معلومات بريطانية عن تزود حزب الله صواريخ "سكود دي" من سوريا

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ذكرت أنباء بريطانية أن سورية زادت شحنات الاسلحة، ومن ضمنها صواريخ بعيدة المدى، الى "حزب الله"، ما قد يزيد من حال عدم الاستقرار في المنطقة.

وتحدثت معلومات عن تزود الحزب بثمانية صواريخ "سكود دي" اضافية، جمعت في سورية، ويبلغ مدى كل منها 700 كيلومتر.

ونسبت صحيفة "ذي تايمز" الى مصادر استخبارات غربية وشرق أوسطية، لم تسمها، القول أن "الاضطرابات في سورية سرعت من وتيرة تسليم سورية شحنات الاسلحة الى الحزب في لبنان".

كما نقلت الصحيفة عن ناطق باسم السفارة السورية في لندن قوله: "لا نعرف شيئا عن هذه المزاعم".

وأضافت: "الا أن دمشق وبمساعدة خبراء ايرانيين وكوريين شماليين تواصل تطوير صواريخ متقدمة في منطقة جبل التقسيس قرب مدينة حماه، وفي منشأة أطلقت عليها اسم "المدينة الصاروخية".

وذكرت الصحيفة عينها أن "أبحاث البرنامج الصاروخي تتم في مركز العلوم والابحاث في دمشق، الذي وضعته الولايات المتحدة بين المؤسسات السورية الخاضعة لعقوبات".

وأوضحت أن صاروخ "سكود دي" فائق الدقة في إصاباته ويستطيع حمل طن متفجرات، وطور بتمويل ايراني وبمساعدة خبراء كوريين.

وقالت: "أصبح لدى حزب الله" كذلك صواريخ أرض أرض "ام 600" قادرة على إصابة أهداف على بعد 250 كيلومترا، وتستطيع حمل متفجرات وزنها 500 كلغ،

وبني هذا الصاروخ، بعد تطويره، وفق تصميم الصاروخ الايراني "فتح 110".

ونقلت "ذي تايمز" عن مصدر مقرب من "حزب الله" قوله، أن الحزب "تسلم شحنات إضافية من الأسلحة عبر سورية منذ بداية الاضطرابات في سورية حتى أننا لا نعرف اين سنخزنهاط.

ونسبت الى مصدر استخباري اسرائيلي قوله: "لم نشهد هدوءا مماثلا للوضع الحالي على الجبهة اللبنانية، لكن الاخطار لم تكن اكبر منها الآن".

التعليقات 22
Thumb ado.australia 09:21 ,2011 تموز 16

What is needed is sam 300 surface to air missiles that can stop Israel breaching Lebanon's air space and performing mock raids over villages. This is a form of terrorism, as they terrorise the civilian populations with constant mock attacks.

Thumb tabasco 11:22 ,2011 تموز 16

و على نفسها تجني براقش

Thumb bashir 11:36 ,2011 تموز 16

It is unlikely that Syria has SAMs that would be a match for Israeli fighter technology. Syria has usually been a generation or two behind. Remember how ineffective their SAMs were in the Beka years ago. That said, defending our airspace from Israeli fly overs WOULD be actual resistance.

The weapons Syria is loading Hezbollah with now are for creating a diversion or starting a war with Israel to get he pressure of Assad regime. Article says Scuds with warheads are accurate, but any damage or loss of life Hezbollah causes would be met with 10x as much damage on innocent Lebanese by Israel.

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 11:38 ,2011 تموز 16

What is needed is PEACE.... PEACE, and PEACE!!!!! We have been at war forever, both internally and externally. It has been such a devastating burden to carry for a small country. Israel has offered us peace as late as 2000 when they withdrew unilaterally from lebanese soil. But, under the coercion of Syria and Hizbullah Lebanon refuses to sign a peace treaty with Israel until Syria does. In the meantime, our lives and futures remain in limbo pending what the Assad regime decides to do. Hizbullah is not amassing this arsenal to fight Israel or to defend Lebanon, but rather to tighten its grip as the undisputed force on the ground internally. It will threaten Israel when its masters in Iran and Syria request it to do so. While the palestinians themselves have accepted Israel and resorted to peace negotiations, Hizbullah says it will not lay down its arms until Palestine is liberated..... which could be the 12th wonder of the world.....!!!!

