تقارير: اسرائيل قد تنفذ هجوماً على لبنان قبل ايران

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أفادت معلومات صحافية أن "سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي يتدرب يومياً"، مردفة أنه "من المتوقع تنفيذ هجوم على لبنان قبل أي ضربة على إيران".

وأشارت صحيفة "الحياة"، في عددها الصادر السبت، أن "قائد سرب طيران " F16i" في الجيش الإسرائيلي، كشف أن سلاح الجو يجري يومياً تدريبات على هجوم قريب وبعيد المدى"، وأنه يتوقع "تنفيذ هجوم على لبنان قبل أي ضربة على إيران".

كذلك لفت، بحسب الصحيفة عينها، الى أن "أقرب سيناريو هو هجوم على لبنان، وستنفذ الخطة بمشاركة مكثفة للطائرات على أن يكون الهجوم سريعاً، دقيقاً، ومدمراً.

وأكد الضابط الإسرائيلي أن "حزب الله ضاعف قوته الصاروخية خلال السنوات الأخيرة، وبات يملك ترسانة صاروخية لا تتلاءم مع حجم تنظيم أو حركة، إنما لدولة كاملة، وهي ترسانة موجهة كلها ضد إسرائيل، وعليه بات الحزب تهديداً أساسياً لإسرائيل".

بدوره، اعتبر قائد كتيبة المظليين في سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي إتيمار بن حاييم أن "التغييرات الحاصلة في الشرق الأوسط خطيرة ومتصاعدة، ما يحتم على إسرائيل الاستمرار في الاستعداد لأخطر السيناريوات المتوقعة".

وتبدأ في إسرائيل الاثنين المقبل تدريبات واسعة بمشاركة جيوش أميركية ومن دول أوروبية عدة، وستشارك فيها مئة طائرة أبرزها طائرة "F16"، وسيجري التدريب على ضربات قريبة وبعيدة المدى وضرب أهداف في أرض العدو ومواجهات في الجو ".

التعليقات 54
Thumb mr.black. 08:41 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Funny thing...
Israel is gearing up for war and a few Lebanese are asking the only organization that protects us to surrender their weapons.

Thumb geha 08:49 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

unfortunately you might know how to read, but you understand nothing from what you read!
if the terrorist Iranian entity was not present in Lebanon, why would Israel find a need to attack?
stop feeding us your BS speeches about your hizbushaitan, nobody buys that anymore :)

Thumb ishteraki 09:48 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

oh really !!!!! so you tell me that you don't think the small devil is doing propaganda to hep their new allay to stand up from the Syrian quicksand

Thumb mckinl 10:59 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

A high ranking Israeli officer says Israel will attack Lebanon and all the Takfiri lovers says it ain't so while they attack HA.

One has to wonder just how separated from reality our friends from M14 can get these days. They have been subject to a frightening reality check.

Default-user-icon Raymond (ضيف) 11:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Israel is not attacking lebanon, its attacking hezbollah, which is no longer a legitimite resistance organization after they killed our prime minister, politicians and decided to change lebanons image from a peacfull country of diversity into a resistance organization aimed at destryoing israel. They are nothign but terrorists. Our country is free from israel, now we are stuck with iran. Any dont tell me we need hezbolla weapons to get back shebaa farms. Sheeba farms is part of syria, go tell assad to hand over this land to us.

Missing gada 05:21 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Anyone with any intelligence whatsoever and was paying any attention at all to the news a few years back will have realized that all the clues as to who assassinated our prime minister at the time point to his own party... Because they didn't like that he was changing his ways and starting to back the quite legitimate resistance.

Missing greatpierro 18:43 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

you understand nothing my dear. Israel does not allow anyone to threaten their existence. If Hizbullah does not threaten Israel existence, than Israel will not strike lebanon. Otherwise, well god saves us.

Missing VINCENT 19:49 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

First unite and speak as one before even discussing how deal with the large pink elephant sitting in the middle of your living room.

Thumb loveandpeace 10:23 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 24

Maybe for once Nasrallah had a good idea: If they want to fight HA, do it in Syria where they are fighting! Or is Assad too close a friend for Israel to go there?

Thumb general_puppet 08:53 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

The only organization that protects Lebanon is the LAF. Hizbullah only protects Iran & Assad's interest.

Thumb mr.black. 08:57 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Did Mr. Nasrallah's organization exist when the Israelis first invaded Lebanon??

Im sorry but I'm quite certain from your previous posts that you have no understanding of the events unfolding around you.

Thumb geha 09:18 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

stupidity continued...
at that time we had the PLO....
when will you learn your history?

