عون: أرشح جعجع لرئاسة الجمهورية
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أنه "يرشح رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع لرئاسة الجمهورية لأنه مرشح قوي"، مردفاً "ما في تأليف حكومة ما في انتخاب رئيس".
وأشار عون في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" نشر السبت الى ان "الحكومة الجديدة لا تتشكل لان هناك ارتباطات خارجية والكل ينتظر وليس فريق واحد بل الجميع ولعدم وجود مستقلين في الحكم، فلو كان هناك مستقلون لكانوا اخذوا القرار الذي يتوافق والمصلحة اللبنانية".
وحمل على رئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال نجيب ميقاتي لسياسته المتبعة في تصريف الاعمال، قائلاً ان "(أمين عام مجلس الوزراء) سهيل بوجي هو الحاكم اليوم يتكلم مع رئيس الجمهورية (ميشال سليمان)ورئيس الحكومة ويعطي توصياته، وهذا افضل شيء لهما ألغيا المجلس والحكومة وصارا يمشّيان البلد بتوقيعيهما".
وفي موضوع الاستحقاق الرئاسي ورداً على سؤال عن اعلانه انه غير مرشح كما فعل رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، أشار عون الى أن "جعجع قال انه ضد ترشيحي"، مردفاً "هو ونحن نريد رئيسا قويا وهو يعتبر نفسه قوياً وأنا أرشحه".
وشدد على انه "ليس مرشحاً"، موضحاً "اذا كان اصحاب القرار في هذا الموضوع يريدونني فأنا لا أتخلى عن الواجب".
ولفت عون الإنتباه الى أن "التمديد يعني الفراغ، إذ نعيش في الفراغ ونخاف منه وبالتمديد سنمدد للفراغ".
وشدد على ان "الحل بتأليف حكومة"، مؤكداً "ما في تأليف حكومة ما في انتخاب رئيس".
ورأى عون أنه "يجب على رئيس الجمهورية ان يكون قويا في البرلمان، وتكون عنده صفة تمثيلية، ويكون مرجحا. ان تكون لديه كتلة نيابية تمكنه من المشاركة، من دون ان يتسول 4 او 5 مراكز، فيتسبب بعدم توازن في المجلس، لانه يأخذ كل واحد من كتلة، فيغير خياره السياسي لانه ينقله من ضفة الى ضفة".
وأضاف "عندما تكون عنده قوة في البرلمان يكون له ثقله، وثقل في التصويت، ويعطي توقيعه ثقلا ايضا".
وتحفظ عون عن" نظرية انتخاب الرئيس بنصاب النصف زائد واحد" قائلاً إن "النصف زائد واحد خطر والرئيس يجب ان يحصل على تفاهم اكبر حوله فهو بالثلثين غير قادر على الحكم فكيف بـ 51 في المئة؟".
وتنتهي ولاية رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في أيار 2014، وذلك في ظل رفض سليمان التمديد لولايته.
يُذكر أنه وبعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في آذار الفائت، تم تكليف سلام تشكيل حكومة جديدة الا أن جهوده لم تنجح في ذلك، في ظل تمسك كل فريق بمطلبه، وكان سلام قد أعلن أن "الشهية السياسية" تؤخر عملية تأليف الحكومة.
“he wouldn't give up his tasks if decision-makers wanted”… yes pajama boy, they will all rush to nominate you… Berri, jumblatt & mikati are already lining up.
There are a couple of very simpleminded individuals who Idolize this poor wretch, but at the end of the day all Aoun will be remembered for is running away & slithering back.
the best thing he ever said in his entire life (about geagea being the president ) because we really need a president with such personality as el DOc.
the guy knows he has not a single chance of being a president.
he knows the days of hizbushaitan are close to an end, otherwise, he would have been jubilant and asking for the presidency :)
M14 is closer to the end than Hezbollah. Their obstruction of governance will surely weaken their position if not see them declared illegal.
M14 is closer to the end than Hezbollah. Their obstruction of governance will surely weaken their position if not see them declared illegal. .....
Right on the mark MC. This is why M8 (headed by HA) have been obstructing governance in all its forms, because M8 thrives on lawlessness.
Apart from these ailments, is there anything else you suffer from General. Where are the Christian leaders of Lebanon, it is sad times, how long will this drought last, The good Lord has forsaken us.
With one sect intoxicated with their weapons and the second heading towards fanaticism as a defence to the first, and the third and backbone of Lebanon spilt in half, we are at a dangerous crossroads in our history. Sincere prays are our only salvation.
Looks like 2014 will be the undoing of the government of Lebanon. The coming crisis will leave the country in shambles.
No parliament, No cabinet, no president and a prime minister in the back pocket of the KSA. Give thanks to M14 for the demise of Lebanon.
Lebanon has been in crisis for 40 years, occupied & looted by the Assad's and now occupied by the Iranian militia. It has become a shambles and a political vacuum after your beloved M8 government took power. That is exactly what Hizbullah wants, no real Lebanese government authority.