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 11:56 ,2011 تموز 16

about a year ago, some zionist general or politician broke this news and it was met with big laughter in lebanon. Everybody know that Scud is too big, it take whole truck for one rocket, it's easy to detect, it has range too big for what lebanon needs, and in general it's not what lebanon needs.
Newer iranian rockets are much better choice for resistance and that's why this news is absurd in it's maximum.
How come an nahar goes into old rejected zionist propaganda news stories?

Thumb ado.australia 12:38 ,2011 تموز 16

Two batteries of s-300 SAMs can be bought directly from Russia for approx. $300 million. this would stop israel's violations. Help stabilised/nutralize the threat from Israel and in return add to a healthier, stable investment atmospher. Just as the cold war had mutual assured destruction to enures the war didn't go hot... Lebanon needs something similar with Israel. If the threat of destruction and loss of pilots to israel is too great, that will help in speeding up potential peace settlement. As it stands, with Israel untouchable, militarily and little threat to their infustrcture destruction, the status quo is acceptable and there is little public demand for peace and settlement of the issues.
Negotiation is best when you are in the strongest possible position, and not begging to have an imposed a settlement.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 13:48 ,2011 تموز 16

Ado Australia: Here we are again. an ex Lebanese ready to fight till the last drop of blood but of the people remain in Lebanon.
The most extreme are those who nave faced wars.- you are a real hero.
You never asked yourself why the borders of Syria and Israel are quiet for so many years also its only a ceasefire condition among the 2 states while Lebanon suffered from bloodshed.
As everybody wants to fight Israel but is to chicken to make it by himself so they using Lebanese as victims and you are among those cowards.

Thumb shab 14:21 ,2011 تموز 16

Everytime fatso rat in the hole opens his mouth via tv link it is met with big laughter in Lebanon.
Anyway Scud is usefull to fire at Lebanon's enemy #1 Iran when Syria falls.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 14:24 ,2011 تموز 16

Hezbollah, wether it is getting scuds or other missiles, is operating outside the control of the Lebanese government and is violating UN resolution 1701 that stopped the war in 2006.
When would some Lebanese understand especially after what happened in 2006, that Lebanons diplomatic efforts stopped the war and not Hezbollah's missiles? Should give it another try and destroy all of lebanon? This time the world will watch and not act because the current Lebanese government is isolated in the same corner with syria and Iran.
The money spent on arms and the devotion of hezbollah's memebers should be channeled to improving the lives of the Lebanese instead of bringing them anmore miseries.

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 14:51 ,2011 تموز 16

Why all the talk about Israeli incursions into Lebamese air space? Read the article above. Syria is transporting weapons into Lebanon in violation of 1701. Why should Israel not fly over Lebanon if Hizthrowup and the loser governements (now and in the past) not honor their side of the agreement? I do agree with ado that weapons can be useful in leveling out the playing field in time of crisis...but wake up people...WHO is causing the crisis in the first place? Let the LAF have the weapons if need be. May peace be with Lebanon and Israel.

Thumb benzona 15:05 ,2011 تموز 16

Y'en a marre de constamment vivre sous la menace. Avoir des missiles de type Scud est tout sauf rassurant. Voilà qui justifiera davantage les agressions israéliennes. Déjà que les barbus sont au pouvoir Grace au putsch et que notre liberté d'expression est en danger... Franchement, les Liban est devenu un pays de merde(s).

Default-user-icon un520 (ضيف) 16:02 ,2011 تموز 16

I dont think for a minute that sam300s would deter Israel. As long as there is a militia in Lebanon that has thousands of rockets pointed against lebanon Israel will feel its necessary to fly over Lebanon. As soon as one SAM300 is fired against one of its planes the IDF will get the excuse it needs for another showdown with Hizbollah. Very, very dangerous way of thinking, ado.austalia.....

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 16:53 ,2011 تموز 16

Who believes the Murdoch media? The Murdoch Times of London never says a single thing that is truthful about the middle east

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 17:45 ,2011 تموز 16

It's High time the free world did something about this criminal Assad and his thugs. This criminal family regime will do everything in their power to spread chaos thoughout the region. Every additional day that the criminal Assads are in power in Syria and the Ayatollah in power in Tehran, the risk of a Middle East war and world wide chaos terrorism and global financial meltdown increases exponentially. The free Syrian people should be supported by all possible means to overthrow this criminal regime before it does more irrevesible damage to ME and world Peace. Enough procrastinating and get these Bastards....!!