Default-user-icon Mark Germanos (ضيف) 09:43 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

You are absolutely right. The protection offered by Hizbullah is second to none, because once they kill you no one else can hurt you anymore. Who can forget the protection they offered us when they invaded Beirut ?But wait, they killed innocent , unarmed , LEBANESE civilians - I'm sure they had good reasons though. It is also very clear that they are fighting in Syria to protect us, the Lebanese people. When the Syrian army occupied Lebanon, they did nothing. When the Syrian army raped, murdered, and kidnapped Lebanese, they did nothing. You honestly believe that your group of thugs can actually stop Israel ? In 2006 while Israel was converting Hizbulah territory into a golf course , Nasaralah and his gang were playing hide and seek. So yes, they did win the game of hide and seek back then. Mr. Black, I invite you to come to Beirut next time Hizbalah decides to protect us, just make sure to always look them in the eye, because they seem to love shooting people in the back.

Missing gada 05:26 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Mark Germanos your comment is so hilarious I only find the need to reply to it to voice out how stupid it is.

Thumb lebnanfirst 18:56 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Given your announced credentials, one expects better, more accurate and honest comments from you. The invasion you mentioned didn't take place in a vacuum as you insinuate or did you forget the presence of Palestinian militias at the time?

Thumb general_puppet 09:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Yes mr.black we all know what a genius you are & that you know everything… All Hail the Glorious Iranian militia, the only Protectors of Lebanon!!!!

Happy now?

Missing phillipo 09:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

I think that as far as the situation between Hizballah and Israel is concerned, I'm sure that the Israelis will take the position "let sleeping dogs lie". As long as Hizballah keeps its activities within the boundaries of Lebanon and Syria, then Israel I am sure will not touch it, hoping that the Lebanese Army and Air Force to keep them under control.

Thumb mr.black. 09:12 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

So please give us some suggestions. Suggestions for today, not for 20 years ago.
If Mr. Nasrallah's organization disarms, Israel will forget invading Lebanon??
Be sensible please.

Thumb geha 09:19 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Israel has no interest in invading Lebanon anymore.

Thumb mckinl 11:17 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Did you read the article?

Thumb benzona 13:35 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

lol Icey.

Missing lebanese4life 18:25 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

yes it does their interest is the natural gas of our shore, which they are stealing as we speak.

Missing gada 05:31 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Has anyone bothered to look at the Zionist Israeli flag and thought about what it means? It has the the Star of David in between two blue lines, aka the two rivers.
As in Israel has always had the interest of not only invading Lebanon but also all the land between the two rivers.
It's so obvious it must be their inside joke that they can wave their intentions in front of your face (pun intended) and you'll still misinterpret the situation. I'm starting to think that you are either intentionally trying to tell people that Israel isn't a threat because you're getting paid by someone, or that you're really just that stupid.

Missing un520 13:12 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

I cant see any sensibility in what you are saying, Mr Black, why on earth would Israel want to invade a Lebanon free of armed militias? Israel, Lebanon and the region as a whole would prosper without these armed fanatics who has no other answer than war. If we talk about economics, its not a question of eiether us or them. Peace will bring a positive domino effect to all. Look to Europe after WW2.

Thumb benzona 13:40 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

he doesn't know Europe. remember that Iranian passports close doors for these people.

Thumb mr.black. 09:27 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

"Israel has no interest in invading Lebanon anymore"

Let me guess, you also think Saudi Arabia is a shinning example of democracy?

Thumb scorpyonn 09:30 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Who in the hell is this clown Mr. Black? He has it all backwards!!!

Thumb general_puppet 09:55 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

He is a crossbreed between _FlimFlamThrower_ & the_snore

Missing lebanese69 09:33 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

If the Jews attack Lebanon .I will be Fighting the Jews with Hizballah.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 10:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

There will be no fighting, it will be mainly a devastating arial campaign. HA will fire off a a few rockets and head underground. We the Lebanese will take the brunt of the Israeli assault and then have to contend with a propaganda campaign by HA branding us traitors, zionists, takfiries and Wahabies. And of course we will end up with a glories victory and a destroyed country. History repeating itself.

Default-user-icon Christian (ضيف) 11:07 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

This is so pathetic. Muslims against Muslims, Muslims against Christians and Muslims against Israel. Doesn't that say anything? People should just get along and respect other religions. We are all brought here together. Let's get along and honor one another weather you are Muslim, christian, Jewish or anything else.

Missing phillipo 12:40 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Southern, with all their complaining if you look at statistics the Palestinians in the West Bank, Palestinian Authority, State of Palestine or whatever you want to call it are in a better situation at the moment that most of their brothers in the surrounding states.
Just look at the killing that is going on in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia and even Egypt and Lebanon.
Just see how the economies of these countries have almost collapsed since the beginning of the Arab Spring.
And see what is happening in Palestine, no mass killings, no mass unemployment, with about 50,000 Palestinians actually working legally in Israel with another 30,000+ working illegally. This doesn't take into account the Palestinians who are working in the settlements, they claim they are against.
Why do you think that any sane Palestinians would willingly give up all of this to go out on a 3rd Intifada, one they know will do nothing to damage Israel.

Thumb benzona 13:49 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Israel's unemployment rate declined to its lowest rate in 20 years in August, with just 6.1% of the civilian adult labor force out of a job according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.

in lebanon it's somewhere between 30 and 40%

Thumb benzona 13:51 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

you should know ,however, that in the european capital i live in, unemployment is close to 25%..... as unbelievable as it may sound.

