توقيف سوريين اثنين حاولا تهريب 20 الف حبة كبتاغون عبر أشجار الميلاد وبيض "الكندر"
Read this story in Englishأوقف مكتب مكافحة المخدرات سوريين اثنين في الدكوانة كانا يحاولان تهريب 20 ألف حبة كبتاغون إلى دول الخليج، وذلك عبر توضيبها في أشجار الميلاد و"رجل الثلج" وحتى داخل بيض شوكولا "كندر" عبر تذويبه.
وفي التفاصيل، دهم مكتب مكافحة المخدرات المركزي الفاعلين في محلة برج حمود وتوقيفهما يوم السبت الفائت وهما كل من: - خ. أ. (مواليد عام 1979) سوري- أ. خ. (مواليد عام 1985) سوري" بحسب بيان لقوى الأمن الداخلي اليوم الثلاثاء.
وتم القبض عليهما "أثناء إنتقالهما لارسال أحد الطرود على متن سيارة مستأجرة، وقد ضبط بحوزتهما العديد من الهواتف الخليوية وبداخلها خطوط صالحة للإستعمال".
كما ضبط داخل الشقة حيث يقيمان في محلة الدكوانة-السلاف 20,000 حبة "كبتاغون" موضبة داخل زينة خاصة بعيد الميلاد "وقسما منها مخبأ داخل هيكلي برادين صغيري الحجم، وجميعها معدة للتهريب إلى الخارج ضمن طرود خاصة، إضافة إلى ضبط عدة التصنيع والتوضيب الخاصة بالعملية وكمية من السكاكر (بيض كيندر) كانا يخططان لتهريب حبوب مخدرة بداخلها" بحسب البيان.
وبحسب الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام فإن "السوريين كانا ينويان تهريب عشرين الف حبة كبتاغون الى دول الخليج، موضبة داخل برادات خاصة بحفظ الحرارة لتصدير السمك، أي بين الطبقة الداخلية والخارجية وبين عازل من مادة الفلين بحيث يصعب رصدها عبر ماكينات السكانر".
وتم "كل ذلك بالتعاون مع شركة الشحن التي يتعاملون معها ومركزها في البقاع، فتم إرجاعها بحجة عدم تطابقها مع مواصفات التوضيب" بحسب الوكالة.
وبعد رصد ومتابعة من رئيس المكتب في زحلة "أعيدت الطرود من شركة الشحن الى الدكوانة ليتسنى للمكتب المذكور معرفة الطرق البديلة للتوضيب".
عليه "تم تغيير الطريقة هذه المرة عبر حشوها داخل ثلاث أشجار اصطناعية لعيد الميلاد وداخل رجل من الثلج".
كما ضبط معهم عدد من الأجهزة الخليوية وشرائح لبنانية وسورية، وخطوط جديدة ومستعملة، كما رصدت اتصالات بينهم وبين احد تجار المخدرات في سوريا.
وضبطت أيضا عدة كاملة لتذويب بيض شوكولا "كندر" وتوضيب الحبوب بداخلها ثم اعادة تغليفها، دائما بحسب الوكالة المذكورة.
Nah icecream, just some people from the Al Nusra front wanting to smuggle some good drugs for your table christmas eve.
ice-boy was crying yesterday that i was harassing him. but today he's back on my leg like a puppy you can't get rid of
funny how m14ers and friends get busted everyday with drugs, yet banini is still convinced it's a m8 thing.
Yes, and you are from the "tawashan minority" :)
@Mowten @ FT : I didn't know M14 was so powerful with followers in Syria...
It's funny how you accuse them of smuggling drugs when it's not hidden that Hezbollah and other Rogue Shiite groups control this trade...
You're pathetic...
no it's funny how YOU always accuse Hezbollah with the only basis being US political accusations and slander.
No I accuse Hezbollah and other Shiite groups (which are actually rarely talked about and are just as strong) because I happened to visit some of the farmers and villages which fall in the middle of Hezbollah controlled "territories" which are off limits to the army.
In fact, since the Syrians left Lebanon and the Syrian Army trucks are no longer used to smuggle the drugs out of the country, organisations like Hezbollah took over the smuggling part. They have the logistics needed to move such quantities in and out of the country.
No need for US and "accusations"... this is not a "theory" and is certainly something you can verify yourself.
habibi i dont care where you've been, i dont like your sectarianism, it's disgusting. i think you should also visit bcharreh, one of the biggest production area, before you point fingers on a sect.
criminals exist everywhere, pointing out selectively to throw sectarian hatred on an entire sect is pathetic.
@Mowaten : please demonstrate my sectarianism :) I challenge you to do that !
Just because I state that Hezbollah is Shiite and that there are Shiite drug networks means I'm sectarian ?
You who call all Sunni / Mustaqbal Cannibals, Terrorists or Extremists ? You dare accuse me of sectarianism ?
I call a CAT a CAT and when I define a group of individuals, criminals or terrorists by their sect, it's because they are created as such.
Hezbollah is exclusively Shiite. I never said all Shiites are Hezbollah terrorists. I'm not like you turning all Sunnis into Al-Qaeda !
The fact that most of the drug activity is controlled by Shiites does not make me sectarian. It makes them sectarian.
Just like the Hezbollah you defend !
no need for me to demonstrate anything, you took care of it with your "shia this" and "shia that" comments, they're on this very thread for all to see.
as for your claim that i called all sunnis cannibals or terrorists or anything, it's a pure and simple lie you're throwing in my face to try to justify your own sectarianism. anyone who follows the discussions here knows i never said that, and i bet you anything you want you can search all my comments and never find something like that.
finally, i'm still waiting for your answer on what was the core of the subject: the fact that hashish is also grown in bcharreh, amongst other places which contradicts your sectarian accusations.
@Mowaten : i'm extremely careful about nuances and am very precise as to whom I talk about.
Unlike others, I never put ALL Shias and ALL Sunnis in the same basket.
The reality is that all these "groups" are defined primarily by sect. Do you see any other major distinction ?
So if I say Shiite Groups, I mean Shiite organised crime units that are beyond Hezbollah control. Just as Hezbollah does not represent all shiites !
If I talk about Sunni Terrorists, it doesnt mean all Sunnis are terrorists.
There is nothing sectarian about me or my line of thinking.
What's sectarian is the way these "groups" are formed. Around sects, not beliefs, not values !
If Al Qaeda made up of both muslims and christians, the world would be completely different today.
If Hezbollah was name HezbLebnen and not exclusively Shiite), then they would truly be a Lebanese resistance. This is not the case. They defined themselves as such. Not me !