الإدعاء العام حدد انطلاق الشاحنة المفخخة من الضاحية وأورد للمرة الأولى كلمة "سوريا"

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لاهاي – خاص – نهارنت:

توج الإدعاء العام العرض الذي قدمه على مدى يومين في خصوص نتائج التحقيقات التي تولاها في جريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري برسم المسار الذي سلكته الشاحنة المفخخة من مكان انطلاقها الى مسرح الجريمة، ورسم الهرمية التراتبية للفريق الجاني، بالإضافة الى سلسلة من المعطيات التي قد تفتح الأبواب تباعا خلال سير المحاكمة على مفاجآت من العيار الثقيل.

واللافت في جلسة اليوم الثاني التي استكمل فيها ممثل الإدعاء العام غرايم كاميرون ما بدأه الخميس في شأن دلائل الإتصالات الهاتفية الخلوية، الخلاصات التي توصل اليها وفقا للآتي:

1- هناك شخصان على الأقل توليا مراقبة الرئيس رفيق الحريري خلال وجوده في مجلس النواب خصوصا في الساعة الأخيرة الأخيرة التي سبقت جريمة الاغتيال مستخدمين هاتفين خليويين حركا محطة اتصالات تغطي مساحة 84 مترا مربعا فقط مما يعني ان الرقابة تمت من داخل المساحة المذكورة حصرا، مع ما يمكن أن تحمله هذه الواقعة من احتمالات على علاقة بهوية الشخصين اللذين يتمتعان بحرية الحركة في هذه الدائرة التي يدخل في نطاقها مبنيا المجلس النيابي ومكاتب النواب.

2- استدعى المتهم سليم عياش المتهمين S5 و S7 اللذين استقدما الشاحنة المفخخة من الضاحية الجنوبية حيث كانا موجودين من خلال اتصاله بهما من موقعه في محيط مجلس النواب بعدما تأكد من وصول الحريري. وبعد اتصال بين S5 و S7 توجه الإثنان من الضاحية الجنوبية عبر منطقة رأس النبع الى نفق سليمان فرنجيه. ومن هناك افترق الإثنان فتوجه S7 الى حيث كان سليم عياش في حين تابع S5 مساره الى ساحة الجريمة في عين المريسة. ويبقى السؤال: هل يكون ال S5 هو الإنتحاري، أم أنه رافق الإنتحاري الى ساحة الجريمة وتركه ينفذ جريمته بمفرده.

3- للمرة الأولى يأتي الإدعاء العام منذ القرار الإتهامي على الإشارة الى"سوريا" في شكل أو في أخر. وقد تبين للإدعاء العام أن المتهم حسن مرعي تلقى اتصالا هو الأطول إذ استمر لمدة نحو عشرين دقيقة من مصطفى بدر الدين ليعود مرعي بعد ساعات قليلة الى إجراء اتصال حرك في خلاله محطة إرسال قريبة من الحدود اللبنانية – السورية. فهل تكون هذه الإشارة دلالة على معلومات معينة سيكشفها الإدعاء العام عن علاقة لسوريا او سوريين بالجريمة؟ فهل تكون المعلومات التي سبق التداول بها عن تفخيخ الشاحنة في الزبداني صحيحة؟ أو أن الإتصال على علاقة بقضية ابو عدس وما سبق ان تردد عن تسليمه الى المخابرات السورية؟

4- حدد الإدعاء العام بشكل واضح تراتبية هرمية قوامها مصطفى بدر الدين مرجعا لكل من سليم عياش الذي يتولى بدوره تحرك مجموعات المراقبة والتنفيذ على الأرض من جهة، والثلاثي أسد صبرا وحسين عنيسي وحسن مرعي الذين تولوا استدراج احمد ابوعدس وتوزيع الفيلم المزور عن تبني الجريمة.

ولا يستبعد حقوقيون متابعون لملف التحقيقات في جريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري ورفاقه أن يتوصل الإدعاء العام في فترات لاحقة من النظر في القضية الى الكشف عن مفاصل أخرى من التراتبية الهرمية تذهب الى ابعد من مصطفى بدر الدين.

