نصرالله: لن نطالب بأي غطاء لوجودنا في سوريا لا الآن ولا في المستقبل
Read this story in Englishرأى الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله أننا "ندافع عن لبنان بسوريا ومن يطرح خروجنا منها يفرض شرطا تعجيزيا"، مردفاً أننا "لن نطالب أي غطاء لوجودنا في سوريا لا الآن ولا في المستقبل".
وأشار نصرالله في كلمة له بمناسبة ذكرى عاشوراء، الخميس، الى أنهم "يتكلمون معنا في لبنان عن أن المقاومة الفرنسيّة زالت مع التحرير إلا أنهم يتناسون أن تلك المقاومة لم تزل إلا مع زوال العدو النازي، ونحن حرّرنا الأرض إلا أن العدو لا يزال يتواطأ ويحضر الحروب وهل المطلوب أن نخلي الساحة لعدونا".
ولفت نصرالله الذي ظهر علناً للمرة الثانية، الى أن "العدو الذي يهدد لبنان ما زال هناك. انه يتجسس علينا ويستعد لحرب جديدة"، مؤكداً أننا "نعلن في يوم عاشوراء تمسكنا بالمقاومة بمقدراتها وسلاحها وإمكاناتها كفريق أساسي لحماية بلدنا وشعبنا وكرامته وسيادة دولتنا وثرواتها".
وشدد على أنه "يجب أن نذكر بالقضيّة الفلسطينيّة وأنه لا يجوز لأحد مهما كانت الظروف الداخليّة الصعبة للبلدان العربية أن يتخلوا عن القضيّة الفلسطينيّة وعلى جميع المسلمين تقديم العون للشعب الفلسطيني".
ورأى أنه "يجب أن يكون هناك حوار والسعي للحلول السياسية في الدول العربية".
وفي الموضوع السوري، لفت الأمين العام للحزب الى أن "وجود مقاتلينا ومجاهدينا على الأرض السوريّة هو بهدف الدفاع عن لبنان والقضيّة الفلسطينيّة في مواجهة كل الأخطار التي تمثلها هذه الهجمة الدوليّة الإقليميّة التكفيريّة على هذا البلد والمنطقة وما دامت الأسباب قائمة فوجودنا قائم هناك"، مشدداً على أننا " سنبقى في سوريا طالما هناك حاجة لذلك".
ورأى أنه "عندما يكون هناك أخطار استراتيجيّة تهدد دول المنطقة هو أعلى بكثير من أن يطرح شرطاً في تشكيل حكومة، وأدعو الفريق الآخر للواقعيّة فهم لطالما طرحوا الشروط التعجيزيّة"، معتبراً أن "الفريق الآخر يطرح شروطاً تعجيزية بانسحابنا من سوريا لتشكيل الحكومة".
وشدد على أننا "لن نطلب أي تغطية للمقاومة في سوريا لا الآن ولا في المستقبل".
وكان رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري قد رأى أن " الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله يرمي محاولات تعطيل تشكيل الحكومة على المملكة العربية السعودية"، مضيفاً أن "حزب الله فاتح دولة على حسابه ولن نكون شركاء لـه في حكومة تغطّي مشاركته في القتال ضدّ الشعب السوري".
واعتبر كذلك رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة أن " صيغة 6-9-9 تعني ان نزرع في قلب الحكومة مجالاً للخلافات والصراعات"، مردفا أن "الحل الوحيد يكمن بعودة "حزب الله" من سوريا أو تشكيل حكومة غير حزبية"
وكان نصرالله قد أشار في كلمة له مساء الأربعاء، الى أن "الصيغة الممكنة الآن والتي تطمئن الجميع هي صيغة 9-9-6"، عازياً التأخير الى وجود قرار إقليمي من السعودية لفريق 14 آذار بعدم تشكيل حكومة، وقال: "تريد حكومة من دون الفريق الآخر لكن لا يستطيعون ذلك". مشدّداً على أنّه "إذا كان احد ما في مكان ما في لبنان او المنطقة ينتظر لتشكيل حكومة لبنانية ان ينتصر في سوريا، أقول له لن تنتصر في سوريا".
