جملة تعيينات في الشهر المقبل والمشكلة تنتقل من الامن العام الى امن المطار

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يخضع ارجاء تعيين قائد جديد لجهاز امن المطار "لاسباب مجهولة"، بالرغم من ان وزير الداخلية مروان شربل أحضر معه الى جلسة مجلس الوزراء الأخيرة مرسوماً وقعه يقضي بتعيين ضابط برتبة عميد من الكورة لهذا المركز.

وفي معلومات لصحيفة "الحياة"، فان وزير الدفاع الوطني فايز غصن لم يتردد في التوقيع على مرسوم التعيين بحسب ما تقضي الاصول، الا ان الأمين العام لرئاسة مجلس الوزراء سهيل بوجي طلب من شربل أن يودع المرسوم في مكتبه ريثما يكون أجرى مشاورات في خصوصه.

الا أن "المفاجأة"، ودائما بحسب "الحياة"، كانت في انشغال عدد من الوزراء في الإجابة على اتصالات خليوية جاءتهم من الخارج أعقبها حصول مشاورات جانبية في أكثر من اتجاه، عززت الرأي الراجح لرئيس الحكومة بضرورة التريث، وريثما يتمكن أركان الدولة من إجراء دورة جديدة من المشاورات يمكن أن تعبد الطريق أمام استكمال التوقيع على المرسوم الذي هو في حاجة الآن الى توقيعي رئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة ليصبح ساري المفعول.

ولفتت الى أن "حزب الله" و"حركة أمل" يصران على عدم تغيير الطائفة التي ينتمي إليها قائد جهاز أمن المطار، وعليه لا بد من مراقبة حصيلة المشاورات الجارية لمعرفة ما إذا كان هذا المنصب سيبقى من حصة الشيعة أم أنه سينتقل الى ضابط مسيحي قيل إنه سيكون من الطائفة الأرثوذكسية بذريعة أن عون تلقى وعداً بهذا الخصوص، فيما أشيع أنه يحاول بكل قوته ومن خلال علاقته ببعض حلفائه أن ينفذ ما وعد به.

وأكدت مصادر وزارية لـ "الحياة" أن الإرباكات بسبب بعض التعيينات الأمنية ستكون حاضرة وضاغطة في الدفعة الجديدة من التعيينات "لأن من غير الجائز تكرار المشهد الخلافي على قاعدة أن أهل البيت الواحد يتنافسون على تقاسم الحصص وهذا ما يسيء الى صورة الحكومة في الداخل والخارج وبالتالي يستدعي توفير التناغم التام قبل إصدارها".

ومن المتوقع ان تصدر في الشهر المقبل تعيينات تشمل الشواغر في المحافظين وتعيين الرئيس الجديد لمجلس القضاء الأعلى والمدير العام لوزارة الداخلية.

واشارت بعض المصادر الى أن مدير البروتوكول في المجلس النيابي علي حمد سيعين محافظاً لجبل لبنان باعتباره نقطة تلاق بين رئيسي البرلمان نبيه بري والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي.

كما رجحت مصادر اخرى تعيين رئيسة محكمة التمييز العسكرية القاضية اليس شبطيني (مارونية من طرابلس) رئيسة لمجلس القضاء الأعلى في مقابل ما يتردد من أن العماد عون، وكعادته يميل الى تعيين المستشارة في محكمة التمييز القاضية ارليت طويل في هذا المنصب.

وايضا بحسب "الحياة"، فان المنافسة على المديرية العامة للداخلية محصورة الآن بين رئيس المحكمة العسكرية العميد نزار خليل والدكتور علي رحال نجل العميد المتقاعد في قوى الأمن فايز رحال.

وفي نفس اطار ارباكات التعيين، ذكرت الصحيفة أن الحكومة أوقعت نفسها في اشكال آخر عندما أوعز الوزير مروان شربل بإرسال برقية تتضمن تعيين العميد في قوى الأمن الداخلي منير شعبان قائداً للشرطة القضائية، لكنه سرعان ما طلب تجميد البرقية وإرسال أخرى بتعيين العميد ناجي المصري قائداً لها. على رغم أن تعيين الأخير اعتبر أمراً طبيعياً ولم يلق أي اعتراض إلا من رئيس "حزب التوحيد العربي" وئام وهاب.