التعليقات 38
Missing imagine_1979 21:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Lets wait to see the rest... We might hv some surprises...
Plus 1000 STL...

Missing people-power 21:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

This keeps getting better and better

Missing imagine_1979 21:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Sagh u should right a book, ur knowledge and critical thinking should be shared by all humanity... U will certainely get sponserring by the so secular, progressist and modern gardians of the islamic iranian revolution...
Keep it on man, bravo...

Thumb geha 11:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

you are giving me instructions about bad language? you, the one guy who admit being an azaar?

any name calling you think I am issuing is nothing compared to what you guys keep throwing to exacerbate sectarian strife.

actually it would be best for m8 paid commenters like you and the other few to stop commenting this way these days as you guys are showing no decency trying to spread more of your obvious lies.

wait till this tribunal ends and let us hope the judgment will be clear.

Thumb ice-man 11:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Flamethrower: I am deeply disappointed in your online behavior and your constant harassment of respectable posters such as @geha and others. Please, don't force me to stop voting you up. I hate doing that....

Thumb Mystic 21:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

This trial looks more and more staged. Very funny, the CIA are setting up their best computer and animation experts to make up these false claims/videos.

Default-user-icon Free lebanese (ضيف) 02:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

The martyr on the picture of ure profile(Imad Moghnieh) was murdered by his own party HA and with coordination with the syrians in the middle of damascus, so we know that he was liquidated...so if you love him so much , then have compassion with his teaching and not with his party whom he belongs too...So the TSL is a good thing, allow me to say!!!

Default-user-icon dansk (ضيف) 21:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

M14 didnt exist in 2001, no?

Thumb saturn 21:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Mystical Conspiracy Dude, was the Special Court for Sierra Leone also an Israeli tool? The one that brought to justice war criminals including a head of state sentenced to 50 years?

Thumb Mystic 22:01 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

I don't believe in conspiracies, i believe in facts and not CIA based STL. This is a waste of time and money.

Thumb Mystic 22:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

I repeat again, what about the 4 innocent LAF generals?

Thumb Mystic 22:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Where were the evidence against the 4 LAF generals?

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 22:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Does anyone know which sewer terrorist Nasrallah is hiding in?

Missing greatpierro 22:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

southern what about all the hard evidence that is being reported and which is based on real data. Do you think all is fabricated?

Missing greatpierro 03:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Southern, you claim that the data submitted is circumstantial. Well there is nothing circumstantial when planning an assassination of this extent. It requires many people planning and executing this murder. The data shows the extent of the preparation of this murder and how the holders of the telephone mobile line were following hariri like a shadow. This cannot happen to be circumstantial or based on coincidence.

Missing people-power 22:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

There is evidence that all 4 generals were involved in the Hariri murder, but the evidence was not released to the public. Evidence of "being involved" is different then evidence required for a conviction for actually committing the murder, that is why they were released.

Here's a quote from Detlev Mehlis....

"we did find sufficient evidence that all four generals were involved in the Hariri case"

Just because the evidence was not released to the public, doesn't mean the evidence doesn't exist, and doesn't mean they weren't involved.

The STL announced that further indictments could still be handed down in the future.

Missing people-power 22:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

If you doubt me, here's a link....


Missing minlibnan 22:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

We don't have to defend this international tribunal. Those that fear it, are probably guilty. Blaming everything in Israel has become a bit old. HA keeps all it's military capabilities because of the Israeli threat. HA was in an uproar over the telecom network, if you ever wondered what's so dangerous about it, now you know how they used it to kill the prime minister. (And many others) Emperors have fallen and empires have crumbled, yet these filthy drug traffickers believe they are untouchables! Just like there beloved IMAD mighniyi got roasted, hassouna will too. You know it's coming. Moussa el safer all over again!

Missing people-power 22:27 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Who would have thought that Israeli car bombs come from Dahieh?

