الحريري: سليمان أعلن العبور إلى الدولة التي لا يتقدم على جيشها اي جيش
Read this story in Englishرحب رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري بإعلان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان المساعدة السعودية للجيش معتبرا أن الأمر "خطوة للعبور نحو الدولة الحقيقية" والتي لا "يتقدم على جيشها أي جيش".
وقال الحريري في بيان مساء الأحد أن سليمان وضع "في كلمته الى اللبنانيين النقاط على الحروف، وأعلن عن خطوة استثنائية في العبور الى الدولة الحقيقية التي يجب ألا تعلو فوق سلطتها أي سلطة وألا يتقدم على جيشها اي جيش وألا يشاركها في دستورها اي دستور".
وشرح ان سليمان "سيغادر الولاية مرتاح الضمير وأن قيامة الدولة ومؤسساتها لا تكون إلا بقيام جيش قوي وقادر يتحمل مسؤوليات الدفاع عن الحدود والسيادة والسلام الوطني".
وأعرب الحريري عن اعتقاده "ان جيش لبنان أمانة في وجدان العرب، واستقرار لبنان كان ولا يزال أمانة في قلب المملكة العربية السعودية وخادم الحرمين الشريفين".
وتابع "لقد جاءت كلمة الرئيس سليمان لتشكل بلسما فوق جراح آلاف اللبنانيين الذين إصابتهم جريمة اغتيال الشهيد محمد شطح ورفاقه الشهداء في الصميم".
وختم الحريري بالقول "جاءت الكلمة لتقول ان الأمل في قيام الدولة وإعادة الاعتبار للمؤسسات هو أمل غير مفقود، وأن دعم الأشقاء الأوفياء لهذه الدولة وجيشها يجب ان يُبنى عليه في سبيل حماية لبنان ومواجهة المخاطر التي تتهدده".
يذكر أن سليمان أعلن مساء الأحد عن مساعدة بقيمة ثلاثة مليارات دولار للجيش اللبناني من المملكة العربية السعودية لتزويده بسلاح من الدولة الفرنسية "بسرعة".
Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, if Ali Baba and 40 thieves hadn't ripped Lebanon's wealth for decades, we wouldn't need this shameful "donation". But of course, you had nothing to do with that.
Yes thiefs... I am so happy that march 8 are here to protectus from the thieves and save our soals from the imperalist/zionist/wahabist/tackfirist/occidental whatever... Mouamara...
Thanks 8 :)
Ok for this one to... The only problem is that i have the all country blowing up.. Can we try to solve this and after put every one of the political class in jail as well as their childreen and get a civilized democratic country, with women rights, maybe gay rights... Civil code... But for now can we try to focus on all that is blowing in our face...
What do u think bro... Come on, keep it real...
hizbushaitan and iran:
eat your heart out :)
spill all your heinous comments, we do not care.
you have lost in Lebanon and you are driving the whole shia community to become refugees in Syria after they are kicked out of Lebanon due to your murders and bombings in Lebanon and Syria.
hizbushaitan does not understand that any action bears a reaction with it.
Thx man so now that u hv played ur role making hezbo looking good as the role of da3ech and co. to make assad look goof, now go get a lolipop...
No lets get hezbollah secular and progesist islamist iranian revolutions gardes to protct the minorities like in iran freedome and haddara, and get money to private hezbollah associations instead... Like cherket al i3mar.... It is defenetly better...
ultra-idiot, Saudis stop their youth fighting iranians in Iraq and Syria.
Their mufti issued a fatwa forbidding saudis to go and fight there.
What did Khamenei do ?
souk-el-gharb, might you be kind enough to link me to some source corroborating your claim? The only recent binding the KSA's Grand Mufti issued was one about forbidding suicide bombings killing Muslims, and not one in which he forbids fighting in Syria.
god told us satan would be the one to push the button to start the world war, be careful ,the lease u do too one of his little ones u do to him
brace yourselves for the days to come...
hezbollah will not stand still at the increasing anger of people...
they sure will retaliate one way or another...their survival depends on being above the laws...
LOL plenty of evidence for those who can see... but of course blinded as you are by FPM lies, you cannot see anything but your general's stupid speeches... LOL
Yes, but what about the Santa Claus factory! U didn't mention a thing about it! Everything's alright I hope?!
When Iran offered lebanon military aid, I said take it!... Now that Saudi is offering, I'm saying take it!... In the end every country is in debt, in one way or another, and accepts aid from its allies. Anyway, anything that helps create a strong state I'm all for it!
This is most excellent news if it is true.
“In his address to the Lebanese, President Michel Suleiman announced an extraordinary step towards transiting to a real state whose authority is not challenged by any other authority, whose army is not rivaled by any other party, and whose constitution is not breached by any other constitution,” Hariri said in a statement.
Seems like a dream come true, though I'd appreciate an article regarding how this $3 billion will be allocated in improving the Army. I think, more than anything, that the Army needs more recruits and volunteers than guns and tanks, though I suppose $3bill will cover both quite generously.
ask yourself why did he fail? because your M8 people kept obstructing him like they did since 2005... and now you whine? LOL typical M8 victimization...
good for you sheep but not for those who can see the truth....