لندن تنضم الى واشنطن في تعليق المساعدات غير الفتاكة للمعارضة السورية في الشمال
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اعلنت بريطانيا اليوم الاربعاء انها علقت المساعدات غير الفتاكة للمعارضة السورية في شمال البلد المضطرب بعد ان سيطر مسلحون اسلاميون على قواعد رئيسية للجيش السوري الحر، وذلك بعد خطوة مماثلة قامت بها الولايات المتحدة.
وصرح متحدث باسم السفارة البريطانية في انقرة لوكالة فرانس برس "ليست لدينا اية خطط لتسليم اية معدات طالما بقي الوضع غير واضح".
وقال المتحدث ان بريطانيا "على اتصال بهيئة الاركان العليا (في الجيش الحر)" للتحقق من وضع المعدات البريطانية.واكد ان هذه الخطوة لا تعني ان الدعم البريطاني للمعارضة السورية يتضاءل.
وكانت قد اعلنت السفارة الاميركية في انقرة ان واشنطن علقت مساعداتها غير القاتلة لشمال سوريا بعد استيلاء الجبهة الاسلامية على منشآت للجيش السوري الحر المرتبط بالمعارضة السورية.
وقال ناطق باسم السفارة تي جي غروبيشا "بسبب هذا الوضع علقت الولايات المتحدة تسليم اي مساعدة غير قاتلة لشمال سوريا".
الا ان غروبيشا اوضح ان المساعدات محض الانسانية لا يشملها هذا القرار لانها توزع عن طريق منظمات دولية وغير حكومية.
وكانت الجبهة الاسلامية سيطرت مطلع الشهر الجاري على مقار تابعة لهيئة الاركان في الجيش السوري الحر وبينها مستودعات اسلحة عند معبر باب الهوى بعد معارك عنيفة بين الطرفين، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.
واشار المرصد اليوم الى ان كميات من هذه الاسلحة "سيطرت عليها جبهة النصرة" الاسلامية المتطرفة المرتبطة بتنظيم القاعدة، علما انها ليست جزءا من "الجبهة الاسلامية".
وتؤشر هذه المواجهات الى تصاعد التوتر بين الجبهة الاسلامية التي نشأت في تشرين الثاني وقيادة الجيش الحر، بعد اربعة ايام من اعلان الجبهة انسحابها من هيئة الاركان، في انشقاق جديد بين الفصائل المقاتلة ضد النظام السوري.
واعلنت فصائل اسلامية اساسية في 22 تشرين الثاني تشكيل "الجبهة الاسلامية"، في اكبر تجمع لقوى اسلامية مسلحة، بهدف اسقاط الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد وبناء دولة اسلامية في سوريا.
ولم يتضح ما اذا كانت هناك جهة خارجية تدعم هذه الجبهة التي تضم اكبر ثلاثة فصائل اسلامية محاربة في سوريا وهي "لواء التوحيد" و"حركة احرار الشام" السلفية و"جيش الاسلام"، بالاضافة الى مجموعات اخرى.

It is all going very badly for the plans of the US. How can the opposition of Assad claim any relevance on the ground?
The US, EU and Russia and many other countries are on the same page now. That is they can not allow Syria to become a terrorist haven.
The US has botched every country it has intervened in. Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and now Syria ...
This has been the worst foreign policy era in the history of the US by far. Their alliances with Zionists and Takfiris have blown up in their face.

I remember 2 years ago, a wise-man said, "All this assistance from the west is going to end up in the terrorists hand no matter what twist or spin the USA and other put on it." He also, " When you funding opposition, you are funding terrorists because when someone is against our culture of Baath, he is, sadly and automatically a terrorists." "We have proven this in the past, particularly in 1980's and we will prove it in the future." Added Assad.


................because when someone is against our culture of Baath, he is, sadly and automatically a terrorists...................
"our culture of Baath"???????? You are a Syrian, aren't you. All this time you passed as an M8er (close ideology and lloyalty).
You remind me of "josh bostany" ..... did you change names and avatars?

Wow this isnt good at all doesnt look like syria is gonna have a winner in this war my heart goes out to all the innocent pple that are effected by this war for power there

Ok, so Kerry will stop sending the almost-expired noodle pots...
U keep it coz most FSA throw them and u give them to ur millions of yanks of food stamps...

once more:
this is the agreement: all countries stop their support to Syria.
now iran needs to comply, otherwise the whole deal will break down.

Even though I partially agree with you, death in the Middle East started among themselves and will only end when inner fighting stops. No body will ever fix the Mid East problems except true reform and years of evolution to transform to true democracy. The facts are and will continue to be, 99.9% of Muslims are killed by other Muslims, blaming the West or anyone else for it is simply distorting the facts. The West doesn't cheer, they just don't give a damn any more and I agree when they say it is your problem so fix it.

I sleep well at night, don't be naive, I don't know you so I have no idea by what you mean by "WE THE WEST". Don't lecture me and the blood of all the children and everyone else is on the hands of crab governments and no one else. To blame the West is simply hiding from the truth. Assad alone is responsible for the death of thousands in Lebanon and Syria, Saddam Hussein was much worse with his wars against Iran, Kuwait and his own people (The West was wrong for invading Iraq), I can name you endless examples why there are many dead in the Middle East but I don't believe it will change your opinion.

I love how these countries make a distinction between FSA-Al Qaeda and the jihadists. They're both the same thing! They're both jihadist terrorists who massacre, behead, and suicide-bomb civilians.

bigjohn, what's your point, if you are justifying killing because one segment did more of it than the other, than you are solidifying my argument that Muslims kill Muslims at a much higher rate than others, I appreciate your affirmation of that.

This one goes out to all of the M14 who blindly support FSA against the Syrian regime. This isn't Beirut. The majority of the Syrian opposition are not made up of Sunni moderates. Again, I am against Iran in Lebanon, and KSA. But, the growing number of Sunni extremists/Salafi/takfiri...are the greatest threat to Christianity in the Middle East.

Fascinating how Arab men are long on blame and VERY short on personal responsibility! While the U.S. has made mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I agree the administration of Barak Obama is the worst foreign policy administration the U.S. has EVER had), the U.S set both those countries up to be economically, politically and socially successful. ALL the tools were provided. What didn’t happen in those countries was personal responsibility! Instead, both countries leadership and dysfunctional Theocracy squandered every resource provided and chose to steal ,loot and leave out the common citizen for personal or political gain. No, this is not the U.S’s. fault, one needs only to look in the mirror to find the face of blame.