ويشارك حزب الله بالمعارك داخل سوريا الى جانب النظام ، إذ كانت القوات النظامية مدعومة بعناصر من حزب الله استعادت االسيطرة على بلدتي الحسينية والذيابية جنوب دمشق، بعد معارك ضارية استمرت نحو اربعة ايام، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.
وكان حزب الله قد شارك بمعارك القصير في ريف حمص منذ أشهر، ما استدعى تنديدا داخيا وخارجيا واسعا.
11:07 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: مشكلة التكفيريين هي مشكلة لكل مسلم
11:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: لن نطلب أي تغطية للمقاومة لا الآن ولا في المستقبل
11:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: على الفريق الآخخر أن يكون واقعياً
11:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: عندما يكون هناك أخطار استراتيجيّة تهدد دول المنطقة هو أعلى بكثير من أن يطرح شرطاً في تشكيل حكومة، وأدعو الفريق الآخر للواقعيّة فهم لطالما طرحوا الشروط التعجيزيّة
11:05 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: الفريق الآخر يطرح شروطاً تعجيزية بانسحابنا من سوريا لتشكيل الحكومة
11:04 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: سنبقى في سوريا طالما هناك حاجة لذلك
11:04 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: إن وجود مقاتلينا ومجاهدينا على الأرض السوريّة هو بهدف الدفاع عن لبنان والقضيّة الفلسطينيّة في مواجهة كل الأخطار التي تمثلها هذه الهجمة الدوليّة الإقليميّة التكفيريّة على هذا البلد والمنطقة وما دامت الأسباب قائمة فوجودنا قائم هناك
11:03 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: يجب أن يكون هناك حوار والسعي للحلول السياسية في الدول العربية
11:02 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: يجب أن نذكر بالقضيّة الفلسطينيّة وأنه لا يجوز لأحد مهما كانت الظروف الداخليّة الصعبة للبلدان العربية أن يتخلوا عن القضيّة الفلسطينيّة وعلى جميع المسلمين تقديم العون للشعب الفلسطيني
11:02 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله:إننا نعلن في يوم عاشوراء تمسكنا بالمقاومة بمقدراتها وسلاحها وإمكاناتها كفريق أساسي لحماية بلدنا وشعبنا وكرامته وسيادة دولتنا وثرواتها
11:01 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: العدو الذي يهدد لبنان ما زال هناك. انه يتجسس علينا ويستعد لحرب جديدة
11:01 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله: يتكلمون معنا في لبنان عن أن المقاومة الفرنسيّة زالت مع التحرير إلا أنهم يتناسون أن تلك المقاومة لم تزل إلا مع زوال العدو النازي، ونحن حرّرنا الأرض إلا أن العدو لا يزال يتواطأ ويحضر الحروب وهل المطلوب أن نخلي الساحة لعدونا
10:56 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 14
نصرالله يشكر مناصريه للمشاركة بذكر عاشوراء
“As long as the enemy threatens us, the resistance will remain to confront this threat,”
Cool..... but i never heard of a resistance that is after political positions; assigns prime ministers; and goes to war in other countries. I never heard of a resistance made up of one sect in a nation of 17 sects. I never heard of a resistance that ties its strategy and existence to the liberation of another country (Palestine). I never heard of so many things that Nassrallah speaks of.
In his speech, Nasrallah stressed that the disarmament of resistance groups come only after the abolition of the enemy.
What is stopping you from making peace with your so-called enemy and let us live in peace?
It means he's got 5 million Israelis to kill, then another 2 million Lebanese before giving up his weapons. That's the definition of «abolition».
Notice the black brief case held by one of Nassrallah's saints. Could it be the briefcase that contains the launch codes of HA nuclear arsenal?
wow eagledawn: those were most impressive two comments in a row. are you aiming for the guiness world record of stupitity/comment ratio?
And we never heard a resistance build its power to let a strange country (Iran "islamic" ...) take over.
casper, have you ever heard of the United States Government which came into existence as the result of a Resistance Movement. The difference in Lebanon is that you have a pre-existing Constitution and a Democratic Process that requires that Hezbollah participate or else Lebanon's own leaders will sacrifice them to Israel and the United States and the Saudis. Those are foreign interests . I know it doesn't seem like it to you but Hezbollah is Lebanese, Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia are not Lebanese and do not have Lebanese interests. Hezbollah has to play the cards that are on the table. So think up something else smart and try again.
