دول الخليج دانت التفجيرات "الارهابية" ودعت لتشكيل حكومة "سريعاً"
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دان مجلس التعاون الخليجي التفجيرات الارهابية التي وقعت في عدة مناطق لبنانية، داعياً في الوقت عينه الى الاسراع في تشكيل حكومة جديدة.
وفي البيان الختامي للقمة الذي تلاه الامين العام للمجلس عبد اللطيف الزياني، أعرب المجلس عن ادانته للتفجيرات الإرهابية التي وقعت في لبنان والتي راح ضحيتها العديد من الأبرياء.
يُذكر أن انفجارات عدة دوت في لبنان طالت مسجدي التقوى والسلام في طرابلس ومنطقتي بئر العبد والرويس في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، وكان آخرها الاعتدائين الارهابين التي استهدف السفارة الايرانية في 19 تشرين الثاني الفائت واديا الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى.
ودعا مجلس التعاون الخليجي "كافة الأطراف والقوى اللبنانية إلى تغليب المصلحة الوطنية، وسرعة تشكيل الحكومة اللبنانية بما يحفظ للبنان كيانه ويجنبه تداعيات الأزمة السورية".
الى ذلك، طالب مجلس التعاون الخليجي بخروج "ميليشيات حزب الله من سوريا".
يُذكر أنه وبعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في آذار الفائت، تم تكليف تمام سلام تشكيل حكومة جديدة الا أن جهوده لم تنجح في ذلك، وتعهد الاستقالة بحال استقالة اي مكون من مكونات الحكومة، وسط الشروط والشروط المضادة من قبل الافرقاء اللبنانيين.
وأعلن "حزب الله" صراحة مشاركته في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري وقد أعلن عن تشييع "عدد من مقاتليه قضوا خلال قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي في سوريا".

LOL ... The GCC countries and their wealthy citizens are by far the largest patrons of violence, especially car bombs and suicide attacks in the world ...

No comment by the GCC from their financed foreign militias in Syria?
Chechen, Iraqi, Lebanese, Libyan etc salafist, al qiada terrorists?
Peace in Syria. May all foreigners leave that country!

Nobody can proof anything for GCC, But HA it is well proofed that he uses terror. I lived in Saudia for 2 y, many have lived there, and I know it is a country with law and transparency.

these are agreed terms between the world and iran.
if they do not abide by these terms soon, the deal is off.
bye bye hzbushaitan :)

Guess again geha. The US, EU, Russia and many other countries all agree on one important point; Syria must not become a terrorist state.
That rules out the GCC victory in Syria because their proxies there are the very terrorists these other countries cannot abide ...

lol. usually if you take the exact opposite of what he says it's pretty accurate.

C'mon don't offend geha, I'm afraid he will stop posting.. Imagine all the entertainment we will miss out on?

Shouldn't the Gulf Cooperation Council with Israel start by urging the filthy Saudis to pull out of Bahrain first? Oh, are they waiting for urgings from our good-for-nothing president-by-parachute?

In the meantime, Assad bombs Tripoli, his agents in Lebanon are caught. And Hezbollah / Iran fail to condemn the Assad regime. Quite the contrary, they continue to fight by his side when he goes on sending bombs to Lebanon left and right. Aounies, who's supporters were butchered, massacred and beaten by Assad forces also fail to condemn Assad for the bombings...
On another note, people like Southern fails to recognize Hezbollah as an extremist / jihadist / terrorist organistion and attack other organisations for being extremists and jihadist terrorists.
It's like a robber complaining of getting robbed.
And people like Southern like to call others "warmongers" when War is the only thing Hezbollah every achieved in Lebanon. They have brought nothing to the country other than war and destruction. Nothing constructive that is ...

Since the end of the Civil War, all wars and "mini wars" in Lebanon are a direct result of HA MISTAKES.
Can you deny that ?
Regarding the topic of thieves, you have no right to talk about this topic. Your Syrian patrons have robbed our country blindly for decades making Hariri look like a beggar. Your Hezbollah have stollen our liberties and freedom of movement. They have stollen our economic potential... don't lecture others about thieves. Stealing a name you say ... what is it to you anyway ?

@Roar : you're right, you have every right to make a fool of yourself.
Regarding the Syrians, "you believe i supported them" ? I always hated and attacked the Assad Regime before and after the war and their withdrawal from Lebanon.
Unlike the likes of you, Aoun, and Jumblat, I have integrity. I don't switch points of views as the wind changes directions.
You really are an idiot to accuse me of such when you know nothing but crap about me it seems.

@Purr ... bet what you want. Seems you enjoy losing.
I don't take orders from irrelevant trolls. If you posted as many arguments as you struggle to insult me, maybe we could have a debate.
You can call me a thief, a liar, ask me to play with dolls, then only thing true that comes out of this is that you're an idiot :)
I don't even know why I bother with you. At least Southern, FT and Mowaten stick to a line of reasoning while you are totally irrelevant! 0 integrity, 0 relevance and 0 arguments...

I don't define which "level" you're at. Who am I to judge you ...
You're doing this yourself... and you keep digging lower and lower, irrelevant comment after irrelevant comment.
If I'm a thief, so are you ... you steal time, attention, pixels on our screens and kilobytes of data on our already slow connections (thank you Sehnaoui).
And for what ? IRRELEVANCE !

@Purr : typical response from someone with nothing to say :)
Again, stop shifting the conversation to matters that do not even concern you. Unless you're FT :)
FT is mature enough to fight his own fights and doesn't need little irrelevant pricks taking his defence with irrelevant comments...
And to put an end once and for all to this "thief" issue :
- Unless you can show that the name FlameCatcher or FlameThrower is a registered or copyrighted brand.
- Unless you can explain the mind bending confusion i'm causing YOU because you're incapable of understanding the difference between "catching" and "throwing"
- Unless you can demonstrate people confuse me for FlameThrower and that my name is not a Parody but used to usurp an identity
Unless you can do all of the above, think 10 times about what you're going to say and then think again about how your comments will hit you back in the face !

HA plays a key role in oppressing sunnis and establishing wilayat faqih.

reality is becoming sectarian ft, coz a iranian manipulation of shias in iran, syria and iraq. I didn't ask those hyenas to implement wilayat faqih.

If it wasn't for Hezbollah there would be no Lebanon, all you Sunnis with no pride or backbone wouldn't stand up to Israel, so they had to.

Like the cooking that is leading the "ASSad" regime to fall every Wednesday of every week, a fall that seems to be unstoppable? gabbaguybo, have you tried predicting the past? I'm sure you'll have better luck doing that.