وفي المقابل، لفتت صحيفة "السفير" أن العميد عباس ابراهيم تلقى اتصالي تهنئة بتعيينه في موقعه الجديد من كل من رئيس الحكومة الاسبق سعد الحريري ورئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Rabih Moukarzel (ضيف) 09:48 ,2011 تموز 25

The Shia will never, ever allow Christians back into important government positions. Just like they'll never give back the Christian lands they occupy in Byblos, Dahie, Ouzai, Moussaitbeh, Southern Lebanon, the Bekaa etc. Hezbollah has been lying to Michel Aoun since the beginning, and Aoun is the only Lebanese stupid enough to continue believing Nasrallah and his lies and to continue supporting Hezbollah's terrorist and criminal militia.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 10:04 ,2011 تموز 25

Miqati's cabinet was formed by a criminal regime and a criminal organization. Miqati, Aoun and Jumblat are simply three useful idiots that have been played like a marionette to deliver all state institutions to the Basij. Lebanon is occupied by the Basij that will suck the life of freedom and democracy in Lebanon and transform state institutions into an instrument of oppression and intimidation exactly like what is happening in Syria and Iran. Lebanese Basij have proven to be way more brutal that Iranian Basij or Syrian Mukhabarat. If thousands have sacrificed their life in Syria for freedom from tyranny, many more martyrs will be needed in Lebanon. Are we up to the task? De we have the courage of Gebran Tueni to look the criminals in their eyes and not blink? Are we capable of liberating our freedom and bringing all traitors and foreign agents to justice? YES we are, YES we can and YES we will because all tyrants are living on borrowed time!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 10:10 ,2011 تموز 25

This post goes to the Christians and that's it , as agreed between GMA and Sayed Hassan . Al-Hayat is a Saudi news paper trying to spread false rumours to split the cabinet and to break the alliance between the Christians and the Shiias .

They will not succeed .

Default-user-icon Reader (ضيف) 10:50 ,2011 تموز 25

Of course Le Phenicien, because everything is a conspiracy...

Default-user-icon khaled (ضيف) 11:12 ,2011 تموز 25

Le Phenecian

its done!! what are you talking about. It is given to a shiite leader, thats it. Who are you kidding, that the post with go to a Chrisitian?

I agree with what was said by others, that Aoun is a puppy in a larger game, and the only winner is hizbollah.

It is a mafia....and they are stripping Aoun for everything that he got, and he will still follow suit..but for how long will his people follow him??!!

By the way, where is Bigdig and his smart comments? what lies does he has to say to this.. normally you two are the first to to comment on Geaga, Hariri and Gemayel related news..
what do you have to say now? nothing..because it so obvious what is happening. Your leader is selling you piece by piece..and you look redicioulus in front of people now

Missing mansour 13:04 ,2011 تموز 25

hahhahaha EAT SHIT all you Aoun supporters,im not laughing that this position was not given to the Christians i don't care about 1 lousy portfolio while the rest of Lebanon is getting raped by these Hesgrubs and all of there followers.as stated before lets hear all your smart ass comments now about geagea.All you Aoun sheep followers can all follow him like lemmings off a cliff.Cya .Thank you

Default-user-icon Citizen (ضيف) 13:20 ,2011 تموز 25

What difference does it make if the post was not given to a Christian? if it were given to a Christian, he (God forbid it would be a she) would be implementing Hizbullah's goals and policies from smuggling arms thru the airport, to reporting on who enters and leaves the airport, admitting iranian revolutionary guards to train hizbullah under the pretext of "tourists", and of course getting rich! The Christian they will bring would be pro aoun and speaks like bassil.

