الرؤساء الأربع يدينون بشدة انفجار حارة حريك ويجمعون على أن "يد الإرهاب واحدة"
Read this story in Englishاشار رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى ان "اليد الارهابية التي ضربت منطقة الضاحية الجنوبية بعد ظهر اليوم هي اليد نفسها التي تزرع الاجرام والقتل والتدمير في كل المناطق اللبنانية".
واطلع سليمان مساء الخميس من المسؤولين الأمنيين المعنيين على المعلومات المتوفرة عن تفجير الضاحية، مجددا الطلب إليهم تكثيف التحريات والاستقصاءات لمعرفة المحرضين والمرتكبين وإحالتهم إلى القضاء.
وإذ تقدم سليمان بالتعزية لأهالي الضحايا والتمني بالشفاء العاجل للجرحى فإنه أكد "أهمية تضامن اللبنانيين ووعي المخاطر المحدقة بلبنان والحوار بين القيادات من أجل تحصين الساحة الداخلية في وجه المؤامرات التي تحاك لضرب الاستقرار في الداخل ولمواجهة تداعيات الاضطرابات الحاصلة في المنطقة".
من جهته أكد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ان "الايدي التي اغتالت الوزير شطح هي نفسها التي فجرت في الضاحية بالامس واليوم وهي التي فجرت في طرابلس".
كما أكد رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي في بيان "إن استهداف منطقة الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت مجددا بالتفجير، بعد ايام قليلة على التفجير الارهابي الذي ادى الى استشهاد الوزير السابق محمد شطح وآخرين، يثبت مرة جديدة ان يد الارهاب لا تفرّق بين اللبنانيين".
عليه ناشد ميقاتي "الجميع تغليب لغة العقل، اكثر من اي وقت مضى، وتجاوز الحسابات السياسية ووقف التحدي لكي نتمكن جميعا من التلاقي والتحاور سعيا للخروج من هذا المأزق الخطير".
و ذكّر أن "النار المشتعلة في اكثر من منطقة لبنانية تنذر بما هو اسوأ اذا لم نلتق ونتفاهم بعيدا عن لغة التحدي والاستفراد والاقصاء".
ودان الرئيس المكلف تشكيل الحكومة تمام سلام جريمة حارة حريك قائلا أن الرد يتم "بالوعي وتعزيز الجوامع المشتركة".
ووقع تفجير عصر الخميس في منطقة حارة حريك بالضاحية الجنوبية أدى إلى وقوع عشرات القتلى والجرحى.
the more things change...
Michel Aoun: The war in Lebanon will never restart if Syria is neutralized. In Syria, then, you see both the origin of this war and its end. Syria is playing the role of a pyromaniac firefighter. December 1995
@sagh son you are obviously not from around here, the guy's name is Michel Aoun. I donno who Michele Aoun is she's probably a very nice lady but that's not important right now, further Aoun never "grew up, learned and found out that he was wrong" he still maintains his stances never changed and he never admitted he was wrong in anything he every did in fact. Ok, you have been schooled and the lesson is over, now run along to you parents basement in Tehran little boy go ogle your avatar and play with yourself but don't let the Pasdaran catch you doing it they will confiscate your picture of the sagh and replace it with a sexy picture of Khamenei for you to look at and continue playing with yourself.
@bacillus1 why do they keep sending you amateurs here with zero knowledge of Lebanon and it's history embarrassing you and themselves in the process. Hafez took the fast train to hell in 2000 and that's when Bashar took over using his father's army to continue occupying Lebanon with the same criminal murderous zeal his father was so proud of until 2005. That's when they were both were unceremoniously escorted and dumped back in Syria. And until 2005 Michel Aoun was still saying the same things about the criminal Syrian regime he said in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 his many speeches, interviews and 2003 U.S. congressional subcommittee testimony support that fact. Now bro crawl back inside your mom's arse so she can get her shit str8 and get that belated but urgently needed abortion.
both of you above are correct.
add to that that the result of the constant aggressions against the sunnis by m8 (whether aoun or hizbushaitan) and 7 ayar, and the constant threats by m8 have fueled this sectarian hatred between sunnis and shias to the point where anything is possible now.
