الأسد يصدر عفواً عاماً عن الجرائم المرتكبة ويعفي جميل من منصبه
Read this story in Englishاصدر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اليوم الثلاثاء مرسوم "عفو عام" عن المتخلفين عن الالتحاق بخدمة العلم والجنود الفارين من الخدمة، شرط تسليم انفسهم خلال مهل معينة، بحسب ما ذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية "سانا".
ولا يوضح المرسوم ما اذا كان العفو يشمل الذين حملوا السلاح ضد الجيش السوري.
وجاء في نص المرسوم ان "رئيس الجمهورية، بناء على أحكام الدستور (...) يمنح عفوا عاما عن الجرائم المرتكبة قبل تاريخ 29 تشرين الاول/اكتوبر" اي اليوم، "عن كامل العقوبة" بالنسبة الى جرائم التخلف عن الالتحاق بالخدمة الالزامية او الفرار منها، "اذا تمت تسوية اوضاعهم التجنيدية اصولا خلال ثلاثين يوما". او "اذا التحقوا بوحداتهم" خلال هذه المهلة.
كما يشمل العفو "عن كامل العقوبة" عن "مرتكبي جرائم الفرار الداخلي" و"الخارجي" اي الجنود الذين يتركون قطعهم العسكرية ولا يعودوا يلتحقون، من يبقى منهم داخل البلاد او من يغادرها، شرط ان "يسلموا انفسهم خلال ثلاثين يوما بالنسبة للفرار الداخلي وتسعين يوما بالنسبة للفرار الخارجي".
وسبق للاسد ان اصدر مراسيم عفو عديدة مشابهة لهذا منذ بدء النزاع السوري في منتصف آذار 2011.
وشمل مرسوم عفو صادر في نيسان "الجرائم الارهابية" و"التآمر" و"حيازة السلاح وتهريبه".
كذلك، صدر مرسوم رئاسي سوري اليوم الثلاثاء باعفاء نائب رئيس الوزراء السوري قدري جميل من منصبه، بحسب ما ذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية (سانا)، وذلك غداة الكشف عن لقاء عقده مع دبلوماسيين اميركيين.
واوردت سانا بيانا لرئاسة مجلس الوزراء جاء فيه "نتيجة لغياب الدكتور قدرى جميل نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء للشؤون الاقتصادية عن مقر عمله ودون اذن مسبق، وعدم متابعته لواجباته المكلف بها كنائب اقتصادي في ظل الظروف التي تعاني منها البلاد، اضافة الى قيامه بنشاطات ولقاءات خارج الوطن دون التنسيق مع الحكومة وتجاوزه العمل المؤسساتي والهيكلية العامة للدولة، صدر مرسوم رئاسي باعفائه من منصبه".
وذكرت مصادر سورية ان جميل عقد السبت لقاء في جنيف مع الدبلوماسي الاميركي روبرت فورد، السفير الاميركي في سوريا المقيم خارجها بسبب الازمة والمكلف الملف السوري، وبحث معه في التحضيرات لعقد مؤتمر جنيف 2.
وكان الاعلام الروسي نقل عن جميل اعلانه عقد هذا اللقاء، مشيرا الى انه "الاول من نوعه منذ بدء الازمة السورية" في منتصف آذار 2011.
وكان قدري جميل اول من كشف عن الموعد المحدد لعقد مؤتمر جنيف-2 في 23 تشرين الثاني من موسكو اثر اجتماعه مع مسؤولين في وزارة الخارجية لاروسية في 17 تشرين الاول.
وقدري جميل مؤسس حزب الإرادة الشعبية الماركسي، ويشكل جزءا من "معارضة الداخل" في سوريا المقبولة من النظام.
u summarized in one sentence what discussion with Assads, Hizbos or Farsis mean : lie and deception...
As long as this deeply rooted hatred is kept alive by the instigators of hate between the two Muslim sects, sacking is the list of your problems. Of all countries, we the Lebanese allowed and brought these bastards and their issues into our homes, and the slaughter goes on. Whether we blame the West, U.S. or Israel, the perpetrators from either side are our next door neighbors. So, yes stick to your guns, keep this hatred alive, remain divided and concurred.
