نزوح أهالي بلدات عكارية حدودية بسبب قصف من الجانب السوري
Read this story in Englishنزح بعض أهالي القرى المواجهة للحدود اللبنانية -السورية من جراء المعارك الدائرة عند الجانب السوري من الحدود.
وأفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن القصف "طال خراج بلداتهم، فعمدوا إلى ترك منازلهم، وقصدوا الاماكن الاكثر أمانا".
وقبل ذلك، أكدت الوكالة "سقوط قذائف على خراج بلدات قشلق والنورا ووادي الحور وحكر جنين وعمار البيكات، جراء الاشتباكات الدائرة في الداخل السوري".
وترافقت القذائق مع رشقات نارية كثيفة طالت الأتوستراد الذي يصل العبودية ببلدة منجز.
يُشار الى أن هذه الحادثة ليست الاولى من نوعها، اذ أنه ومنذ بدء الازمة السورية في آذار 2011، وتشهد البلدات الحدودية في لبنان في الشمال وفي البقاع سقوط قذائف من الجانب السوري، وسقوط قتلى وجرحى.
where is the so called LAF ? Shame on them, they dont have the balls to fire back... What for do we have M198 howitzer with 20km+ range ? For the palestinian camps ?
LOL.... but the army intelligence arrests a 12 year old boy who allegedly was spying on a HA mosque )))
they r ridiculous 2 even consider countering the will of the people. if the people want hizbterror annihilated, then it will be so.
This is a HA country, a HA army, a HA government. A grass root revolution is needed. It should start at schools and universities. We don't want religious iranian people dictating our way of life. Michel Aoun in his quest for the presidency gave them the cover they wanted. In my opinion, Junblat and Aoun are the main reasons we are in this sad state of affairs.
Who wants a freeeeeeeeeeeee lebanon free from tyranny lets start making lebanon a free country if your not 100% lebanese get out.
To every lebanese citizen make sure the products you purchase are 100 % lebanese made and owned otherwise your contributing to lebanons demise even more
Every visitor who wants to enter lebanon should be required to obtain a visa and if they are working in lebanon they should be taxed higher the a lebanese citizen to discourage them from taking lebanese jobs if they don't like it get out
Id like one of you stooges to answer me regarding thumbs down on Tueini topic, I said I hope the killers are hung from the highest pole and you thumbs me down. What does that mean exactly. Be men and answer my question.