عون: مسؤولية المحافظة على أمن المسيحيين تقع على عاتق الأنظمة العربية
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون أنه "يجب على المسيحيين اللجوء إلى دولة ديمقراطية وسط صعود الجماعات التكفيرية"، مردفاً أن "مسؤولية المحافظة على أمن المسيحيين يقع على عاتق الأنظمة العربية".
وأشار عون في كلمة له بمؤتمر مسيحيي الشرق، الأحد، الى أن "التغيير والإصلاح يشكلان أساس العمل السياسي لبناء دولة قوية"، مشدداً على أن "مسؤولية المحافظة على أمن المسيحيين يقع على عاتق الأنظمة العربية".
وأضاف أنه "بات لزاما علينا أن نسأل شركاءنا في الوطن عن الأسباب التي تؤدي الى هذا السلوك المستهجن والموافق مع السياسة الاسرائيلية"، معتبراً أن " الدول العربية تستبدل حربها مع إسرائيل بحروب إسلامية".
وإذ حذر عون من "تنامي ظاهرة السلفيين"، رأى أنه "على المسيحيين اللجوء إلى دولة ديمقراطية وسط صعود الجماعات التكفيرية".
ولفت الى أن " ما نريد بحثه اليوم ليس فقط العيش بأمان إنما ماهية الدور المسيحي"، موضحاً أنه "إذا كان الوجود الحر مسألة مطروحة للمسيحيين فهو أيضا مسألة مطروحة عند الشركاء المسلمين".
وأعرب عون عن تساؤله "أيجوز على أنظمتنا أن ترجعنا الى الوراء؟"، معتبراً أنه " تعددت أسماء الحركات التكفيرية في الشرق لكن جوهرها واحد وهو التناقض مع حقوق الانسان ولا يسعنا الا رفضها".
وأكد أن "مجتمعاتنا المشرقية تعاني اليوم من سلفيات تحاول احياء العهود الغابرة"، لافتاً الانتباه الى أنه "من الخطأ مقاربة الواقع الحالي من منطلق أقليات وأكثريات".
How about for once speaking as a Lebanese without exploiting Christian fears???????
does the ex-general remember that the assad regime which he now supports and protects murdered,raped and imprisoned with intent to destroy the christians in lebanon? does aoun remember it was christian university students that were harmed and harassed when they demonstrated for freedom under the pro-syrian rule of lebanon? aoun like assad has shown he doesnt care about christians as much as he cares about himself, power, and revenge.
typical extremist tactics: play on the fear of one sect to gather support from your own... he wants to instil in people's mind that sunnis are the threat in lebanon, while this community has always been moderate unlike hezbis and amalis...
but he fails to say that he is allied with an extremist islamist group too having the koran and a kalashnikov as symbols, very democratic indeed...!
yes he says that just to scare lebanese christians and make lebanese sunni appear as the evil ones....
The radicalism of sunnism and pacifistic tendencies of shiism is running the country into the ground. the sunnis put large banners saying 'beirut-saida-tripoli's identity is sunni islam' and waving FSAlqaida terrorist flags on medical tanks that were helping beb al tebbeni salafis from hurting themselves. they do everything to incite hate, but the noble shias haven't responded yet, although if they would the salafis would get crushed. bad publicity for m14(like they didn't have enough already LOL). smart.
message to aoun: sunnis were never tolerant of other religions in the ME and will never be. Pray to your God the shias stay strong.
funny to read such BS...
1/ "pacifistic tendencies of shiism ": that is why they are crusading in syria... that is why they turned south lebanon, from a secular land to a iranian worshipping stronghold by brainwashing and radicalizing people, where the main party has a kalashnikov as a symbol...where sunnis are considered as impure, very pacifist indeed...
2/ from a minority of extremist sunnis, you just want to generalize it to all sunnis... have sunnis ever imposed their religion in lebanon? have sunnis ever been intolerant in lebanon? the answer is never...
3/ if you want to play this stupid game of yours then we can say that in the name of christianity the church has commited genocides and killed millions of people... does that make all christians fanatics? LOL
your post is typically fanatic !
fanatics usually use a minority of people to generalize it to the entire group they are from... nothing new under the sun of extremism....
Aoun Lays Responsibility for Protection of Christians on Arab Regimes..........
CORRECTION: You and other so called leaders have the responsibility of isolating welayat elfaqih, outlaws, dictators, and takfiris by aligning with the legitimate State institutions and its LAF. By doing such you not only save the Christians but all life-loving and Secular-minded Lebanese.
The Arab regimes have much more responsibilities than protecting Christian faith. The Arab regimes need to first protect Islam from the hands of extremists (follow the lead of the brave Egyptian people having ousted the Muslim Bros.) which has been compromised and become a symbol of terrorism . The survival of any legitimate religious faith comes from within, and no Johny come lately oil rich regime can make a dent in the faith.
Big John: The conflict between the two main Islamic sects was, is and will always be. It is sometimes buried under the ashes of fabricated and imaginary enemies of Islam to unite them and keep them from each others throats. The imperialist West, Israeli Zionism, the Christian infidel and so on are the scapegoats and thrashing stones for these two sects to vent their anger and frustrations at and not each other, take them away and you will have what Assad and Iran have been eluding too, an all out sectarian war. The day the Christians from the middle East disappear and Israel ceases to exist, will be the start of World War 111. The Arabs or Iran will not be allowed to posses nuclear weapons,full stop. I know it might be hard for the SSNP murderers, losers and spiters, but do pray that Israel will always exist.
the christians need to be protected from u ya general el massayeb since u gave the sharkieh to the syrian army and fled to have ur croissant and chocolat chaud in paris.