ابراهيم "يتوجه الى قطر السبت" لبحث ملف راهبات معلولا

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يتوجه المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم، السبت الى قطر، لبحث ملف رهبات معلولا المحتجزات في سوريا، وفق ما أفادت الـLBCI.

ولفتت المعلومات الى أن توجه ابراهيم الى قطر، جاء بتكليف من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.

ونقلت الـLBCI، عن ابراهيم قوله أنه اجرى اتصالاً بقناة "الجزيرة" لمعرفة مصدر الشريط الذي عرض الجمعة والذي ظهرت فيه راهبات معلولا ، مؤكداً وضع خطة عمل لمتابعة القضية.

يُذكر أن "الجزيرة" عرضت الجمعة شريط فيديو، ظهرت فيه الراهبات الـ13، أكدن في أنهن بخير وانهن خرجن من دير مار تقلا في معلولا بسبب القصف، وكشفت احداهن أنهن سيخرج من مكان وجودهن "بعد يومين".

وكانت قد أكدت كتائب "أحرار القلمون" الجمعة أن الراهبات في "مكان آمن ولكن لن يطلَق سراحهن إلا بعد تنفيذ عدة مطالب، أهمها إطلاق سراح ألف معتقلة سورية في سجون النظام السوري".

وكان قد دخل جهاديون ومسلحون معارضون الإثنين إلى بلدة معلولا المسيحية وأخرجوا 13 راهبة لبنانية وسورية إلى منطقة يبرود من دير مار تقلا. ووصف الفاتيكان العملية بـ"الخطف".

من الجدير بالذكر أن لابراهيم وقطر دوراً في الافراج عن مخطوفي أعزاز بعد عدو مفاوضات واتصالات أدت الى عودتهم سالمين الى لبنان بعد أكثر من سنة على الخطف.

التعليقات 16
Thumb saturn 12:11 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

Can we also please ask Qatar for a candy?

Thumb saturn 12:31 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

...because Qatar cares!

Thumb zahle1 14:16 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

Like I said before, I don't know why M14 blindly supports FSA in Syria. There are too many wackos in the FSA that do these things that are above and beyond. Again, I'm not pro Syria in Lebanon, but they are what's best for Syria.

Thumb zahle1 14:22 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

I agree, its time for Christians to do something like this to strike back at these takfiri. It is a shame that many in M14 and the western media are minimizing what these FSA backed militias are doing to non military Christian churches, clergy and faithful...

Thumb zahle1 18:31 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

I'm not disagreeing. We are getting picked off like its a Turkey shoot. Our Shiite brethren are going to Syria to protect their shrines and places of worship. Ya profile, you tell me who is protecting Christians. I would love to have a non-sectarian government that would protect everyone, and have zero foreign influence. The reality is, that when things get heated, that it there is nobody out there protecting the weak. Especially protecting Christian interest. Ya profile, what do you recommend we do. I do preach law and order so where is it for these nuns? Where is it for the churches getting destroyed? Where is it for the clergy and bishops getting kidnapped? There is a war taking place. And our people need protection. If these whacko takfiri do not want to leave alone non-military, religious clergy/churches, then someone needs to bring it, and take it to them.

Thumb cedre 15:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

ok so 12k max of takfiris will defeat millions of people,
phoenix showing us what a great analyst he can be...
Selling fear for brainwashed people...

Thumb benzona 15:38 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

this damaged man is blind. if bachar pays for his crimes, syrian people will be united to fight off the remaining foreigners on their soil. because they are invading forces and easy to spot.

He's playing the fear card like Aoun and the Neo Nazis in Europe. it works with the weak minded.

Thumb cedre 16:14 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

Pro-rebels--->alqaeda, bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!
mockery is all u left with, ur propaganda is useless at the era of youtube and satelitte phones...

Thumb benzona 15:32 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

Something is very wrong. It is not normal that a General Security Chief travels to foreign countries to discuss such matters. it is the job of a Foreign Minister. General Ibrahim's place is in Lebanon.

Thumb benzona 15:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

Then we must be grateful that the Turks are doing it.

your vocabulary is sick 'takfiri'. Do you even realise what a monster you are?

Tu riras moins quand le Hezbollah te la fera a l'envers et que ta petite famille sera voilee de force.

Thumb liberty 18:18 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

Bravo phoenix. You really showed yourself up. I never expected this rhetoric from you.....:((

Thumb ex-fpm 19:58 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

It sure is disgusting this site has become. Filthy language, insults, sectarian comments and fake accounts.

Thumb ex-fpm 19:59 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

@manoushee, I totally agree. This language should not be tolerated nor allowed. Naharnet should do something about it.

Thumb EagleDawn 23:07 ,2013 كانون الأول 07

very manly indeed!

Thumb cedre 00:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 08

outraged at the foul language ? How cares pal...
Only shows us the good education phoenix received and what kind of thug he is. Give a ak or m16 to that kind of person and u understand why lebanon is a failed state.

Both of u are here all day long demonizing sunnis, ksa, ect.. by calling us jihadists, takfiris, wahabis, ect... Promoting Bashar and every other killers of sunnis and u're waiting for respect ?

Ur islamophobic propaganda is far more dangerous than ur foul language...

Thumb EagleDawn 07:57 ,2013 كانون الأول 08

@NAHARNET: Please, read the exchange of comments on this site and TAKE some action. This is a forum and not a ghetto. There are families and decent people who come here and read. This is completely unacceptable. Your credibility as a news organization is at stake when commenters such as the1phoenix and his likes are allowed to post such insults and profanities.
No one in their right mind would tolerate his insanity.

Thank you!