توقيف شبكة للدعارة من ستة أشخاص في شرقي صيدا
Read this story in Englishأوقفت قوى الأمن الداخلي شبكة للدعارة في صيدا مؤلفة من ستة أشخاص بينهم ثلاثة سوريين.
وبحسب ما كشفت قناة "الجديد" عصر السبت، دهمت قوة من مفرزة استقصاء الجنوب في قوى الأمن الداخلي شقة في محلة الهلالية في ضاحية صيدا الشرقية.
واوقفت القوة كلا من اللبنانيين "هلال ز.(1992) ومحمد د.(1994) ، وفاطمة أ. (1988 ) "، والسوريين "نرمين ب. (1996 ) وشقيقها فراس ( 1987) ونهى ح. ( 1988) " بجرم ممارسة الدعارة وتسهيلها.
كما ضبطت القوة المداهمة مع هلال ز. "مسدسا غير مرخص من عيار 9 ملم ". وبحسب "الجديد"، تبين ايضا انه سبق واوقف في حوادث امنية متفرقة في فترات سابقة.
وقد احيل الموقوفون الى مخفر حارة صيدا لاجراء المقتضى وتم توقيفهم بناء لاشارة النيابة العامة الاستئنافية في الجنوب.
sagh, you really are not very good at satire or comedy… you are almost as boring as the_snore.
Why all this focus on saida? they should go to Dahyih they will find much more happening there...
its easy, just follow the sewage line of hamra/balad/achrafieh downwards and you will eventually get there.
Anyway better to make love not war...
Whats the going rate FT I guess since ur always here you have no gf so I thought you'd know.
Gents, I don't know where you are posting from, but pls answ to my question; Have you ever think of legalizing of prostitution in Leb, like in France, or you're thinking that there this is impossible due to the Muslims?
In Dahiyeh it is has been legal for many years. I guess there is some resistance from the Christian community. But, with the Aoun-HA alliance in full force, this is expected to change.
ghabi read my other responses in the thread before spouting gibberish. there are many teta's in achrafieh and elsewhere that would find the idea disgusting, AKA not unanimously accepted by the christian community.
what is their problem with prostitution rings? Most lebanese women wont sleep with men except if in a long and costly relationship.
Prostitution is the solution to those testosterone overflows. Instead of encouraging and regulating it, fsi arrest them like if they were criminals.
Again a misguided lebanese law.
"presumably thugs who belong to Assir cell'… Southern you are an embarrassment, where did you come up with that?????
Prostitution being illegal is same as marijuana being illegal...pointless, costly law to enforce, could make millions for the state if regulated and taxed properly. But of course the Hezb uses these black market fields to fund its own private militia so we will never see them properly regulated and legalized.
What a disgusting bunch. Reading the first post in this thread, it is clear who set the tone of the conversation. Insults made by flamethrower against others took the discussion to new lows never seen before on this site. Shame on all those who participated in and engaged in filthy language and talking about others families and loved ones!
The biggest ignorant's are the people who do not know how to coexist with their fellow citizens.
Hezbolah is not taking in consideration that their control will never happen because others do not agree with them.
Reading those posts reiterates that Lebanon and Lebanese are nothing but a hopeless case! Everything is so damn personal!,
this photo is an old photo from archive, a previous article on prostitution months ago.