Default-user-icon harout (ضيف) 13:54 ,2011 تموز 25

i guess even if the shiite give this post to a christian they would be giving something they've stolen go begin with and they can take back anytime they want, as we saw with the abbas ibrahim issue aoun's twelve ministers are like their boss are hezballah tool and servants.

Default-user-icon poopy (ضيف) 14:28 ,2011 تموز 25

le phess phess i think khaled absolutely faramak farem bro ive been reading your posts for a long time now i dont even bother posting on any news it makes my blood boil how ill knowledged alot of sheeps are here, but one things for sure the march 14 shabeb on here are speaking the truth cause they are not promised anything by anyone and they dont hold grudges , all they are doing is peaking the truth, le phhess phess i know u think what u saying is rite because your very patriotic about your FPM but doesnt take us to the truth and mixing the truth with kezeb isnt true either, dont follow too blindly spare yourself from the faram you cause yourself cause at the end of the day boy i would rather put my hand out to all the maronites christian supporters of th FPM because they need to know thruth were there baboon aoun is taking them and most of all we need to know where our lost flock is going because they belong to the bkerke not some sick old man tryn to make ploitical ends

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 16:17 ,2011 تموز 25

Surprise, surprise! Couldn't this have been predicted? When the party that is armed wants something, who is to deny the armed party's demand? This is only the beginning.

But the good thing about this is that I hope it keeps all of those who are the Opposition from entering into some sort of dialogue with this party. If they treat their coalition partners with such high handedness, just think of what they would do with the good faith positions of the Opposition parties.

This is a budding theocracy mascarading about as if it were a representative government and the veils are pretty thin and getting thinner. As thin as the combover whisps of hair on Aoun's head. Only Aoun thinks he has hair the rest of us know better.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17:55 ,2011 تموز 25

Phoenician ur opinion it should be Christian post is noble but ur theory is outrageous

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 20:35 ,2011 تموز 25

LOL bigdig look who's talkin about propaganda

Default-user-icon Jabb0ur (ضيف) 22:18 ,2011 تموز 25

I remember watching an interview on some stupid channel. Interview was between Aoun and Hassan.
Aoun during the interview was terrified to speak out. He says something and then looks over to Hassan to get his approval. That's the minute I knew he's always been a puppet. Probably since the 80s. So whether Christians get this or Muslims get that, the puppet master will always be ready to play the strings. In Lebanon that puppet master is Hassan. Akh ya Aoun and his one or 2 supporters left... Sorry Christian supporters. Please take your faces out of hole youve been diggin yourselves. It's never too late to apologize to the public and actually say that I gma have made several mistakes and should not trust a militia. Hassan will not give anything up from the security posts. He gavemil ministry seats. Coz he doesn't give a shit about them. She cares about his supply rout, security. Information and Aoun just gave him an extra power to dig tunnels in and around every Neighourhood in Leb.

Thumb shab 03:29 ,2011 تموز 26

I hope they will change the name back to Beirut International Airport

Default-user-icon white sour cream (ضيف) 05:22 ,2011 تموز 26

inside sources close to shiitey said that shiitey in lebanon are trying to change airport name from Rafic hariri to hassan nasrallah airport. but berri is also desires to put his name on the airport.

same sources says that there is a cache depot of iranian weapons inside the airport also where hassan hided during 2006 war.

basic line is there is no security at the air port only iranians shiping weapans of mass destruction.

base on what hizbull is doing and their mulluhs are planing like a doom day is approaching fast. think of it as dead bafalo where it goings to attracked lions for free lunch then the hyenas are digging in dirts just to escape the ferocious powerful lions becuse they are going to get their backs cracked open. and if any poor goat or gazelle still stuk in that hole might kiss it hides goodby, simply it is lunch time for lions kings of the jungles.

Thumb bashir 12:44 ,2011 تموز 26

Hey were did the Shiite MP go who said posts should be 'rotated' between confessions?!!!

I can't believe he isn't loudly supporting the 'rotation' of this post to a Christian.

What could possibly be the reason for his silence now?!