جعجع يعتبر ان حزب الله نصّب نفسه "أمينا على الإعلان العالمي لانتهاك حقوق الإنسان"
Read this story in English
أعلن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الإثنين أن البعض يصر على انتهاك الدستور و"العودة بنا الى عصورٍ بائدة" غامزا من قناة حزب الله الذي "نصب نفسه أمينا على الإعلان العالمي لانتهاك حقوق الإنسان".
وقال جعجع خلال رعايته ندوة عن حقوق الإنسان في معراب "بعد سبع وثمانين سنة على صياغة الدستور اللبناني، والذي جاء ليكرّس حقوق الإنسان، والديموقراطية، وحرية الرأي والمعتقد والتعبير، لا يزال البعض في لبنان يُصرّ على انتهاك هذا الدستور والعودة بنا الى عصورٍ بائدة".
وتابع "الدستور تفسيره متحرّك تبعاً لاحتياجات " المقاومة" والمؤسسات الدستورية والإدارات الرسمية تأتي في المرتبة الأخيرة لأنّ الصراع مع الشياطين، الكبار منهم والصغار، يأتي أولاً".
وشرح أن "الدويلة تأكل مال الدولة في لبنان وتفقر الجميع"، مشيراً الى أن "كلّ هذا يحوّل المواطن اللبناني مواطناً من دون وطنٍ ولا حقوق، من دون أمن ولا استقرار، من دون اقتصاد ولا اجتماع، بحاضر مزعزع ومستقبل ضائع".
كما لفت جعجع إلى أن "هذا البعض لم يكتفِ بضرب اسس الحياة الديموقراطية القائمة في لبنان، بل ذهب الى سوريا ليساهم في إجهاض ديموقراطيةٍ على طريق الولادة والتكوين".
وأردف "بعد خمسٍ وستّين سنة على إصدار الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان، لا يزال الشعب السوري يُناضل للحصول على ابسط حقوقه البديهية، ولا يزال الطغاة والديكتاتوريون يعيشون في نكرانٍ كلّي لهذا الإعلان، وكأنهم استمرارٌ لحقبات ظلاميّة لم تنتهِ حتى زمننا الراهن".
وتابع أنه من "المعيب في هذا المجال، هو انّ البعض الذي سبق ذكره نصّب نفسه اميناً على "الإعلان العالمي لانتهاك حقوق الإنسان"، فذهب الى سوريا ايضاً لمساعدة النظام على انتهاكها، هناك حيث يعتبر المواطنون مجرّد رعايا وأتباع وأدوات، فإذا طالبوا بأبسط حقوقهم البديهية صاروا تكفيريين، وإذا نادوا بالحرية والدولة المدنية صاروا ارهابيين يهددون السلم العالمي".
أما عن الحركة الإحتجاجية في العالم العربي رأى جعجع "أن المرحلة الإنتقالية الراهنة، مهما طال زمانها، ومهما تعمدّت بالدماء، لا بد وان تُعبد الطريق امام مرحلةٍ لاحقة يُصبح فيها العالم العربي اكثر انسانيةً، اكثر ديموقراطيةً، اكثر عدالةً واكثر حريةً".
وخلص إلى القول "قد شاءت الظروف ان تفتقد الإنسانية في هذه الذكرى علماً من اعلام مقاومة الظلم والتمييز الذي جعل من سجنه الصغير منارةً اضاءت دروب الحرية امام شعوبٍ بأكملها. إن رحيل نيلسون مانديلا هو خسارةٌ للإنسانية جمعاء. فسلامٌ الى روحه الطيبة".
هذا وذكر رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" أن "بلوغ المجتمع الإنساني مرحلة الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان لم يكن ليتحقق بسهولة. لقد كافح الناس وناضلوا، وسقط ملايين البشر على مر التاريخ لضمان تحقيق هذا الالتزام".

Lol! And Geagea is the expert on Human rights? Right i think we need to check the past, Ooops = Mass murderer

Geagea, I understand why you are confused.
First, your frequent visits to Saudi Arabia did not help you mature to understand real democracy: Having a king rule by God-given power is not a democracy my friend.
Second, the King himself is involved in terror acts documented through out history including September 11, 2001 ( regardless of who was the executioners, the culture of Saudi is responsible for every terror act anywhere in the world.)
Third, if the culture of terror invaded a secular culture, the secular regime become iron-fisted to protect culture, society and minority. Your Saudi-M14 terror cells started killing innocent in Syria in 1978 forced Baath to act in iron-fist. Because last time I checked, you can not reason with terror. You can not reason with a culture that went to Maaloula and forced 12 nuns into abduction.

yes beuatifulmind. those kids that were spray painting graffiti on the walls got exactly what they deserved from a great humanitarian (ASSad)! Let's us Lebanese go ahead and spill our blood and the blood of our children so this great humanitarian (ASSad) can continue to make the same great contributions he makes to Lebanon. there are a lot of things that can describe your mind, beautiful certainly is not one of them!

Last time I checked, I could not find a peaceful Saudi-M14 dude. Unless, you call the mission to kill 3,300 Americans work-goers on September 11, 2001: a peaceful mission.
This story about kids and graffiti does not hold water my friend: a peaceful culture stays peaceful regardless. However, How in hell these graffiti kids ended up eating human hearts the next day. Get over it!