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 18:04 ,2011 تموز 16

Of Course the Russian and the Chinese are the ones to blame for the current Longevity of these bloody dictators such as that of Qaddhafi the North Korean regime, and the good for nothing criminal Diaper Headed Genocidal Mullas in Tehran and Qom as well as this criminal Stalinist Family regime of the Assads in Syria. The Russians and Chinese have a long standing reputation of supporting criminal Rogue dictatorships. I think all corporations need to look at what China is doing and revise their policy of doing business with such authoritarian governments tat will turn on them as soon as they are able to, they operate outside of the universal code of Humanity that is based on respecting Human rights, freedoms, and allow descent. I think China and Russia need to be tought an economical lesson. That's for sure.

Default-user-icon i_ataoui (ضيف) 19:26 ,2011 تموز 16

The question that we have ask is the following:
what for Hezballah needs missiles? the answer is to reach the most remote position of zionist soil. Does Hezballah have that? YES it does with one precision, it has with the most advanced technologies that scud fall behind.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 19:38 ,2011 تموز 16

Thank you for your advice please transfer to hezbollah immediately the 300 millions dollars needed for dissuasion . Hezbollah is anxiously waiting for your support and they hope that you will transfer the funds very soon since all their supporters are as stupid as you are.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 23:37 ,2011 تموز 16

@Ado: you really think Israel doesn't have the technology to destroy those Russian SAMs? And how does air defense provide mutually assured descruction? It'll only lead to an arms race where Israel will acquire better fighter jets from the US which they will gladly provide. Also the bigger and longer range missiles are easier to defend against than the old school short range rockets as far as Israel is concerned...

Thumb ado.australia 05:41 ,2011 تموز 17

Ground to ground missiles are more vengeful or deterrent type weapons... SAMs are purly defensive. Why would a purly defensive weapon be dangerous? If they don't fly over our country they will not be shot down. Also, it is not hezbollah that can purchase such weapons but the LAF. Such a purchase is well worth it! What ever happened to the mig29s or the attack helicopters that hariri and murr indicated, right befor the election, that Lebanon was to receive?

Thumb ado.australia 05:58 ,2011 تموز 17

Danny b and Youseph, why do you insist on lecturing us on defence of Lebanon? You are from Israel. We do not lecture you on how to defend yourself. Ex-Lebanese? Have you ever been described as ex-Jewish if you were every outside Israel? Lebanon and especially the south has been destroyed and attacked constantly for decades due to Israel and the Palestinians. They yern for strength to defend and keep them safe. Israeli should understand that more than most.
Never forget that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. The idf was born from terrorist groups, like haganah, stern gang and irgun. members of the Haganah included Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Rehavam Zeevi, Dov Hoz, Moshe Dayan. Irgun became the Likud party. They were responsible for the most terrorist attacks including the king David hotel bombing. Former Lehi (stern gang) leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983. So please stop lecturing us about Hezbollah, and our defence options.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 07:22 ,2011 تموز 17

For all of the flowery talk at Amcheet this evening by the "president" of building state institutions, etc., this story of increased arms smuggling to Hezbollah by Syria exposes the lie and the con tined attempts to pretend that the 3000 pound guerrilla is not in our midst. Lebanon is a fake state. It has been turned into a safe haven for Iran's
Praetorian guard, which has control of the government and is the government.

Aoun used to play this role of providing cover for Hezbollah, and now the entire government, including the president of the republic is playing this role.
Noun can now be safely discarded and soon, all pretenses that are currently being employed will likewise be dropped, as Aoun was dropped, and the Hezbollah project will be complete.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 07:35 ,2011 تموز 17

And, was't Mikati in the south the other day going on about how vital it is that UN RES 1701 be fully enforced? Didn't the Policy Statement adopted by the Mikati 'government, a statement that Hezbollah agreed to, did it not also support 1701?

Well, 1701 prohibits arms smuggling from Syria to Hezbollah. See what respect Hezbollah has for a "government" that it is supposed to have supported?

Hezbollah preemptively violated the provision of the policy statement dealing with the STL, and now it proceeds along on it's own agenda with no regard whatsoever for any rule or any policy or any law, with or without cover for it's now open violations. This is a government, or the enabler of lawlessness?