جنبلاط يسعى لتجدييد اتصال "المستقبل" بـ"امل" و"حزب الله"

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يسعى رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط في الاتصالات التي يجريها، لبلورة "اطار اتصال" يسمح بإعادة وصل ما انقطع بين "المستقبل" وكل من حركة "امل" و"حزب الله".

وكشف وزير من جبهة النضال الوطني في دردشة مع صحيفة "اللواء" ان جنبلاط يسعى في الاتصالات التي يجريها، سواء في لبنان او مع العواصم التي يزورها لبلورة "اطار اتصال" يسمح بإعادة وصل ما انقطع بين "المستقبل" كأبرز ممثل للسنّة في لبنان، وكل من حركة "امل" و"حزب الله" كممثلين للشيعة.

واكد الوزير ان جنبلاط خلال اتصاله الهاتفي برئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري تناول هذه النقطة من دون ان يكشف هذا الوزير عما اذا كان الاتصال يمهد للقاء بين الرجلين، فور عودة الرئيس الحريري الى بيروت، او يؤكد معلومات جرى تداولها، من ان الاتصال الهاتفي جاء تعويضاً عن موعد ألغى في اللحظة الاخيرة عن لقاء بين الرجلين في احدى العواصم الاوروبية.

الى ذلك، يتناول الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله في الاطلالة المقبلة الثلاثاء المقبل في 26 الحالي، لمناسبة ذكرى الانتصار في حرب تموز، استئناف الاتصالات بين تيار "المستقبل" و"حزب الله" المنقطعة منذ مدة.

ومن المتوقع أن يتناول نصر الله أيضاً في اطلالته قبل اسبوع لاستئناف الحركة الحكومية والنيابية، وعشية رمضان المبارك، اجابة على جملة من اسئلة اهمها ما يتعلق بمسار المحكمة او محاولات اطلاق الحوار.

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon Former Hezb Supporter (ضيف) 10:00 ,2011 تموز 23

I used to support you turbanator but you are filthy scum that has crippled my country. You smelly fat-rat dragged Lebanon into the 2006 war on your own. Please go back to Iran and celebrate your Iranian Islamic Revolution over there because it is NEVER going to happen in Lebanon. I have travelled to western countries and I envy them. I will not support any leaders in Lebanon (regardless of faith, sect etc) if they do not support the establishment of Lebanon as a western nation that will advance itself in education, business, technology, medical and democracy. We don't want Iran or Syria systems operating in Lebanon. I am ashamed of the brainwashed Hizb supporters in Lebanon (i used to be one) because they do NOT see what they are truly supporting .. a backward movement that is more concerned about Iranian, Syrian and Islamic Revolution agendas rather than the advancement and modernisation of the country and ultimate freedom for its people. I pity Michel Aoun supporters the most.

Thumb bashir 10:27 ,2011 تموز 23

The picture, while I'm not sure why it was chosen for this story, says it all. Unthinking zealous sheep pledge allegiance to their flat screen TV Messiah with no idea where he is leading them (and us!).

Fitting that it looks like they are wearing yellow flotation devices from behind.

Thumb shab 11:43 ,2011 تموز 23

Leader og Hizb Mossad talking to his sheep.

Default-user-icon Thruth (ضيف) 11:57 ,2011 تموز 23

Joumblatt is trying to reinvent the wheel constantly. The political situation in Lebanon is so truly perverse, that no modus operandi exist to bridge gaps to dialogue, to try better, to try harder, to relauch the dialogue table etc, etc.... When at the end of the day, all what you' retrying to do, is bring together two parties, one which is directly or indirectly accused of decimating the political M14 establishement through cunning carefully concealed murder, and which has seized power through a smokeless ' Coup d' Etat' (following a serie of carefully calculated conditionning acts, and repetitive threats, whch made it unnessecary this time to pull the holster out!) , which has cheated and violated every rule they fought to establish (from violating the consensus rule at the dialogue table and dragging unilaterally lebanon into a nonsensical lost war, to violating the Doha accord, to overturning the rule of the blocking third in gov, etc...), foul players, which is conducting a real