Hulk lol spraying paint on the walls? That story is very well broken already, we all know this was a plot by Muslim Brotherhood & Al Qaeda (Saudi KSA) to take over Syria and murder all the minorities, this is not an issue anymore up to discussion, this has been proved, fact that people like you don't keep up on the news is saddening.

Mind and Mystic. you two crack me up! you discredit stuff only because it suits you. you connect things that are on two different galaxies so your argument can somehow appear to make sense for a split second. Any Lebanese that is over 35 years old can speak to you first hand on how murderous/barbaric/terroristic is the regime you so shamelessly come on here and attempt to portray as angelic and secular. Please fella(s), next time you try to want to regurgitate propaganda your gullible mind gobbled up, please know your audience. And Mind, as much as you are correct about Saudi Arabia being the last country to speak of democracy, you lose all credibility of sounding anything less than a stooge when attempt to associate 9/11 to the kingdom. just a friendly piece of advice, take it as you wish.

"Saudi is responsible for every terror act anywhere in the world.")
Check the link, learn your history before you talk, you are insulting peoples intelligence with your propoganda. You are free to believe it but anyone with an internet connection can educate himself with regards to facts and figures. This blah blah of yours is very tiring especially when you have no facts or proof to prove 99% of what you are implying. Do you get it? Inshallah.

Always the same drill with the M14 supporters, they know Saudi is bad, yet they try to explain that the Syrian government is worse, which will never be proved due to Saudis violations against human rights, woman rights and crazy wahabi laws.

Hulk Syria is experiencing an attack by outside powers Saudi breeding terrorists and nursering them. Real threat to the world is Al Qaeda and their brethren, nothing else.

USA ofcourse is a threat, but they are on their knees now, and can't wage more wars, Israel ofcourse is hysterically mad because of what is happening in Iran, and Saudi is furious because that they know the Syrian war is lost.

I don't know whats worse, Geagea talking about human rights, or his follows defending him.
Maybe he can get his buddies in Saudi Arabia to help us Syrians figure this whole thing out....

Geagea, u nailed it, but then whats the point if neither u , the president or the LAF can do something against HA ?
U're not taking risks to make changes...

According to the ARAB SPRING defender: Geagea, and M14, the Syrian Government is responsible for the nuns abduction. Now, this is a quote in Arabic from AlSharq Alawsat London Base news papers ( which is the mouth piece of Saudis clearly admitting the FSA, ISIL and AlNusra are behind the abduction. ويقول أحد الذين أشرفوا على عملية تصوير الشريط إن الراهبات طلب منهن نزع الصلبان التي كانوا يضعونها بعدما غضب أحد المقاتلين من طقوس الصلوات المسيحية «التثليث» التي كانوا يكررونها كلما سمعوا صوت انفجار أو كلما دعتهم الأم «بيليجيا» للصلاة، واحتفظت الراهبات بالصلبان لكن في جيوبهن.
I did not need such proof from Alsharq AlAwsat because every terror acts in the world targeting work-goers, Marathon Runners, Christians, Shiaa by-standards is Saudi inspired and financed.

FSA democratic view reminds me, at best, with Morsi of Egypt, democratic view.

Part 1 @HA, your self-appointed duties were to protect Lebanon from the Israelis, you have done that well, thank you! Now please return to the southern borders and continue to protect us from the Israelis and leave killing other Arabs to other evil doers. You were never sanctioned, commissioned, authorized or mobilized by the Lebanese people or the Lebanese government to fight wars in foreign countries under the pretext of protecting our borders from takfiri infiltrators. If you are so concerned about heart eating cannibals and again want to self-assign yourselves the task to protect us without our consent, go amass your forces on the northern/eastern border but do it from the Lebanese side and protect us until you are blue in the face.

Part 2, @HA, STOP the lies and propaganda, have the decency and courage to state your business in Syria as it really is, to protect your shipping lanes and ability to roam freely and spread terrorism to other countries, the Syrian people are just collateral damage to you and in your mind the end justifies the means.

@Dr. Geagea, kindly go meet with Aoun, Gemayel and Franjieh and unite the Christian ranks NOW! Do it to save Lebanon, do it because you are the better man and do it because the presidency does not belong to any of you four, not now, not ever. That said, only Christian unity can save Lebanon now and that is your top priority. You want to spend your days lamenting? I suggest you spend your days putting aside your political aspirations and along with the other civil war era Christian warlords to stop giving cover to both Sunni and Shiia ill-fated adventures.

Wow. Man: FSA=Muslim Brotherhood = Egypt Morsi. If they are so good why your Saudi Backers are against Morsi of Egypt?

In the 70s and 80s this guy geagea created chaos then in the 90s he was jailed lebanon started to rebuild and order started to return, then the man who jailed him was murdered and this man was released and chaos was returned does anyone see any pattern

what geagea says is totally right.... trying to deflect his present words and shying away to comment them by resorting to his past only proves that M8ers cannot find counterarguments to his sayings...
hezbollah does not respect lebanese nor the gvt of lebanon... it is a FACT.