ملف شهود الزور الى الواجهة من جديد بعد تجاهله من جلسات البيان

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كشفت مصادر وزارية أن "حزب الله" اتخذ قراره بإعادة طرح ملف ما يسمى "شهود الزور" في جريمة اغتيال رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري على طاولة مجلس الوزراء، وهذا ما أبلغه وزيرا الحزب محمد فنيش وحسين الحاج حسن لعدد من زملائهما الوزراء".

واستبعدت المصادر إثارة الموضوع في جلسة الخميس من خارج جدول الأعمال باعتبار أن طرحه من صلاحية رئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة وبالتالي سيضغط "حزب الله" في جلسات لاحقة لمناقشته لاتخاذ موقف منه يقضي بإحالته على المجلس العدلي.

وأكدت المصادر الى صحيفة "الحياة" أن الملف "لم يكن حاضراً على طاولة لجنة صوغ البيان الوزاري"، قائلة انه "أثير لمرة واحدة على "الواقف"، على هامش أحد اجتماعات اللجنة لكن أحداً من الوزراء لم يطرحه كما في السابق".

ولفتت "الحياة" ان أحد الوزراء نقل عن زميل له قوله على هامش اجتماعات لجنة صوغ البيان الوزاري إن "ملف شهود الزور أصبح وراءنا وإن إثارته حققت الهدف منها والمتمثل في إقالة حكومة سعد الحريري".

الا انه وبحسب الصحيفة عينها، يأتي إصرار "حزب الله" على إعادة طرح الموضوع في سياق الرد على مداخلة النائب سامي الجميل في مناقشته البيان الوزاري الذي سأل عن أسباب تغييب موضوع شهود الزور عن البيان مع أنه كان السبب في الإطاحة بحكومة الحريري.

وكذلك فان لاعادة فتح الموضوع سبب اخر وهو تجميع الأوراق السياسية في المواجهة الجارية بين "حزب الله" والمحكمة الدولية على خلفية ما ورد في قرارها الاتهامي.

التعليقات 7
Missing mabboud 11:33 ,2011 تموز 12

Mowaten, it won't be much of a help I guess... watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13yRxBStGyY&feature=player_embedded#at=22

It's hard to change what's in people mind and their perception!!

Missing mabboud 12:04 ,2011 تموز 12

I think that we should bring-up all issues with the STL:

IIIC questionable path to justice, starting with Mehlis and ending with Bellemare visiting US embassies (but it's normal, it was one of the country paying for his salary... he probably visited KSA embassy as well but no wikis, there).

IIIC rules and procedures: there are so many questionable procedures that we should try to align such procedures with common standards (e.g. defense ability to question witnesses is very diminished)

Lebanon should have the upper hand on such Tribunal, and the Sierra Leone model is much better...

no Chapter 7, it doesn't make sense at all, it is not Lebanon that is accused and chapter 7 doesn't make sense

Ability should be given to Lebanon. to audit the process if not to control it

Lebanon should have the ability to investigate for the leaks as well as the credibility of the witnesses (let's say they aren't necessarily false witnesses)

No citizen extradition like US, France & others

Thumb shab 12:32 ,2011 تموز 12

Nonsense picture, because they will be beaten in the end. Stop jabbing about the STL...it's here, it's happening and some A-holes will be judged. End of story

Missing mabboud 13:42 ,2011 تموز 12

mowaten... I know TM, he is good when it comes to deal with facts and journalism, he helps nuance things but he is like other journalists, too much one sided, it's unfortunate because he loses credibility.

I read his interviews and appreciate some of the work he does but taking few facts and elaborating a huge theory around is not much better than what the IIIC does (though it has more integrity since he publishes himself what he has to say... no leaks).

TM is also very much involved with Syria and Iran and I guess that this also helps remove some credibility.

That said, I agree that there is a possibility for non conventional explosives in Hariri attack but don't buy more the TM theory than the Wisssam Eid finding networks in Excel sheets when Mehlis team clearly stated in their reports that they brough all the necessary experts and software to scan and analyse the calls data (it is in his reports and this is how he got the 6 lines supposedly)

Missing mabboud 13:46 ,2011 تموز 12

BTW, voltaire is doing a better job covering Libya than Syria.

I also give more credibility to TM than Mehlis but both are too bias in my opinion.

Thumb bashir 14:06 ,2011 تموز 12

Hizbollah has already stated that they will not co operate with STL, so why waste valuble cabinet time bleating on aboout it? Isn't there anything else that sat undone for 5 months you could concentrate on to actually help people? How about providing internet speeds and rates that are better than Somalia?

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 18:56 ,2011 تموز 12

I bet you any thing the 'false witnesses' aren't even a major part (if any) of the evidence that will be presented in the trial hence why the investigation took so long and the direction of the investigation moved away from these witnesses years ago.

They can cry and moan about the false witnesses as much as they want, but the evidence will be conclusive, too bad they will make up some conspiracy theory to explain it and the men will never face justice. Or their bosses for that matter...