عائلة لبكي تناشد الكنيسة المارونية التدخل لدى الفاتيكان لنيل الاستئناف حول قضية التحرش بالأطفال
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ناشدت عائلة المونسنيور منصور لبكي، الذي اتهم بالتحرش الجنسي بالأطفال، الكنيسة المارونية للتدخل لدى المراجع العليا في الفاتيكان لنيل استئناف في دعوى لبكي.
وقالت العائلة في مؤتمر صحفي عقدته عصر اليوم السبت في بلدية بعبدات : "نناشد البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، وراعي أبرشية بيروت للموارنة المطران بولس مطر، ومجلس المطارنة الموارنة، وجميع الأساقفة والرهبان، ورفاق المونسينيور لبكي وتلاميذه "التدخل لدى المراجع العليا في الفاتيكان، بالتماس البركة أمام عظمة البابا فرنسيس، لنيل استئناف في دعوى لبكي"،.
وأضافت: نعلق على هذا الطلب "دموعنا وأملنا وإيماننا"، راجين "عدالة السماء".
واكدت العائلة أن "المرسوم الكنسي الذي صدر عن روما اتهم الأب لبكي بالتحرش بـ3 قاصرات"، موضحة أن "طبيعة المرسوم هي Secret Pontifical ولم يكن معدّاً لإطلاع عليه من قبل الجمهور".
ولفتت الى أنه "لم تتم محاكمة الأب لبكي على درجتين، أي لم تستأنف القضيّة "، معتبرة ان "هذا حق لأي شخص كما أنه لم يتم التأكد من الشهادات التي قدّمت للمحكمة".
يشار الى أنه تم وضع الاب منصور لبكي على لائحة الاباء المتهمين بالبيدوفيليا. واصدر مجمع عقيدة الايمان في الفاتيكان الحكم عليه في حزيران 2013، في وقت تكتمت عنه الكنيسة حتى أصدرت يوم الثلاثاء صحيفة لا كروا الفرنسية مقالاً كشفت فيه عن الحكم بحق لبكي بالاعتداء الجنسي على عدد من القاصرين في مياتم للاطفال اسسها في لبنان و فرنسا, بعد الحرب الاهلية.
وكانت القضية بحسب ما أشارت قناة الـ LBCI قد رفعت في فرنسا وحولت الى الفاتيكان بعد تحقيق دام سنتين عقب تقديم شهادات مكتوبة من 17 شخصاً عن اعتداء ا لبكي عليهم في صغرهم، ومن بينهم ابنة اخيه الذي اعتدى عليها في الثامنة من عمرها حسب مصدر مواكب للملف .
و اكدت مصادر مواكبة للقضية للـ LBCI , صدور الحكم و لكنها نفت ان يكون الأب لبكي مذنبا، مبررةً التهمة بمشاكل مادية بينه وبين ابنة اخته.
وكشفت المصادر عينها ، ان لبكي موجود اليوم في دير راهبات دير الصليب في برمانا بعدما حكم عليه بحياة من الصلاة والتكفير عن الذنب ومنعه من ترؤس القداديس والخدمة الكهنوتية لمدى الحياة.
ويذكر ان الأب لبكي اشتهر بتأليف التراتيل الكنسية وبإدارة الحوارات حول السلام والاهتمام باليتامى، حاول استئناف الحكم لكن المحكمة في روما رفضت هذا الاستئناف .
وكان الأب عبدو ابو كسم أكد في وقت سابق صدور القرار بحق لبكي من دون ان يؤكد حصول الجرم، مشيرا الى أن السلطات المحلية ستلتزم بهذا القرار.

shameful and funny. How dare his family asks for help from the high authorities and blabla when their relative had been proven guilty. Even if hes a well known figure or a writer or whatever hes a Pedophile and a proven one so his family should shut up.

Correct, i wonder how they even had the guts to come out and do a press conference, they are the ones who should be hiding, not asking for his release.