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:09 ,2011 تموز 23

real political cleansing at the adminstration level, you are asking then Mr Joumblatt the M14 members, to sit at the so-called dialogue table to talk about what?? The Hezb today has two faces to it, one which is dipped in legitimacy which is that, they represent a herd of followers, which one way or another, with the Farsi money, they have bought in, (in challeging and using to their advandage all the State failures which they have contributed to aggravate in the first place), and they' re keeping a strong grip on this crowd, unlike ALL other comunities which are politically divided.And they' re using that face to launder the other terror one, which is increasingly revealed to our bemused eyes, Mr Joumblatt first and foremost whne the article of the Der Spiegel was released, (and much more is to follow with Bellemare, very soon on this screen!) let alone what is perspiring about drug dealings etc etc...So Mr Joumblatt want to bring the first half of the Hezb,

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:13 ,2011 تموز 23

the first half of the Hezb then, that of the rep of the Chiite community, and leaving the Terror and Militia other face in the Cloakroom! Can anyone kindly tel me how this is done??

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:36 ,2011 تموز 23

So again Mr Joumblatt which gap do you want to bridge, and between who and whom? Is it the gap between the illegitimate political overthrowers, the unreliable foul players, Coup planners, which are putting a gun on the table before negotiating with people who will get nothing out of them expect, that sitting on the same table gives tem a legitimacy they' re seeking, or the militia organisation, which is facing carefully painstsakingly collected forensic and scientifically accumulated criminal charges agianst them (which they have silently fought from the beginning and then openly when the circle closed on them.They' re the only ones who probably knew from the very begining where Bellemare was heading to!) ? And then bridging which gap? Praising their killing accuracy, and cunning tactics? Discussing how the victims can help the criminal fend off the charges brought against him?? Please let us know Mr Joumblatt.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 15:26 ,2011 تموز 23

The Zombie Parade!! All hail the Diaper Headed fifth grade educated brainless slave master criminal one!! Yayh...... It just goes to show with all what's unfolded so far, with the indictments and the irrefutable evidence against this criminal, that some zombies still support the Baboon even if it means following him to hell!! So be it.... Lebanon can do with a lot less of these blood thirsty dependent useless zombies...

Default-user-icon socialist (ضيف) 16:07 ,2011 تموز 23

Walid Jumplot is tasked by Bashar to try and unite the Muslims of Lebanon, just like his dad did, against the in3izaliyoun.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 16:42 ,2011 تموز 23

Walid Jumblat is dreaming od another Helf al RubaÏ , like the one who ruled Lebanon after Taef without the Christians and especially the Maronites .

FYI ; Al Helf al Rubaï , the Quadripartite alliance was made of PSP - AMAL - HEZB and al Mustakbal .. all Muslims without any Christian or a Christian party .. That's what Jumblat is trying to revive at the demands of KSA .

Such an alliance will never happen anymore after the return of GMA and his famous MOU with Sayed and the HEZB .

Keep dreaming Walid , this time you will not deliver ...

Missing firasy 17:57 ,2011 تموز 23

la phonecia 3moul ma3rouf skout w 7ej tdalak tne2!! meen bado yshel l christians min l 7ekm???

Default-user-icon Aoun's MOU (ضيف) 18:34 ,2011 تموز 23

Le Phenicien what are you talking about the Christians were always very represented by the wonderful Sleiman Frangieh who was the only person in every cabinet from 1990 to 2005. Our brothers the Syrians did such a magnificent job during that time Sayyed Hassan organized a thank you demonstration, you remember that one you were there kissing a picture of Hafez's Ass-ad .

Default-user-icon Ex - March 14 supporter (ضيف) 19:18 ,2011 تموز 23

@ Former Hezb Supporter: i bet you read my name on this site, stole it and tried to make it your own. Even your comment is just copy paste from one of my previous comments with a few minor changes (such as names, countries).
God gave you a brain so use it! I'm sure you can be creative ;)