I do not think it is in anyone's interest to have a civil war at this stage, but if it starts, the results will be disastrous.
while hizbushaitan might mistakenly think they can prevail, there are currently over 100 thousand well trained fighters that hate hizbushaitan present in Lebanon (Syrians and palestinains).
If a civil war starts in Lebanon, Hizballah terrorists will make initial gains but then it will turn into a very deadly, very long, and a very destructive stalemate...
Dear Geha you are wrong to fight wrong with worse. Dint forget who started the civil war in Lebanon and who has interest to keep lebanon a middle eastern bug. The syrians were watching and the Palestinians were killing and the Israeli forces were happy.
"the same terrorists.....bla,bla,bla......only benefits Israel...bla,bla,bla...." Isnt it time to call a spade a spade? Yes, we have a sectarian war albeit at a low scale so far. It was ignited because of a power struggle, and the first bullet was the murder of Rafik Hariri.
sagheer, learn to speak english properly then come back little farsi boy. in the presence of lebanese you should strive to sound educated since we place a high importance on these things. i'm sure, though, that your english is highly advanced for the average iranian.
"Top Officials Stress 'Same Terrorist' behind all Blasts in Lebanon"
That's what everybody said after both Dahieh and the two Tripoli bombings and we already know, based on Lebanese army intelligence, fer3 al Ma3loumat, Lebanese judicial system's accusation based on evidence and security cameras footage, who was behind the Tripoli mosques bombings. Conclusion, according to documented statements by Berri, Nasrallah, Arslan, Aoun, Suleiman, Miqati etc Assad's filthy blood thirsty moukhabarat aka 'Same Terrorist', one of whom goes by the code name Mystic amongst multiple other code names, are behind all the bombings.
Haram and God bless the soles of the victims and console their loved ones. Otherwise, for the two blundering so called political puppets, I mean parties: "you idiots what did you think was going to happen when you took the government from Christian control and gave it to feuding religious foes with equally deadly regional agendas?" This is all your faults. The country was on the verge of recovery, and I am not so sure now.
HA is a terrorist organization that brought death and destruction upon Lebanon. It is the ONLY enemy of Lebanon.
Your comment is worthless and way out of line.
this is the time to show unity amongst all Lebanese not division and worthless comments
its not the same terrorists as the article says. Its a tit for tat between Syrian goons and salafis. The blame falls on hizballah for going into Syria in the first place. Nasralla wanted to take the fight to them In syria. well, they brought it back to him and alla yerham kill elli twafo....What do these people that died have to do with his decision to enter an open ended war and a quagmire????
why do you put it pass the salafis or takfiris to do something like this?
they are fighting each other in Syria why not in Lebanon?
salafis dont do terrorism, maybe takfiris but usually they do videos with cheesy anasheed where they claim rsponsability for the killings, they like publicity...
It looks like Mamluk boys wa Laho a3lam...
lagrimas instead of laughing stupidly could u please give us a definition of salafi and a case of salafis doing terrorism...
Hizballa is behind the m14 bombings, al Qaeda they r fighting (and created) in syria retaliates on hizballa territory. The only victims are m14 and regular people.
thank u primey, people pretend to ignore that those guys where freed from sadnaya by bashar, from abu ghraib by maliki.
Siate uniti nelle vostre divisioni, solo così potrete vincere e continuareca vivere in pace!
Agree with the good President.
Could there be a SECRET group causing all these incidents to deliberately create trouble in the Middle East?
Military weapons manufacture is a way to get a desperate world economy moving.
If this is how to repair the world economy, it's a poor economic system and it's time to change it.
People everywhere are tired of it.