ميقاتي أكد حق لبنان في الحفاظ على حدوده وحمايتها من أي اعتداء
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي "حق لبنان في الحفاظ على حدوده كافة وحمايتها من أي إعتداء وحقه في إستثمار ثرواته الطبيعية".
وشدد ميقاتي خلال ترؤسه إجتماعا وزاريا خصص للبحث في موضوع ترسيم الحدود البحرية اللبنانية على أن "موضوع الحدود البحرية سيناقش في مجلس الوزراء غدا لاتخاذ القرار المناسب بشأن خطة التحرك لمواجهة الاطماع والتهديدات الاسرائيلية".
وفي خلال الاجتماع إستمع الحاضرون الى شرح عن عملية ترسيم الحدود البحرية اللبنانية وكيفية متابعة هذا الأمر مع الهيئات الدولية المختصة ومع جمهورية قبرص لتأكيد حق لبنان في الحفاظ على حدوده وحماية حقوقه.
وكان قد لفت وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل في حديثه الى صحيفة "السفير"، "ان هذا الاجتماع يعكس مدى اهمية موضوع الحدود البحرية والحرص على حق لبنان، خلافا لما كان يحصل ايام الحكومة السابقة من تجاهل وعدم اكتراث مع موضوع حيوي ووطني كهذا الموضوع".
ودعا الى التوجه "مباشرة الى الخطوة التالية المتمثلة بمطالبة الامم المتحدة بالتأكيد، ليس حق لبنان في ثروته في النفط والغاز والاعتراف بحدودنا البحرية والاقتصادية فحسب، بل التوجه الى الامم المتحدة ومطالبتها بأن تحترم مواثيقها وقراراتها والقانون الدولي".
وفي المقابل اشارت صحيفة "اللواء" الى ان الوزير نحاس يعكف على اعادة دراسة الملف الذي كان وضعه للغاية الوزير الصفدي ابان تسلمه حقيبة الاقتصاد لاتخاذ الاجراءات المناسبة في هذا السياق.
واقتضى الامر الواقع الاسرائيلي استنفارا لبنانيا دبلوماسيا وامنيا حيث عقد وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور سلسلة اجتماعات مع المسؤولين من بينهم رئيس الوفد اللبناني الى اجتماعات الناقورة اللواء عبد الرحمن شحيتلي وتباحثا في القضية قبيل اجتماع اللجنة الثلاثية الاسبوع المقبل لإجراء المقتضى.
you want the UN to respect your decisions . but you will not respect any international laws such as STL mister basil " the world is a tow way street give and take " but you and your Hezbollah only know one way " the arrogance way " good luck getting your way at the UN
you want the UN to respect your decisions . but you will not respect any international laws such as STL mister basil " the world is a tow way street give and take " but you and your Hezbollah only know one way " the arrogance way " good luck getting your way at the UN
You have got to F****** kidding me. Where is the border security on the Syrian front? Where is the control of arms brought into Lebanese territory? What a F****** joke. May peace be with Lebanon and Israel.
What's so wrong with removing HA's weapons or integrating them into the Lebanese army? There is no way a state can really advance socially and economically if there's the threat of weapons. Don't kid yourself into thinking that HA is still necessary for Lebanon. They were a real resistance in the past but are no longer needed. Tell me of a single nation in the entire world that is a true and thriving democracy and that respects its citizens and treats them with dignity while having weapons and organized militias in their backyard!
Quite revealing bigdig that you see disarming illegal militias as 'accommodating the west' rather than preserving peace and law and order in Lebanon.
The Hezbollah spokesman/PM Miqati is beginning the process which will lead to another 'resistance' initiated war which will kill innocent Lebanese.
After the maritime border then what? Who's gonna drill ? Remove the filthy's non-Islamic weapons, sign a peace treaty with all our neigbours and get a real job. Spare us of your Israeli complexes.
After the maritime border then what? Who's gonna drill ? Remove the filthy's non-Islamic weapons, sign a peace treaty with all our neigbours and get a real job. Spare us of your Israeli complexes.
Busy doing nothing, Israel has been always used as a pretense for mrdiocrity. Since this government could not do anything to benefit lebanon it pretends now to be busy with the maritime borders as if the lebanese are starving or suffering economically because of that?
Expat... Have you heard of the united states of America ? They have armed militias all over the place.
I would agree with last bigdig's comment here....we all want peace guys...we all want to return...but this should be done with dignity...look at Jordan...what did they get in exchange of their peace treaty with Israel? The right to beg for getting some water???? The integration of HA's weapons into the army should be done at the right time and smartly...
I think things are even much worse... we have mow people on this board who pretend to be patriots and all they do is criticize the government even when the latter is defending it's potential oil/gas reserves.
It's funny to be so blind that even when we ask UN not to be biased and do what it has to do, applying the International territorial laws, we find people almost defending the rights of Israel who doesn't respect international laws at all.
It is not about HA arms, it is not about STL, it is about protecting our assets & rights as a country who is a UN member... you want to debate about the STL we can but it's another subject and same goes with the arms of HA.