Default-user-icon Tonus (ضيف) 12:45 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Why will israle attack Lebanon? They want our Petrol? why then they dont attack syria ,Jordan and Cyprus they have plenty of Gazoil!!
Hizballa is the purpose and the cause of all trouble, send hizballa away all problem will be gone. Peace please.

Thumb cedre 14:19 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23


Missing helicopter 17:42 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

HA is under lots of pressure these days and this statement by Israel is meant to prop their stock up in the eyes of non-shia Arabs and Lebanese. I doubt such a strike will take place and if it did I know for sure it will not be accurate in the sense everyone expects. The attack will be conducted in such a way to ensure Lebanon's destruction and HA's survival and dominance (they are strategic partners). History is the proof. The 2006 war did exactly that and it seems another one is needed to shore up HA again.

Missing peace 18:23 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

" can cause a lot of damage on the enemy."

sure we ve seen the damage caused in 2006 by hezbis.... and we are still waiting for the missiles ba3d haifa wa ba3d ba3d haifa as promised by iranman!

Missing lebanese4life 18:32 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

They have caused a lot of damage on the enemy and if war breaks out soon, which I hope does not happen, you will see the missiles reach much farther than haifa because HA has drone capabilities now.

Missing peace 18:51 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

sure, i guess you are proud that ONE political party holds the fate of a WHOLE NATION in its hands and decides of peace or war... not the lebanese , not the state decides but the craziness of ONE man...
sure i guess you find that logic...

and lebanese will pay the price of the dictatorship of one party... good patriots you are indeed....

Thumb cityboy 18:27 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

so because you remember what some jew said then it is fact. please you have better judgement then that surely.

Missing lebanese4life 18:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Yeah your conspiracy theory makes no sense.

Missing lebanese4life 18:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

The region is changing big john thats why Isrealis are scrambling to make a tighter alliance with France because the U.S is protecting its interests now. The best U.S interest is peace with Iran and Syria. The west no longer needs Saudi Arabia because the U.S now is the leading in the world in oil reserves.

Missing peace 19:21 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

great analysts you two are!

Missing me112 19:59 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

Smallah 3laykun kelkun great analysts...

Missing me112 22:35 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

I'm not going to argue with a person who use expressions like dog etc. in an argument. I'll make a long story short and tell you. The Hizb and its leader El Sayed Hassan Nasrallah tej raskun and without him you were going to end up like Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't understand why you are on the jews side, and not on the side of the brave man who protect us from them.

You might not care, because you are not Shiite, but you must understand the conditions we lived under in South Lebanon, when the Jews entered our land, raped our wives and killed our childs! And the only one to make these conditions better was the Hezb.

At least when the Hezb start a war, its against Jews (not against other muslims metel honik jabha!). Furthermore, and more importantly, the Hezb never starts a war without ending it as a winner ;)

Missing peace 23:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 23

good fanatic.... lesson well learned, thank you....

Missing ulpianus 01:00 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 24

Funny thing is that the most attacks and invasions on/of Lebanon done by israel has occured under the days of the glorious resistance. So the obvious question is: Why the hell do we need such a resistance???

Default-user-icon trieself (ضيف) 11:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 24

Don't anyone ever think that Israel and HA are enemies? They simply are friends. Israel wants to dominate the Palestinians while HA through Iran wants to dominate the Arab world. Israel and HA are teaming to achieve these two goals. That's why you see Israel not interfering in Syria simply because HA, it friend, is trying to dominate Syria and by extension Iraq which stands to lose the Shai dominance should Syria falls in the hand of the Sunni.

Missing me112 20:41 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 24

Yea and they bomb each other for fun ma hek? 3anjad yekhze l3eeen 3annakkk.. Friends 2al!! No lovers ya khayye!

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 13:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 25

idiots such as yourself discuss people and the smart ones like the rest discuss ideas ... choke on it

Missing me112 20:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 24

Who deleted my post?

Missing gada 06:11 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

It's sad to see how many people seem to believe and perpetuate the idea that Israel is a peaceful entity that only ever attacks because it is aggravated by HA. I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Hey everyone! Lets all go attack Bashar AlAssad, the only Arab president who doesn't bow down to the west, actually cares for his people (provides free schooling, free health care, good services (even the Bedouin living in the middle of the desert in small mud-houses have 24/7 electricity)), doesn't discriminate between religious sects, doesn't oppress women, harbored Lebanese civilians when Israel attacked Lebanon, is basically Lebanon's backbone, etc... And worship the Zionist Israel who invaded our lands, killed our men and women, kidnapped and butchered our children, poisoned our trees, bombed our villages, steals the few natural resources our country has, oppresses the Palestinians, and has always been a threat to our country and its people!

Missing gada 06:12 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Because that makes so much sense! Did I also mention that I'm Queen Elizabeth?