbreaking. We had so many chances to move on and live with dignity and respect but we always get sucked into conflict. We are easily lured be hatred. It does nothing but separate us and what we need is unity. Unity for Lebanon because there is no alternative. We either live as one or as a nation we die. God bless

Missing lebcan 02:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11


Missing lebcan 02:07 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

inside_mann is BRain Washed!!!

Thumb primesuspect 05:23 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

not even, only a empty skull washed!

Missing canadianadam 04:37 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Absolutely disgusting.

How in the world can they say this isn't HA?!?!
Remember during the civil war we would know who was who from their dialect! That isn't easily faked.


Missing canadianadam 04:44 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Respect that you called that. I hope FT and southerner and blind followers of m8 and m14 learn from what you said.

Thumb primesuspect 05:20 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

when u c such atrocities committed by hizballa, u an no longer doubt they killed pierre gemayel, tueni or kassir.

Thumb primesuspect 05:22 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11


Missing greatpierro 08:53 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Southern, on what basis you are denying outcry manner this video. Just because it potentially incriminates Hizbullah. It may be true it may be fake. The best you could do is to say well lets wait until this video is authentified. As a hizbullah supporter your support to hizbullah should be intelligently but not blindly.

Default-user-icon Ataf Nafas (ضيف) 09:44 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Its the Hizib who committed this crime, the Hizib which was created in 1983 by Haras Sawry Irani - Safak related to Mousad.
This truth Its the Hizib who committed this crime, the Hizib which was created in 1983 by Haras Sawry Irani – related or who inherited the Safak ruled by to Mousad.
These truths that Hizib is pulling its fellow’s people only not all Shia to the mud, Syrians r 24 Millions, how many the Hizib r? They used lately teenagers to protect the surrounding of Daheya, where even it own peoples were not happy with this action to be separated from other part of the surroundings, u can figure the yellow strips at least on one of the shoulders killers, same yellow strips used during the invasion of Abra, so believe it, yess, it the Hizib who committed this war crime, to be continued....

Default-user-icon Ataf Nafas (ضيف) 09:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

and there will come one day when all Hizb criminals will be pulled to Netherlands, only if Israel and USA agreed to pull Hizb to Lahay court, as they are both the back supports of the Hizib, and USA is lying to us that they r supporting Syrian peoples whom they r killed by BARAMEEL MOTFAJIRAH / exploded barrels and gas cylinders, chemicals, it assad who statd that he will keep on killing Syrians till they became 9 millions as he said on TV, may ALLAH put mercy on these Syrian Martyrs.

Default-user-icon Ataf Nafas (ضيف) 10:03 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

Sorry, as my comment was divided into 3 parts due to text size.
May ALLAH put mercy on these martyrs................

Default-user-icon GOD (ضيف) 10:43 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

If this video is true .. than I am not god anymore....
Clearly a bed directed movie .. done by alostakbal

Missing samiam 14:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

why are you trying to deny this? Hizb iran has been part of the shabiha in syria and the basij in iran, and you get an impression that being civil isn't part of the job description. Just accept it and move on--stop acting indignant. War sucks, and all sides are guilty of crimes, including your beloved hizb iran.

Default-user-icon Pilfore Giocambo (ضيف) 17:18 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

How close to impossible it is to get some yellow fabric, wrap them around their arms and say Ali and Hussein, AND FILMING THEMSELVES, TOO. Therefore, this must be real, of course, and should cause outrage in the brains of the brain-dead. As if we have not seen enough real footage of fresh heart-eating animals in Syria.

Default-user-icon Ziad (ضيف) 19:08 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

this is disturbing who ever did this may god show him and everyone he cares for no mercy

Thumb Bandoul 20:30 ,2013 تشرين الأول 11

@thelabanesepatriot, bala marba, bala akhle2, bala asl, bala deen. Ya 3eib el shoum 3ala heik kalem. I feel sorry for you.

Default-user-icon M ali (ضيف) 14:52 ,2013 كانون الأول 24

Thats what i call justice kill the fsa hyenas wherever u find them.