Thumb proudm14. 16:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

some other evidence:

Hariri lives in KSA
Gemayel is a Zionist spy
M14 are heart-eating takfiri's

this is all proof that the car did not come from dahye

Missing people-power 22:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

M11 +1 from me

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 23:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

The trial might be interesting to hear as things progress, the entertaining aspect to me is how detailed evidence was obtained regarding the case and how high up the command chain within the ranks of HA they were able to penetrate. Since we have always known that HA commited the act, the important aspect of this trial is weather hard evidence was obtained to be able to implicate countries beyond that point.

Default-user-icon AUS (ضيف) 00:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Hey puppet,if terrorist attack in September was done by Saudis, Egyptians but at least their countries or governments didn't sponsor their attack or they were occupying positions in the militia like those ones from hezb el fasad and destroying the country. All the names mentioned in STL were in important positions for hezb el shaytan. You have to understand the STL is giving evidence and factual information. There's no chance of denying, and we all know and have seen heat happened to Lebanon after his assissanation, and who had and is still having the benefits. Hezbollah and his M8 including hitler Aoun, led the country to the hell . Making people to live in miserable and stressing Lebanese for the sake of their source of income and their leadership SYRiA and the long neck Assad.

Missing imagine_1979 00:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Verry constructive and descent comment, bravo...
Keep on the great job game8, plus one for ur participation, bravo...

Missing people-power 02:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

"1. At least two individuals monitored the movements of ex-PM Rafik Hariri during his presence at the parliament building, especially in the last hour that preceded the assassination crime, and they used two cellphones that activated a mobile phone tower that covers an area of only 84 square meters, which means that the surveillance occurred exclusively inside the aforementioned spot."

Who were the Hezbollah members who monitored Hariri inside the Parliament building???? Was it Raad and Fneish?? Their phone records will reveal the truth.

All phone records related to the assassination should be released to the public!!!

Thumb general_puppet 08:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Gentlemen why bother responding to the Assad/Iranian militia babblers… all they know is what comes out of Nasrallah mouth, specially when he is waving handfuls of refutable evidence that prove the Israelis did it.

Thumb thepatriot 10:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Prime! Refrain from attacking sects please!! Filthy Hezbollah as much as you want, not an entire community! This is not acceptable!

Thumb ice-man 12:24 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

@josephirani: I commend you on your stances, integrity, and deliberate character. You have demonstrated in many of your previous comments a high level of integrity, an enthusiasm for civil debate, and a clear secular point of view. Never change my dear friend.

Thumb proudm14. 16:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

ice-man stepping on M8 necks!

Thumb thepatriot 10:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Akh... the popcorn joke... yaaaaawn...zzzzzzz.....

Thumb proudm14. 15:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

look at him try his hardest to type in the lebanese dialect...tsk tsk tsk penola...did your older cousin tell you how to type that, penola? how is the weather in Melbourne anyways?

Thumb proudm14. 16:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

why is it always these random usernames that are so caught up on the whole cannibalism thing? what a better way to reveal yourself as a Syrian Alawite than to bring up the whole cannibalism thing...

Thumb proudm14. 16:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

i haven't practiced any religion for a day in my life...so no it didn't make me squirm at all you little alawite puppy. enjoy that ulcer. i wonder how many SAA scum were killed since you typed your comment...hopefully about a dozen or so.

Thumb proudm14. 16:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

1. calls Islam an evil religion
2. praises Ayatollah Kharamanyak in a different post

these paid M8 drones never change....cannibal blah blah heart eater blah blah zionist blah blah labayka ya nasrralla blah blah

Thumb Loubnani 20:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Really proudm14 that's your answer? I thought M14 were supposedly for tolerance, progress and freedom... No? How can you call yourself proud M14 and say that? One of my best friend is Shia who had to flee Iran in the 80s because his family were against the new regime at the time. Is he included as well. If you disagree with hizbullah then surely you should say damn hizbullah no? They are not interchangeable are they?

Thumb Mystic 21:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Loubnani Welcome to Lebanon.

Thumb Loubnani 01:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 19

I don't understand anymore mystic. If people disagree with someone's political views why bring religion into it. Lebanon will seize to exist if we continue with this retarded talk. Either we're a country for all or not a country at all

Thumb Mystic 21:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Good point