And here I am in a waiting room about to get tortured by a barbaric dentist.... And I discover that terrorist is blaming us for Lebanon's miseries. All I can say is LOL! Is he smoking baalbaki joints or something?
Disappear now you terrorist, return to you hiding place.
Easy to answer this one, they are taking them to hatred and being hated by other Lebanese, including Shiaa
Ya ashrafanaas amrica laysat shaytan akbar fi khitab sayyedokom lyawem li maza li annaho ja atho risala men Iran bi an la yatahajjam 3ala amrika Hal lahazto haza ya ashrafanaas
more and more clear... the enemies of hezbollah are the friends of lebanon. the friends of lebanon are the enemies of hezbolah. and the two cannot live together.
poor southern, sure thing M14 is holding the country on the verge of breakdown: they are the ones fighting in syria despite the gvt stance, they are the ones with a HUGE arsenal, they are the ones to decide of peace and war, they are the ones who are stronger than the army, they are the ones ruling the country...
poor southern, how much brainwashing got into his empty head....
Who are you resisting Sayyed Hassan? Resistance against Israel, Al Qaeda, Beirut, or who? We are so confused.
"We won't negotiate on the existence of Syria (in exchange for) a handful of ministries."
Clearly his priorities are Lebanon! what a joke!!!!!!!
Roar. You might not agree with the posts of those you named. But they are not stupid. But look at her post! she thinks that if someone disagree with her, he becomes a cannibal!!! She thinks real men are those who carry weapons and bully the rest!!! She is really something. Even in LA, full of blondes, I have never met someone so stupid...
No. Roar, they are OK. True, one of them puts 15 posts in a row, and that is bothersome. But apart from that, I respect their opinion.
However this one-liner blurting "thing" that puts pics of attractive girls in her avatar is M8. Dont try to send her to M14. You are stuck with her on your team :-)
Zerøar, you mention teams and all the bla-bla. Keep in mind the 120.000 Syrians that died in the hands of nasrallah,s employer aren't playing a game.
Nassy. You are the ennemy. It is you that we need to abolish together with your boyfriend Bachar.
why would lebanese get a sense of pride from Nassy? he is not an elected official. Lebanese did not choose him directly or indirectly.
He is just an employee appointed by khamenei to fulfill Khamanei's instructions. Iranians should be proud of having someone so efficient at taking over a foreign country. Not lebanese.
Roar I live and work in Lebanon. I deal a lot with syrians workers and nonworkers. And I know how they think and how they evolved.
They were not extremists. They hated extremists. A lot of them were very moderate young men who were peacefully manifesting against assad and who saw themselves shot at, so they fled to lebanon. A lot of them got their house sacked and lost someone to Assad's gunfire. A few vowed to never return to syria, a few went into depression, and a few became extrimists. Extrimists against Assad.
Assad's overreaction by refusing to step down and bombing his own people created fertile ground for extremism to come to Syria and to be created in syria. HA is protecting us from a problem that HA and Assad created. Because extremism yields extremism.
Extrimists are infesting syria bec there is fertile ground for them. The idea is not to kill them. It is to remove the fertile ground that breeds them by removing the humilitation of assad.
@The Purr : if it wasn't for HA. Lebanon would have a thriving economy and and army capable of defending both the Israeli and Syrian border from terrorists.
Most importantly, we would not have this series of assassinations in Lebanon conducted by HA itself.
You have no right to call yourself a Lebanese and pledge allegiance to Syria and Iran at the expense of your so called country.
No one believes your lies anymore as we can see through you.
Real men do not tell their followers to kill their fellow countrymen in their beds.
Real men own up to their mistakes and do not lie and turn defeats into victories.
Real men do not have to roar, scream, and point fingers to be heard.
Real men do not send car bombs to assassinate their rivals.
Real men are are already standing up to this thug even though the odds are stacked against them.
Real men do not abandon their men in the battle field and run to the French Embassy.
