اجتماع ثان "ايجابي" للاحزاب المسيحية في أقل من شهر
Read this story in Englishعقدت الاحزاب المسيحية، الخميس، اجتماعها الثاني بعيداً عن الاعلام ترأّسه النائب البطريركي العام المطران سمير مظلوم، وحضره ممثلون عن هذه الاحزاب وسط اجواء وُصفَت بالايجابية.
وكشفت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الجمعة، أن الاحزاب المسيحية اجتمعت بعيداً من الإعلام، مساء الخميس، في مركز مؤسّسة الأبحاث والدراسات المسيحيّة في زوق مصبح برعاية بكركي.
ولفتت الى أن الاجتماع سادته "الأجواء الإيجابية، وتركّز البحث خلاله على الهواجس المسيحية والاستحقاقات والقضايا الوطنية المطروحة".
وأفادت الصحيفة، أن مظلوم ترأس الاجتماع الذي حضره نائب رئيس "حزب الكتائب"، سجعان قزّي، ونائب كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" إيلي كيروز، ووزير العمل بحكومة تصريف الاعمال سليم جريصاتي عن "التيار الوطني الحرّ"، وعن تيار "المرَدة" الوزير السابق سليم سعادة، إضافةً إلى الوزير السابق روجيه ديب والسفير السابق عبدالله بو حبيب والأباتي أنطوان خليفة وعميد كلّية العلوم السياسية في جامعة القدّيس يوسف الدكتورة فاديا كيوان.
يُذكر أن الاجتماع الاول للاحزاب المسيحية عقد في 17 تشرين الاول في المكان عينه وبرعاية البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي.
when we see this happenning still in the 21st century that a cardinal supervises talks between politicians, we can say that lebanon still lives in the middle ages...
and the same applies to muslims ( i add this for those jerks who would like to say i m sectarian; lol!)
politicians answer only to their religious leaders not to the higher interests of the nation and that is the problem... lebanese place their religion above their citizenship, they still have that tribal mentality believing their sect is a better shelter than the nation. lebanon has ceased to exist and is now just a federation of sects. all this encouraged by religious people greedy of their power and well maintained by politicians who play on the fear of people to keep them under their influence.
and lebanese are happy that way! LOL
c'est reparti, papy va nous rejouer son morceau sur l'unite chretienne et bachir le magnifique...tellement hasbeen, faut se mettre a jour papy, on est en 2013...
Arreter de vous chamailler comme des gamins; de grace, c'est la Toussaint.... Pensez a nos chers partis dans vers un autre monde.
Je vois rien de mal a ne pas etre sous un seul et meme etendard, c'est la diversite qui fait notre richesse et notre democratie. Ce n'est pas en en obeissant a un dictateur/theocrate comme les shiites ou les communistes qu'on vivra mieux... loin de la les cocos.
bonne toussaint et n'oubliez pas de vous rendre sur les tombes demain.
Cedre how can they be united? They have Geagea to support islamists in Syria, that will behead Christians later. All this is because they still carry old grudges from the past civil war. Hey man, we live in 2013 not in 1980+ We should focus on "Now" and in reality christians are getting hunted everywhere in the Middle east except Lebanon. Atleast the Christians were protected under Assad.
peace, I agree with you, but with our Muslim brothers, it is even worse... Isn't it what Fatwa is all about in the Muslim religion? Isn't it when the religious leader issues a Fatwa, people (politicians or non) follow? Yes buddy, we are living in the middle ages.. No doubt about that..
u dont understand christian actual stance, they understand that a sunni-shia civil war is on the way, they wont to stay away from the fights.
Thats why our brave president is speakin about federalism, others about partition. They dont give a damn about lebanon and lebanese...
When I think about the sunnis from my town that fell at souk el gharb with the 8th and Aoun...
FlameCatcher, I agree with you in regards of what you said about Christians need to be united in Lebanon because this will definitely help the sunni / shiite strife, and thus it would put Lebanon on the right path. However, your comment about "The worst kind of extremists are in fact Christian extremists." I am not sure if this is so true though... When was the last time in the 21st Century you heard Christians beheading someone?? It happens a lot with the Muslim extremists...
i love the DRUZE, but i think they r really out of luck with Arslan and Jumblatt.....
Christians have been and will always be part of not just Lebanon, but the entire region.
The problem is it seems like Lebanon is the last "safe country" for the dwindling Christian population. They were driven out of Iraq, they are now being killed in Syria, Palestinian Christians have their own problems with the Israelis.
Why don't the "Jesus loving" United States do more to protect the Christian populations instead of backing Al-Qeada?
Are you telling me that the one village party called Marada represents more Christians than the National liberal party??
Please show me where in my post, I second-guessed God??
If you are unable to then please do not leave a comment, for your stupidity is proving far too much for me to deal with at this late an hour.
I must have really gotten under your skin. I'm honored I upset you this muh, yet I'm still not sure what I said to get you this angry. I apologize.
Have a good weekend Mr. Peaceful man
Perhaps theses dudes should go back and read the second chapter of Acts to understand the true meaning of being a "christian"