السفارة الأميركية: لا نجري أي اتصالات مع حزب الله
Read this story in Englishنفت السفارة الأميركية لموقع "نهار نت" الثلاثاء أن تكون قد أجرت أي اتصالات مع حزب الله، وذلك بعد معلومات عن اتصالات سرية بينها وبين الحزب.
وقالت السفارة للموقع "لم يجر أي مسؤول من السفارة مشارورات مع أعضاء من جماعة حزب الله "الإرهابية".
وأضافت "نحن كررنا مرارا أن تشكيل الحكومة في لبنان يعود للشعب اللبناني" مضيفة "لن نحكم على الحكومة من خلال عدد وزرائها بل من خلال تأليفها وولايتها وإنجازاتها".
وكانت قد شارت صحيفة "الأنباء" الكويتية في عددها الصادر الإثنين، الى أن نائبا في قوى 14 آذار أكد "أن اتصالات سرية غير مباشرة تجري بين حزب الله والسفارة الأميركية، وأن العلاقة بين الطرفين تتطور نحو الأفضل".
ورأى أن "هذا التقارب جرت ترجمته من خلال قيام السفير الأميركي في لبنان ديفيد هيل بإبلاغ قيادات سياسية التقاها أنه "لا يمكن تأليف حكومة في لبنان من دون مشاركة حزب الله فيها".
it is now apparent that the US/Russian agreement is still not accepted.
this means a new round of violence, and most probably here in Lebanon.
Lebanon is the disputed area, and it is going to start apparently from Tripoli.
the only way to avert things from happening is that the army disbands Ali Eid and his party who is openly defying the Lebanese authority, and his Syrian master is doing a show of force on our border.
Iran will not keep control of Lebanon whatever happens.
disgusting post as usual. naharnet censor please tell me how you can be offended by the use of the word "dropping" but not by the derogatory use of "inteyeh" and the hateful sectarian speech. double standards much?
dont you have an older one? this is only about 35 years old, too fresh to be relevant yet.
roar: i tend to make the same mistake, which is to answer the prepubescent ice-boy, but i think we should both stop wasting our time. not once did he every bring any sort of interesting content to the discussion, he's all about barking and diverting the discussions.
lol roar, if you want. as far as i'm concerned i will minimize my interactions with those shills, i think they are not even trying to spread propaganda (they're not smart enough for that) they are only here to derail conversations and poison the atmosphere.
"No official at the embassy has or is engaged in discussion with members of the terrorist filthy militia"
The denial from the U.S. Embassy is not entirely convincing: "No official at the embassy has or is engaged in discussion with members of the terrorist organization Hizbullah,”
All they are saying that they are not talking directly to HA's politicians. They are not denying the report that "indirect" and "secret" contacts are ongoing. My guess is that they are talking through intermediaries. Why the denial? One reason is that the Saudis would throw a fit on reports likes this. The U.S. probably does not want to anger the Saudis more than it already did by handing an olive branch to the Iranians.
Just my take.
Roar to correct you, and actually being both Lebanese and lived in the west AND Lebanon (which you've never set foot in), the Lebanese are highly regarded, respected and they adore the energy and life they bring. They love the food, generosity and strong sense of family values. Unfortunately? Thanks to Both Qaeda and HA? Both are regarded as implants to want to destabilize Lebanon and keep up the primitive blood feud as well as impose their law. And really nobody cares for Israel either, but want Palestine to exist, surprising?