"سفراء أجانب" سيحضرون اجتماعاً للجان المشتركة لبحث ملف التجسس الاسرائيلي

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تعقد اللجان النيابية المشتركة اجتماعاً الاسبوع المقبل، لبحث ملف الابراج التجسسية الاسرائيلية، بحضور سفراء أجانب، من أجل مطالبتهم بتقديم معدات تقنية للبنان من أجل تعطيل قدرة الابراج على استباحة الأثير اللبناني.

وكشفت صحيفة "السفير"، الاثنين، أن الاجتماع سيُعقد في السادس والعشرين من الجاري، بحضور سفراء الدول الدائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن والاتحاد الاوروبي، ووزارات الخارجية والاتصالات والدفاع وقيادة الجيش.

وأوضحت أن سبب دعوة هؤلاء السفراء الى الاجتماع، يعود الى انه ستتم "مطالبة دولهم بتقديم معدات تقنية للبنان من أجل تعطيل قدرة الابراج الاسرائيلية على التجسس واستباحة الأثير اللبناني".

ولفتت الى أن خطورة هذه الابراج التجسسية بلغت خطوط الاتصالات العائدة لقوات "اليونيفيل" التي تساهم فيها دول السفراء المدعوين الى حضور الاجتماع.

الى ذلك، نقلت "السفير"، معلومات مفادها أن مرجعاً عسكرياً كبيراً أبلغ أحد المسؤولين أن مواجهة عمل الابراج الاسرائيلية تحتاج الى معدات تبلغ كلفتها قرابة 20 مليون دولار.

وفي 11 تشرين الثاني اجمعت لجنة الاتصالات النيابية خلال اجتماع لها على أن بناء اسرائيل ابراج تجسسية هو خرق للسيادة اللبنانية وهو يتم تحت القرار 1701.

ومطلع الشهر الجاري، طالب رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري بتقديم شكوى الى مجلس الامن حول هذا الخرق، وفي وقت لاحق أفادت المعلومات الصحافية أن لبنان يتحضّر لتقديم الشكوى وفق تقرير صادر عن لجنة الاتصالات النيابية.

**الصورة من صحيفة "السفير".

التعليقات 16
Missing phillipo 08:03 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

"According to As Safir, the spying is also affecting the work of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon."
So why don't THEY complain?
Israel builds on Israeli territory and still the Lebanese Government complains. Are they also going to demand that satellites including Israels cease flying over Lebanese airspace? What can be seen and heard from a satellite is almost certainly more than what can be seen and heard from a ground station.

Thumb benzona 10:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

yes philippo would, so would I. If I have no work with an income, I'd still feel useless. only Tanebil like you and Movaten would enjoy it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

lol FT "they start foaming at the mouth more than peres and nethanyahu combined"
see how ben of zona and philippo rushed to prove you right? :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:24 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

vraiment! regarde les rabbins ce qu'ils font pendant que benzo fait le singe pour israel:

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:34 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

and regarding help from major powers, i would get my expectations too high. the only ones who possibly could would be the russians.
would it be cool to have a couple of those?
(yes i know, but one can dream can't he?)

Thumb general_puppet 08:44 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

Maybe Nasrallah should ask his boss the Ayatollah to send him the equipment, instead of more rockets on the next shipment.

Thumb benzona 10:27 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

don't even say more.... they are so terrible!

China sends rockets into space and Moon
Indian sends rockets to Mars
Iran sends rockets to Lebanon

Which one is useful and productive? #1 and 2 are constructive. #3 is destructive.

May God curse Iran and its agents for destroying LEbanon.

Thumb benzona 11:39 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

why don't they fire them straight from iran? because they are too coward to do it? they don't want Israel to destroy Iran but it's okay for them to destroy Lebanon. they obviously have missiles that cover the distance/range between Isfahan and Tel Aviv.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:26 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

@Southern : Shut up already. Israel is now your new partner.

Iran and Hezbollah have signed a deal with the US making Israel your ally :)

You are the new zionists now :)

Yalla, drop your weapons ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:35 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

People who are down voting me cannot accept the US / Iran deal making them Israel's new partners... :)

You will no longer be able to hide behind your "zionist" lies ...

Accept this and move on ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:34 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

The difference my friend is that Hezbollah / M8 opponents (M14 or others) are not puppets and tools to be used by foreign regimes ...

We answer to no one and take orders from no one.

You on the other hand let go of your so called convictions as soon as the order is given. It's because you have no convictions. Only demagogy.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:38 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

"M14 or others) are not puppets and tools to be used by foreign regimes ..."

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:51 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

Losers are people who need weapons and use the politics of fear to impose their ideas.

Winners are the rest of us who need nothing but words and logic. Something you will always lack !

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:05 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

@FT : those leaders you mention are outside Lebanon because Syria / Hezbollah either tried to kill them or is trying to. The same reason your defected general fled Lebanon ...

Regarding your "National Talks" in "Lebanon", please remind Aoun that Lebanon is not a Syrian or Iranian province ... he seems to forget that way too often...

If I were a politician, I would refuse to hold such talks in Lebanon because I do not trust Hezbollah would not try to kill me or use these talks as a pretext to get me back to Lebanon and make me an easy target.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 16:22 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

Milk this issue to the last drop, An imaginary threat that is being blown out of proportion and used to try to unify the masses against a common enemy. Is there nothing else to prevent the Lebanese from cutting each others throats but to direct their frustrations and anger with each other at Israel. Can't we find any other unifying factor to be able to live with each other. Is our hatred of Israel all that unites us? If we would not be stuck with the Aounies, I would advocate partition.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 16:38 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

Southern: As a result of the 2006 war, HA secured Israel's northern border. The treaty that HA signed to stop its inhalation by the Israeli army is saving Israel a total of 5 billion dollars every year. Enough said.