تسجيل صوتي يعلن انشاء جناح لـ "داعش" من طرابلس

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تداولت مواقع الكترونية جهادية السبت تسجيلا صوتيا منسوبا الى "ابو سياف الانصاري"، يعلن فيه انشاء جناح للدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام في مدينة طرابلس، ومبايعة زعيمها ابو بكر البغدادي.

وجاء في التسجيل: "نبايع امير المؤمنين ابا بكر الحسيني القرشي البغدادي على السمع والطاعة (...) ونقول له سر بنا ما شئت وخض بنا المصاعب، واجعلنا رأس حربتك نبطش بعدوك، ولا يتخلف فينا رجل واحد عن نصرتك".

ودعا "أبو سياف"، وهو اسم غير متداول سابقا، الى انتظار "ما سيصدر قريبا عن لسان المتحدث الرسمي باسم الدولة الاسلامية في لبنان ابا عمر المهاجر".

واضاف: "ما قمنا من غفوة السبات الا لان الامة تفقد الثبات وتتصدع اركانها بغدر جيش الصليب اللبناني المدعوم من بحزب اللات"، في اشارة الى حزب الله.

وتابع: "فضل اخواننا ابطال كتائب الشهيد عبد الله عزام (...) ان نكلوا بالروافض عامة والموالين لايران خاصة الذين اعلنوا حربهم على اهل السنة".

الا انه اعتبر ان هذه الكتائب "وحدها لم تكف، فقال: "بعد تمدد راية الاسلام من العراق الى الشام وظهرت الراية واضحة ومنهجها السليم الذي لم يستطع احفاد آل سلول المدعومين اميركيا صليبا أن ينكلوا بها او يشوههوها".

وأردف: "فقررنا اعلان البيعة لهم والموالاة لهم ، وتكثير سوادهم وبيعة لامير المؤمنين ابا بكر من طرابلس الشام لنكون له باب باذن الله تعالى من لبنان الى بيت المقدس، فعرضنا عليهم فكرة تجديد خلايا لهم من لبنان لنستكمل مسيرة الدعوة الجهادية التي ارعبت أميركا في عقر دارها".

ولم يحدد ابو سياف اسم مجموعته او عديدها.

وتوجه ابو سياف عبر التسجيل الصوتي "للمشايخ عامة واعضاء ما سموها هيئة العلماء خاصة"، بالقول "اتقوا الله فينا وبأخوانهم ولا تطعوننا في ظهرنا بعد ان استئمناهم على ارواحنا، وان رايتم فينا الخطا فصبونا وان ذللنا فانصحونا ان الله مساح الخطايا

وانشئت كتائب عبد الله عزام في العام 2009، وادرجتها واشنطن على لائحة المنظمات الارهابية. وتبنت الكتائب التفجيرين الانتحاريين اللذين استهدفا السفارة الايرانية في بيروت في 19 تشرين الثاني وتسببا بمقتل 25 شخصا.

وكانت تبنت في السابق اكثر من مرة عمليات اطلاق صواريخ من لبنان على اسرائيل.

وتوجه ابو سياف برسالة "لاهل السنة، المنتسبين زورا لاهل السنة، في جيش الصليب، ان تتقوا الله وتكفروا بذلك الطاغوت".

اضاف: "توبوا الى الله (...) وانكم ان فعلتم ذلك عصمتم دماءكم"، مضيفا "لا تكونوا لنا سيفا يحمله النصارى والروافض ويطعنوا فينا".

وانبثقت الدولة الاسلامية عن "دولة العراق الاسلامية"، وهي الفرع العراقي لتنظيم القاعدة. واعلن البغدادي زعيم هذه الدولة، في نيسان 2013، توحيد تنظيمه مع جبهة النصرة التي تقاتل ضد النظام السوري.

الا ان النصرة التي تعد بمثابة الذراع الرسمية للقاعدة في سوريا، رفضت الالتحاق بالكيان الجديد، مبايعة زعيم القاعدة ايمن الظواهري مباشرة.

وتبنت الدولة الاسلامية تفجيرا انتحاريا بسيارة مفخخة في الضاحية الجنوبية في الثاني من كانون الثاني، ادى الى مقتل خمسة اشخاص.

التعليقات 50
Thumb lebpatriot246 17:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Dead man taljing

Thumb lebpatriot246 17:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25


Thumb ice-man 18:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

first post for premiumuser and you already know who cedre is? LOL

Thumb premiumuser55 18:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

yes, who makes an account instead of posting as guest when he doesn't know the people? not me.