The facts say differently ... It is Mustaqbal and M14 that boycott parliament, refuse to negotiate a cabinet and ratchet up their rhetoric to levels that all but call for a civil war.
You have a short memory, boycotts are a specialty of M8. Negotiate What???? Hizbullah brakes all agreements, says that it does not need Lebanese consensus and that Assad and Iran are their partners. But according to you it is all M14's fault for calling it out and not handing over the country to them… what a joker.
@ general_puppet
The obstruction of Lebanese governance is clearly caused by M14. It is M14 that boycotts parliament and a negotiated cabinet.
All your words ring hollow dear puppet. If you cared about Lebanon you'd see that Lebanon needs strong governance more now than ever.
mckinl you are a fool, you and all the other Axis cheerleaders want to grovel at Assad's & Nasrallah feet, then enjoy. But don't expect every one ells to.
@ general_puppet
Me grovel at Assad's and Nasrallah's feet? LOL ...
No dear puppet it is your hatred that you would let destroy Lebanon ...
M14 is not against the formation of a government but it is against hizbullah being in the government while they are involved in the syrian conflict. they are also supporting the formation of a neutral government without neither 14 or M8 representatives. Hizbullah is insisting being in the government which will make lebanon officially involved in the syrian conflict. Lebanon will thus be in a position of declaring war onto the syrian oppositions, the moderate and the islamists terrorist alike.
Hezbollah members have been duly elected to the parliament. If those members have broken any laws then charge them, if not then they are qualified to be in government.
Hezbollah has never said that they wanted Lebanon to declare war on the terrorists in Syria. It is only M14 that makes this case while Saad and Oqab Saqr run supply lines to the terrorists.
Thankfully the Syrian army with the help of Hezbollah is scrubbing their Lebanese border of terrorists so the much awaited KSA victory in Syria that would have seen armed support to take on Hezbollah. No doubt Israel would have invaded as well. Such are the plans of the M14 and they lie in ruins.
Should the country fall into chaos I fully expect the Lebanese Forces to take control with the absolute backing of Hezbollah. While in control I expect them to call for elections for every national elective post and they may even convene a Constitutional convention so that boycotts will be punished not tolerated.
@ geha
We will surely see won't we ... I doubt that you will be so amused at the outcomes ...
@ ice-man
When Suleiman is not replaced and the presidency is vacant we will see how humorous my post is then ...
"Thankfully the Syrian army"…. pathetic, mckinl giving thanks to Assad's army. You are full of BS, Hizbullah and Assad fight for the Axis not for Lebanon. It is the Lebanese people who back the LAF not Nasrallah and his jihadist terrorist.
no one is supporting the islamist terrorist but the moderate syrians that wants to live under a free democratic regime. the uprising started with peaceful civilians demonstrating against a tyrant regime. It is the very intervention of the foreign international and regional power that has transformed the uprising into a war among sunni extremists and shiites loyal to iran.
@ geha
Indeed the Lebanese people back the Lebanese forces and to say that M14 has been unappreciative of their service is putting it very mildly indeed. The LF will break the M14 treason and governence will once again commence.
@ greatpierro ~ "no one is supporting the islamist terrorist but the moderate syrians that wants to live under a free democratic regime."
Been in a coma for three years pierro?
do you really think that some one still believes those lies are you lying on people or on your self .
@ ishteraki
Should Lebanon fall into chaos, as M14 wants, indeed the LF will step forward ... and they will get international support.
Yes mckinl, all Hail the Glorious Iranian militia, Lebanon's only Salvation. Now you just keep saying that to yourself and everything will be just fine.
for have weakened the christians in lebanon by initiating a bloody war and by making an alliance with a terrorist militia that is weakening the lebanese institutions and government legitimacy. bravo noun.
Your propaganda needs a lot of work dear pierro. Your posts only confirm the deep denial of M14 and Mustaqbal.
FYI: It is Mustaqbal and M14 that boycotts the parliament and refuses to negotiate the formation of a new cabinet.
Mocking is destructive. It's certainly counterproductive and unprofessional. Even when it involves opponents. He's supposed to be a role model.....
@Southern: do you even believe what you say?
the day is coming where hizbushaitan will be dismantled, and then Lebanon will be able to have elections, a proper cbinet, and a new president.
anything else is stupidity beyond stupidity.
Someone is playing with his crayons again, can someone please translate this jibber-jabber.
Southerner do want to be illiterate all of your life? Stop waisting your time posting nonsense. You should be doing productive things like attending a school for the mentally challenged.
As long as we are in the middle of this nonsense we shall never become a country.
M8 blames KSA, M14 blames Hezbollah...
How about both are bad and we should be a independent country getting rid of both terrorists blowing themselves and this country up, and Hezbollah who just needs to return all Lebanese fighting in Syria to Lebanon.
I know it seams impossible for both cases, I guess the only solution is a maybe a french Revolution in Lebanon when the people finally get rid of all dominant forces in Lebanon. (All parties!)