تفكيك شبكة لتبييض الاموال في استراليا يعود جزء من اموالها لحزب الله

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اعلنت الشرطة الاسترالية الخميس تفكيك شبكة واسعة لتبييض الاموال لها امتدادات في حوالى 20 بلدا ويعود جزء من اموالها لصالح حزب الله اللبناني بحسب الصحافة.

كذلك صادرت الشرطة كميات من المخدرات واصولا بقيمة 580 مليون دولار استرالي (510 ملايين دولار)، بينها 26 مليون دولار استرالي نقدا، وذلك خلال عملية استمرت عاما وحملت اسم "ايليغو"، وفق ما افادت اللجنة الاسترالية لمكافحة الجريمة.

واضافت اللجنة ان العملية كانت تهدف الى مكافحة عمليات تبييض اموال مصدرها انشطة غير شرعية لعصابات ومهربين.

ومن بين اهداف العملية خصوصا 18 عصابة منظمة و128 شخصا في اكثر من 20 بلدا. وفي النهاية، تم اعتقال 105 اشخاص واغلاق ثلاثة مختبرات لمادة الميثافيتامين التي قد تسبب الادمان، اضافة الى مصنع غير شرعي للقنب الهندي في سيدني.

وقال وزير العدل الاسترالي مايكل كينان ان "فرق الشرطة ركزت جهودها على انشطة تبييض اموال وراقبت انشطة اجرامية عدة ادت الى هذه النتائج الجيدة جدا".

واضاف "وضع اليد على اكثر من 550 مليون دولار (استرالي) من المخدرات والاموال النقدية يمثل ضربة قوية لاقتصاد الجريمة".

وقامت الشرطة خصوصا برصد انشطة مكاتب تسمح بنقل اموال من الخارج الى الافراد، على سبيل المثال لطلاب او عمال مقيمين في استراليا يتلقون اموالا في بعض الاحيان من عائلاتهم في الخارج.

وبحسب وسائل الاعلام التابعة لمجموعة فيرفاكس، فإن افراد هذه العصابات اعتمدوا على العمليات التي اجراها اجانب مقيمون في استراليا وحصلوا على الاموال المرسلة من عائلاتهم في الخارج لاستبدالها باموال "وسخة" تدرها انشطة اجرامية.

واحد هذه المكاتب له حضور كبير في اسيا والشرق الاوسط ويحول جزءا من الاموال المبيضة لحساب حزب الله اللبناني وفق فيرفاكس.

وتحظر السلطات الاسترالية اي انشطة لحزب الله على اراضيها.

التعليقات 34
Thumb geha 08:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

thank you hizbushaitan for putting our banking system and economy at risk once more!
to those who do not understand my comment: this will definitely affect at least one bank that is involved in this!

to which extent these terrorists will go?

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

pff.. overblow statements.
"Fairfax said at least one of the exchange houses used in the Middle East and Asia delivered a cut from every dollar it laundered to Hizbullah"

a guy was sending monney to hezbollah, like lots of supporters do around the world, and they're trying to cut its funding so they make a fuss about it.

Thumb ice-man 13:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

You seem like a nice guy really.... I hope you are not sectarian.

Thumb liefighter 15:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The iranians and Hizppos are they behaving there?but how come they are considered terrorists just like Qaeda?

Missing mohammad_ca 03:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

so if many people do it then it's ok? it's against the law ya zaki

Thumb general_puppet 08:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

This is terrible, the Zionist/US/Saudi/coalition will stop at nothing in their quest to damage the name of the Glorious militia. Don't worry momo I am sure the_snore will get to the bottom of this.

Missing ghzayel 09:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

there you have it: ashraf mal la ashraf nass

Missing ghzayel 23:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

judging from the thumbs down I received and knowing fully well the political povs of naharnet editors which I respect and agree with do not reflect the ideologies of those voting me down I.e. pro hezb and pro 8th of march commentators nevertheless I am confused to find out lately that your site is being systematically invaded and criticized by those same previously mentioned commentators outnumbering your site supporters??? strange situation indeed!!!

Missing ghzayel 23:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

judging from the thumbs down I received and knowing fully well the political povs of naharnet editors which I respect and agree with do not reflect the ideologies of those voting me down I.e. pro hezb and pro 8th of march commentators nevertheless I am confused to find out lately that your site is being systematically invaded and criticized by those same previously mentioned commentators outnumbering your site supporters??? strange situation indeed!!!

Default-user-icon skyboy (ضيف) 09:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

walaw, Haydoleh Achraf el Khass!!!

Thumb popeye 12:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

hey genius, read properly before you go on with your teen rant. It is agency france press.

Thumb ice-man 13:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Fine, if you disagree, then its your right to disprove the argument with a civil reply..but if you want to give a factual account of how you view things are or should be, then you are the worst kind of sectarian poster. Learn to respect other peoples view & debate them in a civil manner, without attacking their view as if yours is the only right & meaningful view that exists.

Thumb cedre 13:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

defo, controlled by Bandar, hariri and Rifi, thanks for the info mystic...

Thumb cedre 13:27 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The Australian Crime Commission is a saudi puppet manipulated by bandar. Achraf Nass dont do drug dealing/captagon in lebanon or abroad...