I hope President Assad will hold free and fair elections with many different political groups. They just need to make sure to get rid of all the Al-Qeada groups first before then can progress as a nation.
I am no comic, just a simpleton. And Lewis Black is lousy.
Well it did happen and President Assad was wrong for not listening to some of the population.
But one can not simply deny that Syria has been over-run by terrorist coming from numerous countries. The issue of these terrorists need to be dealt with first before Syria can move-on as a country.
Please see my first statement.
If you refer to my fist statement I clearly stated I hope President Assad steps aside and Syria can have FREE and FAIR elections with many political parties. They just need to get rid of the terrorists first.
My fault. You are indeed correct, I did not mention that. But that is what I think should happen.
But do you not agree that the terrorist situation needs to be dealt with? The flow of arms and support to these terrorist cells needs to be stopped. A political solution to end the bloodshed should be implemented. Saudi Arabia needs to "throw in the towel"?
I understand, Assad is not the greatest and has made many mistakes. He should step down and yes Al-Qeada are the result of him not addressing his people's concerns.
But the reality now on the ground is that they are there and they are there to fight to the death. All terrorist groups refused to negotiate and this includes the FSA. The only thing these groups seem to be calling for is President Assad's removal from power.
Syria needs to eliminate these terrorist groups. Any SYRIANS who have joined these groups need to disassociate themselves from these terrorists groups and as a country they need to drive these terrorists out.
I cannot speak for the Assad Administration. But I did hear some situations where the government allowed many defected soldiers to re-join the army.
Sooner or later they need to make a choice because the Syrian Army to going to eventually win this war.
If my memory serves me correctly, I could have sworn that Mr. Nasrallah has been saying from the very beginning that their needs to be a political solution. Am I correct???
However, this does not mean that the Syrian Army is not winning. This does not mean that Mr. Nasrallah's organization did not play a massive role in allowing the "tide to turn" in the war. This is factual information, not opinion.
I don't understand. Are you hoping these rebel/terrorist groups win?
You would rather they won and go on a sectarian killing rampage?? Killing anyone who disagrees with their form of Islam?? That is what they will do. They are doing it right now.
Is that the Syria you in-vision?
even western intelligence (and naharnet too surprisingly) says at least 50 percent are hardline extremist alqaida-like fighters. With the continued flow of nonsyrian rebels and killing of the nonexistent/extinct rebels is also indicative that it's hardly 5% the 'protoseculars'.
Mr. Nasrallah's organization is in Syria for there own reasons, whatever they may be: keeping the supply of weapons flowing
opening another front against Israel
Keeping Assad propped up
Helping the SAA win the war
But no one can deny that Mr. Nasrallah has always been calling for a political solution. I know people dislike him for alot of reasons. I do not agree with all that he says, however, it is clear as day that he called for dialogue right from the get-go.
I love how the Persian Propagandists use their taqiya methods to try to sound unbiased, non-shia, and ordinary observers.
I especially like the phrase "Mr. Nasrallah's organization".
It makes you sound so neutral.
How unusual for such a neutral observer to come to a pro-M14-leaning website, post at least a dozen pro-Hezbollah and pro-Assad comments. Especially with a user name we've never seen before? Strange huh?
And your remark about Nasrallah..... "I don't agree with all that he says"
I really would like to believe that, but.....
I am sorry of you felt threatened by my remarks. I assure you I mean you no harm. I was simply trying to understand your argument.
You do realize that the FSA are no match for Al-Qeada, correct? You do realize for the most part, the FSA has been rendered useless? So if President Assad does fall, it will not be the FSA who take control. What is the solution then?
As a freelance journalist I must respectfully disagree with you. I have been following the Arab Spring from the beginning. My sources are mostly Israeli and believe me, they are not in the business of making Mr. Nasrallah look good.
So you are saying that with a transition gov, they will quickly be able to unite the country and then re-organize an entire army and the terrorist will be easy to crush? I honestly do not even think you believe this.
Have you not seen what has happened in Libya. So much for unity and civil obedience.
Good one Mehdi. Hard to believe that someone even as low as Tommy Boulos would support the murderous dictator in Damascus, who caused so much death and destruction in Lebano.... but Tommy was apparently never loyal to Lebanon.