Real men do not cower in front of their rivals and align themselves with them to save their necks.
Real men stick to their beliefs and convictions and not place their blind followers like yourself in a predicament.
Hassan , you dare to get out of your hole, is it because you feel you are serving Israel interests and it will not touch you???
desperate speech by a desperate man struggling to keep hezbollah surviving by helping a foreign country that harmed lebanon more than israel...
Iceman why don't you talk to us more about bonds and deposits, and how their performance are correlated to your stupidity rate.
the only solutioon is that hezbi hand their weapons and expertise to the NATIONAL army and obey the STATE laws.... other than that lebanon will remain weak and divided....
What has grabbed my attention is that Nasrallah felt the need to rebut Hariri right away after Hariri's response to his speech yesterday. I think this is more telling than anything else especially since he risked public exposure to deliver the response.
Something tells me that is a sign of worry more than anything else. It certainly is not Nasrallaha's hallmark to accord Mustaqbal responses such importance and urgency.
Just my two cents worth.
i noticed the same thing... insisting on the fact that they need no cover from M14 but at the same time asking it to acknowledge the formation of the gvt prove that he is worried...he knows that his syrian war is not popular except among his sheep and that little by little he is losing credibility in his "resistance" excuse!
All valid points. To sum it up, we the Lebanese are tired of being played by external powers to our own detriment. President Suleiman is on the right track by insisting Lebanon be neutral and not interfere in Syria or any other place.
Neither Nasrallah nor HA is a guarantor of Lebanon peace and stability, By their very nature they attract calamity and violence from either Israel or the Sunni extremists.
If HA were to seize and desist, I think the army can do the job against any Takfiri threat much as they did in Nahr ElBared. I know you don't think the army is up to the job and I beg to differ with you. They proved themselves valiantly in Nahr ElBared and that is good enough for me.
To all those who are staunchly for or against HA whatever the reasons, I think it is by now clear that HA is a divisive entity generating very strong visceral feelings in both directions. Such an entity can never be a unifier of a nation. The same applies to the Sunni extremists.
Only solution is to adopt moderate stances that most Lebanese can agree on.
sunni extremism lately has been a counter reaction to the presence of hezbis and the fact that they are above ALL the laws of the state of lebanon....
it is the only solution that works.... all others will keep lebanon as it is.
ever heard of UN 1559? you want a party to be outside state control, decide wars and peace, be above all the laws and at the same time a country that works, respected by all, imposing its authority? you live in utopia then or in a state of denial...
"But are they match for the Israel army? "
if hezbollah accepts to integrate the army yes they are... and moreover israel is making war to hezbollah not to lebanon...
any wars between israel and jordan or egypt since the peace accords? LOL no....
Silly lebanese, if Hizbullah didn't exist Lebanon would already be annexed and referred to as Northern Israel.
It was never Israel's plan or intention to occupy Lebanon, let alone make part of its territory. Before they packed up their bags and left, they made the necessary agreements with the Persians and KSA to keep the Palestinians at bay so Israel can enjoy and proceed with its 40 years of peace and be able to build thousands of settlements inside occupied Palestine without interference from Iran or Lebanon, strengthen their economy and military power It looks like they've been accomplishing that. What, Ian's nukes is going to stop them without taking out the Palestinians, the lands and contaminating Lebanon with residual deadly radiation?
Isarel is awaiting HA actions to grow the hate among Lebanese people, and it will be welcomed by most of lebanese , if the actual course continue.
before hezbollah PLO was the target... then hezbollah...and israel's policy of annexing its neighbors has changed and no one would accept it now, but hezbis that use it as a scarecrow! LOL
"sell-out" nation: do you ever think of the average citizen who is fed up with wars? fed up with this country where nothing works? why would lebanon be "sell out"? LOL because it would hurt your feelings?
but sure... keep your hezbollah ruling the country... and go and eat hamburgers and study at AUB and getting cured at AUH spitting at the USA at the same time!
Blackie: You told us before you are an American journalist. Now you are telling Peace, a Lebanese citizen, to move away from Lebanon? You have some nerve.
Appreciate your opinion.
