ارجاء جلسة محاكمة ميشال سماحة لـ30 ايار 2014
Read this story in Englishارجأت المحكمة العسكرية، الثلاثاء، جلسة محاكمة النائب والوزير السابف ميشال سماحة بسبب عدم وصول التبلغيات الى اللواء السوري علي مملوك.
وقد حُدد موعد الجلسة الجديد في 30 ايار 2014.
من جانبه، أكد وكيل سماحة صخر هاشم للـLBCI أن "فكرة طلب اطلاق سبيل سماحة لا زالت واردة وننتظر الوقت المناسب".
يُذكر انه في حزيران الفائت، أرجئت جلسة لمحاكمة سماحة الى اليوم، الثلاثاء، بسبب عدم إبلاغ مملوك والعقيد عدنان الفارين من وجه العدالة
يُذكر ان سماحة اعترف بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات في الشمال بطلب سوري، وذلك بعد توقيفه في التاسع من آب 2012 بمداهمة منزله في الخنشارة عبر قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي. واظهرت التحقيقات تورط كل من مملوك وعدنان ومستشارة الرئيس السوري بثينة شعبان.
وصدرت في الرابع من شباط مذكرتا توفيق بحق المملوك ومعاونه عدنان (مجهول باقي الهوية) في ملف سماحة.
and wissam el Hassan would have died for nothing .
the state of Lebanon is the biggest lie of the 21st century
We are really sorry for that we should just shut up and obey to what ever hezbollah wants... We can start trying democratie iranian style... (Sorry for this one we cannot use youtube,twitter,facebook....) but sorry man really...
Accept War with Israel
Accept War in Syria
Accept to be branded as terrorists all around the world
Accept to have our economy ruined
Accept to have our youth flee the country
Accept to have an entire terrorist ARMY in Lebanon
Accept to be treated as scum by all embassies when asking for VISAs
Accept to have foreign terrorists bomb our country for revenge
Accept to have our country and democracy dismantled
Accept to have a complete political void
Can you tell this forum how low are you willing to drop your pants for HA ?
And guess what me and my family will stay in this country, and as we fought angaint south lebanon army (lebanese army guys ordered by israel we will be force to fight against this iranian ordered guys.. I only wished that my childreen wouldn't have the same stupid childhood i did...
Well me and my familly are forced to live in a country where vital (security) desisions are taken by hezbollah alone, he can initiate war when he wants and after he gives us "lawou kountiu a3lam" before his divine victory. We are forced to live in a coutry where our vote doesnot count (with few black shirts they bring down governements) a country where politicitians like joumblat goes on tv saying that it is like this and we cannot do anything about it, a country where people get shot in front of embassies in front of cameras and no one care, a country where guys wanted for assassination by international tribunal are treated like saints, a country where wanted people for bombings donnot go to security forces bc they don't like them (ali eid for exemple) a country run by hezbollah with a cover from other factions to give a democratic image...
Well i hvn't said anything about kateeb in my post, i could hv, in fact i will; kateeb did made mistakes during the war as well as communists kouwmi jumblat and i can go on... The south lebanese army descided to put itself under the command of the israely occupation just as now hezbollah hv put itself under the command of iranian gards or at least is acting so and the worse is that hezbollah feels itself over all law and is taking decisions that afect all of us without consulting no one but its comand even own was not aware of 2006 operation that came after a similar one in gaza only few months before (so they had an exemple of what could hv happened but they did it anyway... And now in syria and god knows where else... What kind of resistance is that??? And i wish things would hv been different, i wish we could finaly live in peace but here we are....