اصابة 4 أمنيين اثناء منع مخالفة بناء على طريق المطار
Read this story in Englishتعرضت دورية عسكرية للاعتداء من قبل الاهالي أثناء ازالة مخالفة على طريق المطار.
وفي تفاصيل نقلتها الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام انه واثناء قيام قوة من قطعات سرية الضاحية بازالة مخالفة عائدة لشخص من آل عواد على طريق المطار قرب محطة زين الدين اعترض القوة عدد من النسوة والشبان من آل عواد وآخرين من آل خيرالدين، واقدموا بشكل مفاجىء على رشق الدورية بالحجارة واشعلوا الاطارات ما ادى الى اصابة ثلاث آليات عسكرية تعود لفصيلة برج البراجنة فتحطم زجاجها.
وبعد وصول تعزيزات الى المكان تم رشق القوة بالمزيد من الحجارة ما ادى الى اصابة ضابط وثلاثة عناصر، وقد اعلمت السلطات المختصة بالوقائع.
this is absolutely disgusting. all these people are trying to build on land that doesn't belong to them and then attack the authorities when the try to stop the illegal construction. these reckless, delusional people think they are above the law. I hope they get what they deserve.
these criminal should be brought to justice.
that's right put them in prison.. then they will think twice before doing that again
President Suleiman, Mikati, Berri, all ministers and MP's must resign today over all the aggression by Hizballah and specially for what happened at the Lebanese University in Haddath or bring all these perpetrators to justice TODAY.
All of you have dishonored Lebanon and its people.
And ya Hizb, your day is coming and I guarantee it...
Occupying homes and lands of others have been a trade mark of the so called "dispossessed" since the start of the war in lebanon in the 1970s.
The israelis have ocupied Lebanon for 18 years and did not build any settlements on its land while Hezbollah is settling his people on lands of other lebanese.
This ideologically motivated occupation is more dangerous then any other threat facing the lebanese identity.
These are "Ya Ashraf Al Nasssssssssssssssssssssssssss......." These are "Joumhour Al Mouqawame'". These are the future of this country. These are the people who believe in Lebanon the message and tolerance. These are the people who pay their electricity bills and obey the law. I am sick..... so sick..... and NO ONE will be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe as Aoun said: they should have arranged properly with the mujaheedine before they went there.... same like in Lassa.
I heard that soon we will be boarding planes at Beirut airport through the kitchens of the shiites bordering the airport. A cup of coffee and there we go.....!
I remember when I was a kid, all the beach clubs alond the airport rooad we would spend our summers at the accapulco and the riviera. the are was beautiful the beaches were immaculate. now its full of these ugly unsafe unregulated and illegal buildings.These violations have been happening for a long time.What made the government all of a sudden wake up to these violations? Better late than never, I guess. Most likely its not a political issue. I think its cultural, this sense of intitelment that people have is so devastating to a societ. Grab and build, answer questions if asked later. Just like when squaters move into empty apartment during the war. It took years to get them to get out. Some never moved out. Squaters, sense of entilelment , weapons and a corrupt political class, a recipe for disaster. God help our Lebanon.
This is all about radical Islam, kidnaping foreigners, violating every law they can foir the sake of terrorism. Welcome to the Islamic world.
This never happens these days in the whole wide world but lebanon. These peoplle whould have gone to jail if it was in the US . If in Russia they would kill them all. It wont happen even in Cyprus. the smallest island. Whom to blame? The army ......who is not doing a thing. Why? It is their job to deffend the lebanese people.and bring to justice the criminals.If the president has no power he have every right to ask the UN for support to clean up the illegal armed savages roaming lebanon. Why doesnt he do it? he is affraid for his life? toz .
he is the captain of the ship. he is watching the ship sink .he just sitting there .he should save his passengers and give his life . but no he wont do it.
why? the doctor would do any thing possible to save his patient. the shephard would do any thing to keep the wolf away from his sheep. why have a president? just to get fattened ? the only way to bring lebanon back is cleaning it from illegal arms. There is no other way.
It's time for the People of Lebanon to go down to the streets in Dahyé, Lassa and any Hezb-el-Shitan stronghold once and for all, disarm them one by one and break down every illegal brick they installed. The same way arabs are fighting for freedom against their corrupt rulers, we need to fight against Hezbollah. They have taken the meaning of CORRUPT to a whole new level and WILL PAY for their actions sooner of later !
It says: "The concerned authorities have since been informed of the incident."
Who are the "concerned authorities" if not the ISF? The army?....lol...they need an ok from Hizthrowup just to wipe their ass.