As a secular person it hurts me like hell writting theses words: i believe that our lebanese jusdicial system will take jngo consideration his rank, his family influence, the image of yhe church (as if protecting such a person would benefit the church image, such persons are ruining the church image).... If we had a fair unbiased civil judicial sustem of course yes but till then.... I really wish that a civil court takes over from here but i'm afraid of our civil court corruption...

It is sad, i never imagined that i would not trust the lebanese judicial system that much... Prefering the jugment of a religious tribunal, uff...really hurts my secular mind.... And still some asks why i prefer the STL to our judicial system....

@anonymetexasusa Actually, he was never tried in French courts, it was only the Vatican courts. It was the same courts that rejected the appeal ("the appeal was rejected by ROME"). There is no way in hell the ultra-secular French judicial system could accept a pedophile to be sentenced to "a life of penitence and prayer", that's not even a real sentence.
P.S. This is IN NO WAY a defense of Labaki. I just find it really bizarre that French courts haven't taken action since he's accused of committing his transgressions on French soil.

Usualy the vatican turn a blind eye and try to cover such abuse, in that case the verdict was clear and official... So imagine how bad lpnsenieur was.... He tooked advantage of minors and in lebanon we still have people going on the open to try to potect him.... What a shame... How in hell can they ho and take position sith him? Raking advantage of children...

shouldn't this be a criminal case? pedophilia is a crime. the families of the victims should be demanding criminal prosecution. What is lifetime of penitence?

Did he appreciate little boys, girls or both?
Thank God Lebanon is not infested with pædophiles as it is here in Europe.

The Catholic church is evil , they are a wicked evil organization has nothing to do with God , they are Not following the real message of christianity which is the teaching of jesus christ . Jesus is the only way to heaven , not the pop ,not the priest ,not the saints ,the salvation made by jesus when he died on the cross for your sin ,so you will be saved by jesus christ ONLY . He gave us a free gift to heaven ,all what you have to do is to accept it ,repent from your sins and belive that jesus paid the price for you so you can be saved and go to heaven not because you are good but becuse of the grace that jesus gave you so any one belive in him shall be saved .

So did you copy paste all that from some random protestant website? Clearly forgetting Catholicism has been around as early as Jesus' disciples.. and it wasn't until 1500 years later protestant movement was started.. that's 1500 years later.. That movement went its own way adjusting itself and watering down the teaching of the Christ just to suit society and attract more followers..
Wicked evil organization, yet it is the most generous organization in the world ..for millenniums! All the donations made my the Catholic church and it's followers have never been matched since the start of it. Billions of dollars a year are sent into education and health facilities around the world to help people, whether they are Christians, Muslims or whatever.
Deception is the Devil's game, don't play into it!

Like most Lebanes, the famiglia seem to be used to "wastat." In any case, those who might get involved are known and it is known why: Elie Marouni, George Adwan, Potato Nadim and his cousin Samasimo. Good luck.

The difference is that there are no basis or grounds in the Bible for what this priest did (or allegedly did). It is completely unacceptable in a secular as well as in a religious/Christian society.
But in Islam, it is permitted. As you look to your "prophet" who married Aisha when she was 6 years old and apparently was so nice that he waited till she turned 9 years old to sleep with her.
"And (as for) those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, if you have a doubt, their prescribed time shall be three months, and of those too who have not had their courses; and (as for) the pregnant women, their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden; and whoever is careful of (his duty to) Allah He will make easy for him his affair."
Qur'an 65:4

We always "ShatreeN" to Stone ...!!!!!!!!! Please...Let us Pray...!!!!!! "INSHALAH EL KAMHA LI nzar3et bi kloubna Tmout w Tinma wit Zahhir Mahabbeh"""""""""""""La Toudinouuu kay La Toudanou"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE GO AND SEARCH FOR St.Padre Pio's Story.......!!!!!!!!!!! For sure You Will understand then....what I MeaN!!!!!!!!!
OUR PRAYERS WITH You Father Labaki....Forever!!!! AMEn