الحكومة وافقت على مذكرة تفاهم بين "الطاقة" اللبنانية و"البترول" الإيرانية
Read this story in Englishوافقت الحكومة على إبرام مذكرة تفاهم بين وزارة الطاقة والمياه ووزارة البترول في الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية ومن بنودها "تعاون في مجال الطاقة بقيمة 50 مليون دولار"
وأشار وزير الإعلام وليد الداعوق بعد الجلسة التي انعقدت في بعبدا بعد ظهر الأربعاء إلى أنه "أبرز القرارات التي اتخذتها الحكومة هي الموافقة على ابرام مذكرة تفاهم بين وزارة الطاقة والمياه ووزارة البترول في ايران والموافقة على تخفيض الغرامات المتوجبة على شركة موبيل انتريم كومبني 2 والترخيص لمجلس الانماء والاعمار بتأهيل طريق في راشيا".
كما أشارت قناة "المنار" إلى أن إحدى بنود هذه المذكرة هي "تعاون في مجال الطاقة بقيمة 50 مليون دولار".
بدوره، أكد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، بحسب الداعوق، ما جاء في كلمة سليمان لجهة التعيينات ومكافحة الغلاء والحرص على احترام القوانين.
ودعا رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان إلى تطبيق القانون بحق مرتكبي الاعتداءات على الاملاك والاشخاص والموظفين وتوقيف المرتكبين.
ولفت الداعوق الى انه تمت الدعوة لجلسة للحكومة في 2 آب 2011 في قصر بعبدا.
What happened with the cabinet "meeting twice a week" to work on the pressing matters?
So Iran sends money to Mossad so they can generate strife and wars in Lebanon via the filthy militia who uses's their weapons to murder Lebanese civilians, and again sends the money back via the giverment in exchange for oil. When will Lebanon be free ?
Iran is in dire need of electricity and is unable to provide sufficient power to its own people. Iran also needs and imports the refined products from other countries. It does not have the technical capabilities for the exploration and production of oil and gas in deep water and needs for that equipments that are presently under embargo due to the occidental sanctions. The MOU is only a political ploy to put Lebanon at its mercy and freeze the lebanese production as long as the embargo exist. We can say bye bye to our oil and gas.
The same memorandum of understanding like the one the great general signed with the Hezb ? cooperating to keep calm and find a solution to the weapons? we saw the result of such an action :
- 2006 unilateral decision of kidnapping, war, 10 billion $ destruction, 2000 civilians, 700 fighters, 10000 new armed foreigners ( UN ) on the border
- 2007 threat about the red line imposed by the hezb to the army for Nahr el Bared
- 2008 May 7, killing innocent civilians and terrorizing beirut
- Killing Samer hanna, an officer by blowing up his helicopter
- Toppling the governement by threathening the coward jumblat into joining their cowardly act
- intimadating Media sources in Lassa as well as the maronite league.
- Praising Iran's model and khameinei daily.
- Thank you for your last MOU , you can keep it to urself, lets see what the new MOU is about, hope we will have a bit more electricity in the areas needed, or will the 50 million go to the great noble '' clean '' general?
We start with oil.Iran then is going to stand very close to Israeli teritorial waters...One can imagine easily where this can lead to! Second, as the americans are pulling out their aid to the lebanese army, Iran will step in with their ' generous ' offer to replace....When i farsi going to be the Official language??
Jouez hauts-bois , résonnez trompettes,
A grand renfort de Zim Boum Pon Pon,
Le général bidon, fier comme un paon,
Nous gave de discours qui ne valent tripette.
Aidé par son gendre, le GEBRAN imbécile,
Il réussit la mission qui lui est impartie
De nous imposer l’Iran comme juge et partie
Et il en est ravi, la tâche n’était pas facile.
D’une petite signature au bas d’un document,
Il génère enfin une grande somme d’argent
Que peuvent se partager une flopée de gens,
Lui, BERRY, GEBRAN, car ils sont tous gourmands.
Il peut maintenant dormir d’un sommeil tranquille.
Les libanais souhaitent qu’il devienne éternel,
Débarrassé enfin de toute enveloppe charnelle,
Libre comme l’escargot sorti de sa coquille.
This is nothing but a ploy by the Hezb Ebola so called "government" to have Iran sneak through the "back door" to the Lebanese potential oil reserves. This Vichi government has surely not wasted any time in getting down to business as usual in destroying what's left of Lebanon's sovreignty and illiminating any hope of future economical resurrection. All these puppet so called "Lebanese" politicians to the Syrian and Iranian regimes have to be held accountable in the near future for their unrepenting treason to Lebanon and it's free people and its sovreignty and well being. Of Course this means a Shit list... where the criminal likes of Nasrallah, Qassim, Kaouk, Berri, Aoun, Jumblat, Qanso, Hardan, Qandil, Franjieh, Arslan, Jamil Al Sayyed,... are prosecuted and held accountable for all their crimes by a court on the behalf of the Lebanese free people. The likes of Mikati are slowly but surely making their way onto the list...
Moallek , ce que tu as énoncé est magnifiquement décrit, je ne pourrais nullement ajouté quelque chose de mieux dit, à part à ceux qui suivent toujours ce général de papier : Lisez la fable de La Fontaine , celle du Corbeau et du Renard, bien sur vous devrez comparer Hezbollah au renard et le General au corbeau.
Le Lion et l'Ane chassant
Le roi des animaux se mit un jour en tête
De giboyer. Il célébrait sa fête.
Le gibier du Lion, ce ne sont pas moineaux,
Mais beaux et bons Sangliers, Daims et Cerfs bons et beaux.
Pour réussir dans cette affaire,
Il se servit du ministère
De l'Ane à la voix de Stentor.
AOUN à Messer ASSAD fit office de Cor.
ASSAD le posta, le couvrit de ramée,
Lui commanda de braire, assuré qu'à ce son
Les moins intimidés fuiraient de leur maison.
Leur troupe n'était pas encore accoutumée
A la tempête de sa voix ;
L'air en retentissait d'un bruit épouvantable ;
La frayeur saisissait les hôtes de ces bois.
Tous fuyaient, tous tombaient au piège inévitable
Où les attendait le Lion.
N'ai-je pas bien servi dans cette occasion ?
Dit AOUN, en se donnant tout l'honneur de la chasse.
- Oui, reprit ASSAD, c'est bravement crié :
Si je ne connaissais ta personne et ta race,
J'en serais moi-même effrayé