I have agreed with so many posters on here that enough is enough and the Lebanese must march to the South and demand a WHOLE Lebanon for it's people. Keep up the good work Charbel and don't take shit from this so-called cabinet. May true peace be with Lebanon.
When IATA bans the airport and no foreign airlines can land, They will say it’s a Zionist scheme.
This is not the first time that security forces had been attacked when attempting to remove construction violations on state property.
I wonder what Aoun thinks of this. He probably never reads......
To "Bashir" ...
Pls Do not Wonder anymore. Look at it from this way: The area the incident happened at... Who was attacked as usually... So You won't have to wonder one more time. They are 100% Hizbollah supports or Amal supports as well.. Those are the areas that are like a jungle. No laws works in there! Cos for some few years now. Those ppl have been feeling supperior and they can do whatever they want since they are protected by a party that claims to be defending OUR MOTHER LAND . But yet they are no less than thugs and criminals.
These people had arrived in the wake of the south invasion by Israel when Arafat was doing then was the Sayyed is doing today. Every owner of the golden beaches of ramlet el baida was kindly asked to lend a temporary hand on humanitarian grounds to those who had fled fire. Subsequently more came from Nabaa and elsewhere. Thirty years later, those harbour areas have become another Fathland, the Hezbollaland, lawless filthy areas, whre electricity is stolen, houses illegaly built, and god knows what else... No wonder we see in those areas what we see today....
supposedly he's a aounist but that did not protect him from aoun's allies and the new governing majority you cross makes you a target.and the hadath is shiite now.
Very soon they will tell you that the members of the Awad and Khireddine familes were building illegally at Airport Road in support of the Resistance (Mukawamy), and the Internal Forces tried to stop them as part of some US and Israel consipracy...
The ISF are actually fortunate, they could have been shot dead by the very same weapons that are kept safely to fight the official enemy, Israel. But we all know that the true enemy is every lebanese that rejects theocracy combined with dictatorship. Thats why I won't be spending my euros this summer in Lebanon.
where are jabal amel bigdig mowaten to give their point of view on the violations made by their dear friends?
what a shame for this country! i thought the gvt said that they would implement the laws of lebanon....
apparently still not in hezbollaland!
You will be unlikely to hear a peep from jabal amel, bigdig or mowaten.
They know that Hezbollah's truculence and lawlessness is the plague of our nation but don't care as their 'side' is in power.
Disgraceful traitors all.
What makes me laugh is that in Lebanon they want tourist to come and visit? LOL! "DREAM ON" Lebanon my friends is being driven to hell and might not come back if these people are not put back in their true places which I think should be in cages or maybe in zoo's!
Even when Hizb Allah is in charge, the security forces still get attacked and as usual they are too afraid to defend themselves because of Hizb Allah weapons.
This is the same situation as the ELECTRICITY bill collectors, therefore no one pays in south Beirut under the slogan FIGHTING ISRAEL and the enemy.
While reading the comments i can feel hatred and sectarian influence...
However i agree what is happening is totally unacceptable. The problem is very complicated it goes back to the date when Lebanon was created. Alienation of people rights, unbalanced economical development, wars, feudal system, corruption and sectarianism led to the creation of the poorness belt or what’s called Dahieh and Burj hamoud.
Solving this problem is very complicated or impossible….it’s time bomb and the government should start thinking about a radical solution for this dilemma..
As usual most of the comments won’t help on the contrary it fuel the Lebanese division…..
This is pathetic and the reason why we will never progress as long as Hizb El-Kizb has arms and remains above the law and the state. Hizb El-Kizb (formally known as the Iranian Islamic Revolution in Lebanon) can do whatever they want under the pretext of defending Lebanon against Israel. Anybody who disagrees with them or stands up to them is a conspirator with the US/Israel against Lebanon. The saddest part is the the Hizb followers who take the bait every time ... they are brainwashed and delusional. Where are the comments from all the Hizb and Sheikh Aoun supporters.
When you are backed up by an armed militia you attack whom you want. Did we forget how many times they challenged and attacked the Army? We quickly forget. Their own land is not enough to contain their ever-growing proliferation. They need to occupy lands of others, under the discrete approval of Hezb ayy...man. The main problem is the weakness of the State and the threat of a civl war. The progressive colonization of the country already started 10 years ago when Hadath, Furn el Chebbak, Hazmieh and Rouisset were progressively sold by their original residents.
I think each and everyone of us now have the right to choose a piece of land that belongs to the state and build on it.
Why them and not us?
Lets all buy some yellow tape and go around Lebanon and create plots, where we feel like building a house.
The government must treat all the same way or else we create chaos.