Thumb cedre 15:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

ft, do u know u sound like kaddafi ?

Thumb geha 13:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

m8 guys tried to discredit the article, but the truth will always shine :)

terrorists, drug dealers/manufacturers, bombers, killers,... they are, and this is what they remain.

if there is a war on terrorism, then it should eradicate hizbushaitan first and foremost, but wait! iran promised to disband them :)

Thumb cedre 16:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

*just admit

Thumb ice-man 13:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

It is so unlike HA to be involved in drugs, assassinations, bombings, and other illicit activities. Hence, I seriously doubt the authenticity of this article. I am sure after cross examination by the panel of expert judges here, an overwhelming decision has been reached the article is mere and utter propaganda.

Thumb ice-man 13:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

I suggest you guys form a grievances board and take it up with the appropriate authorities.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Money talks, the rest walks. Cash is becoming a serious problem for Hezbollah nowadays, at a time when it needs it most, but now 4 years down the line, with most major countries keeping a close tab on HA operations worldwide, with Iran having knelt down under tough economic sanctions, with Syria in tantrums, with Hezbollah being now constantly under growing pressure, I honestly don't know how much it could last. yet, the return door back to its Lebanese has never been shut close, why does Hezbollah keeps refusing to use it?! Must it wait when it has lost all goodwill from its Lebanese siblings? I personally urge Hezbollah's top cadres to think well now, neither guns, nor rockets nor muscles can feed a people, but reason. I repeat, NO Lebanese sibling has yet closed the door, use it!!

Thumb proudm14. 14:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

FT, you keep coming back because there are no Hezbo outlets you can post on since they are too backwards and stupid to run a forum or comment section properly.

Thumb cedre 15:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The Holy Resistance financing itself with drugdealing...

Thumb proudm14. 15:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

wonder how many kids overdosed on heroin produced by khomeyneists? probably hundreds.

HA: killing children in beirut, qusayr, australia, and the whole wide world!

Thumb proudm14. 20:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

ignoramus, the muslim brotherhood has like 1 MP in our parliament. what are you even talking about man go learn about what you are talking about then come here and try to itshatar

Missing people-power 17:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The_bore, if you don't like Naharnet, why don't you take a hike?

Missing people-power 17:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

Quote from Fit-thrower:

"we will always bring the opinion of the demonized side for the casual reader"

You are the very definition of a propagandist. You have no life, and are paid less than minimum wage to post your lies here. Stop pretending you are some important person with a real job and a family.

Missing people-power 17:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The_bore, why don't you post the "Christian" man's name, unless you are lying again?

Default-user-icon Mark (ضيف) 18:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

What a bunch of liars especially anonyshithead story. We all know here who it was and I can assure you it was a sunni!!! Obviosuly you have no idea about australia so i suggest you get your facts right! 90% if not more out here are sunnies and from tripoli! I live far from lakemba and bankstown just to be away from them. They brought our reputation into the ground and they r running most bikie gangs around sydney let alone the whole of australia!! I posted earlier just when naharnet posted the article but they removed my post. You know why? Because i posted the direct link from australian news that nowhere mentions HA! But guess what? Surely they dont want people to see their lies and propaganda and they even removed this article! I only found it cuz i bookmarked it. Well done naharnet, propaganda at its best...

Missing people-power 22:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The_bore is truly tied up with important work, that's why he posted 14 comments on this article already.

Missing people-power 23:01 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The_bore is so busy, he also posted 16 times on this other article today already:


Missing people-power 00:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

The_bore's post was recorded 4 hours ago, and he says:

"I don't use wikipedia, but I am truly tied up this evening with work."

Interesting because it is currently 9:00 AM in Sydney Australia, and 4 hours ago it was 5:00 AM in Sydney??

Who would say "I'm tied up this evening" at 5:00 AM??? I'm so confused.

The_bore claims he lives in Australia, where he has an "important job", and runs a well known charity organization.

Can't wait for his explanation

Missing people-power 01:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

Yes, it's currently 10:43 AM in Sydney Australia, and 6 hours ago, at 4:43 AM Sydney time, you said:

"I am truly tied up this evening with work".

Do you call 4:43 AM the evening? Is that some Australian slang?

You also posted a couple comments 8 hours ago, at 2:43 AM Sydney time.

You are a fake, bore. You have never showed proof of anything, and your lies are very transparent.

Missing mohammad_ca 03:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

english please.

Missing people-power 05:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

You gave me proof? Proof of what?

This article is about Australia busting a criminal money laundering ring, and some of the profits were being sent to Hezbollah, and over $580M in drugs and assets were seized.

You claim that you live in Australia, which is questionable based on my comments above, and then you say:

"this article is known very well to me & who was busted..the biggest bust by far belonged to a Christian with drugs est over $600 million"

I simply asked you who was the Christian that you claim was busted. I didn't ask for proof, I just asked for a name. You said this article is very well known to you, and the biggest bust was a Christian....

How do you know he was a Christian if you don't know his name?

I didn't ask for proof, and you did not provide any proof. I'm still asking....

What is the name of this Christian who you claim was busted???????