Israel's threat to Lebanon is blown out of proportion by HA. Realistically what exactly do we have to worry about from Israel? That absent HA Israel will invade and occupy Lebanon? What is the strategic imperative for such a move?
Only thing we have to worry about from Israel, IMHO, is their usurping our water rights or oil. Were Lebanon the same as it was in the 60-70s timeframe, we will have the whole world on our side were the Israelis to dare do that.
In short, IMO the Israeli threat is neither credible nor a clear and present danger. If HA were to disappear, so will the Israeli "threat". All we will need the army for is to keep Lebanon as a single entity if possible else let us partition.
Just in case you might be thinking of it, it is not Lebanon's responsibility to liberate Palestine even though I agree that a great injustice has been done to the Palestinians by the whole world.
It´s perfectly legit for Syrians to attack Lebanon. I´m saying it as a Lebanese. We interfered in their war on their land killing their sons. They have the full right to attack on our soil...
Nasrallah Says Hizbullah in Syria to Defend Lebanon, Rejects March 14 Conditions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the truth is this
HA is in Lebanon to Defend his benefactors Assad and Khameni. They are the source of his wealth and power and will spill the blood of all Lebanese to protect them and the privileges they bestow upon him./
"Nasrallah normally appears via video link for fear of assassination by Israel."… the Brave man of Lebanon :-)
Nasrallah has spelled it out for everyone over the last two days. Hizbullah... only allies, Syria and Iran (glorious Axis), Hizbullah... Iran will not ask it to put down its arms (the Ayatollah gives the orders), Hizbullah... “to defend Lebanon, Palestine and Syria...As long as the reasons stand, our presence in Syria remains” (their mandate has expanded)… But there is hope the Iranian militia will put down their weapons when the enemy is abolished, you know like the French resistance did.
Ya Aounies : remind, did you ever task your pet terrorist Hassan Nasrallah to protect Lebanon from Syria ? Did you task him to protect Palestine ?
When did you extend their mandate ? I don't see any laws passed in parliament authorizing the so called "Lebanese Resistance" whose real name is the "Islamic Resistance in Lebanon" to use their weapons beyond the defending Lebanon from Israeli attacks.
Aounies, you are digging Lebanon's grave under the orders of Hassan Kezballah.
This has become untolerable and you are to be considered as traitors for supporting this terrorist and his allegiance to the butcher of damascus and his terrorist Ayotollah.
How the hell can you accept this ?
@Southern : your lying animal leader has once again showed he does not care about Lebanon. He's a Syrian and Iranian puppet using the lie of "Lebanese Resistance" to establish his control of Lebanon.
Never has your terrorist islamic resistance been granted the right to use their weapons to defend Syria and Palestine.
I hope all terrorist hezbollah fighters holding weapons will die an awful death for being utterly stupid and manipulated by this sub-human heresy of a leader.
it's time for you to wake up and recognise that you are giving away your freedom and country to someone who does not care about you. Someone who uses you like disposable toilet paper for the benefit of other countries.
نديم الجميّل ردّاً على خطاب نصرالله الأخير
"لبنان أوّلاً" شعار نعمل له ونتبنّاه بقناعة تامّة ومطلقة. نعم لبنان أوّلاً وليس ايران أو سوريا أو فلسطين أو غيرها اوّلاً. لذا فإنّ مواقف السيد حسن نصرالله الأخيرة مرفوضة ومدانة كليّاً اذ إنّه أوحى، حتّى حدود الاعلان الصريح، أنّ لبنان تفصيل صغير وما أرضه سوى ساحة تستخدم للوصول الى أهداف وغايات تخدم ايران والنظام السوري وأدواتهما في لبنان والمنطقة.
نعود ونؤكّد للسيّد حسن نصرالله أنّ لبنان لم ولن يكون يوماً تفصيلاً له أو لغيره.
If Hizbola, your friend, as correct, why did you leave your battle in the south and went to Syria to kill people against a tyrant?
لعنة الله عليك يا خائن الله لو تعلم كم يكرهك الجزائريين الاحرار بسبب عوالتك لاسرائيل باطم الجهاد والدين يا كلب اسمك نصر الله لكن اسمك المقيقي خائن الله جاي يومك ياعميل ايران واسرائيل