Thumb geha 18:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

my problem is that m8 guys like this and hate mustaqbal!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Arrest the man and anyone working with him. As for the Hizb, thank you for bringing another blight to Lebanon. You just could not be happy with a normal state in Lebanon with one army, one police force and one government. You had to alienate whole communities by acting as a Bully. I hope the army starts with this idiot and finish with you.

Default-user-icon EWecto (ضيف) 18:09 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

"We could not handle the crusaders' media campaigns portrayed us as extremists"
so you become even MORE extremist?

"We only became active because the Islamic nation is losing its determination and is being shaken by the disloyalty of the Lebanese crusaders, who are endorsed by Hizbullah.”"
Who does this guy listen to? Does Tripoli really have people like this?

He also called on Sunnis “incorrectly enlisted in the crusaders's army to fear God and to repent.” That's Army soldiers you're talking to, fanatic! Hope they arrest you and you're sentenced for life.

This article is like, surreal.

Now I can genuinely sympathize with M14, HA OUT OF SYRIA, NOW.

Thumb premiumuser55 18:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

1. calls for army defection
2. label christians as crusaders and calls for assault on unbelievers
3. call shias apostates (included in unbelievers probably)
4. asks why tripoli is being portrayed as extremist

lol. might it have something to do with harboring people like this?

Missing peace 18:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

isn't the army going to arrest him ASAP?

Missing helicopter 19:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

I hope they do more than arrest him, he does not belong in Lebanon

Missing peace 23:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

seems 2 m8ers here thumbed me down because they disagree with arresting him....

Thumb montreal 18:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

who the hell is this guy, he's just popped out of nowhere with claims, this is the first time anyone's heard of him.

Thumb premiumuser55 18:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

not even googles heard of him. probably some sectarian guy pushed past the edge after yesterdays Nusra call for violence.

Thumb montreal 19:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

The dude supposedly blew himself up in back in 2008 Iraq, when Bashar was the foremost purveyor of jihadists these (and three years after he invented Abou Addas of Al Nusra), but those things seem now to resurrect, lol. Someone should tell whoever concocted this audio not to use the same name twice, it's embarrassing..

CBS News September 3, 2008 - The mouthpiece of al Qaeda-led Islamic State of Iraq released a new video featuring three suicide attacks against Iraqi/coalition forces in Diyala and Baghdad... The third targeted the headquarters of the Iraqi anti-terrorist police unit in Baghdad and was carried out by a militant called Abu Sayaf al Ansari..

Thumb premiumuser55 19:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

lol, a lot of them adopt names of shaheeds and religious figures. maybe this guy did that? more info will come up soon hopefully, lets not take this news too lightly man.

Thumb montreal 19:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

The never adopt the same name, but they name a brigade after one. Here we have an audio of a dude pledging loyalty to a group he was already a member of back in 2008 when he blew himself up. I'm not taking this lightly no one should, I'm just pointing out that things may not be what they seems.

Thumb premiumuser55 19:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

good point... it is weird... i'll be reading naharnet tomorrow for more needed infos like you said. now that i think about it i dont think tripolitans would condone this so he'll probably back down even even if hes not arrested.

Thumb premiumuser55 19:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

very true, these hard times are perfect examples of why HA must merge with the army. it is polarizing lebanese society and spells doom for civil life. it must finish with its syrian adventure and come back to LEBANON and serve it by joining the army... only way it can regain legitimacy by all lebanese.

Missing helicopter 19:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

“We ask for your advice and recommendation when we commit mistakes.”........
The first mistake was that you were born. The second mistake is announcing your loyalty to some stone age ideology and forsaking the country that sheltered you. You must either die or run away budddy.

Thumb premiumuser55 19:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

perfect post.

Missing castro 19:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Hi All,
I have just heard the audio and have not read any of the above comments.
This guy is calling for defection from the national army, attacks against the rest of the Sunnis as well as attack against hezb.
I believe this is a "Golden" opportunity to have the two main camps in the country unity against this common threat. but in order for this to happen, the big shots at the top must, and I repeat, must offer compromises and behave with humbleness and modesty and focus back onto Lebanon and what matters to Lebanese people.
Missing this "Golden" opportunity and allowing these thugs to go on will mean the end of Lebanon (period)

Thumb -proudm14- 19:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

I think that the basis of the current HA-FM concessions have to do with the 3 billion being used to secure the nation from terrorist threats in return for HA backing down from the government institutions and letting M14 take the lions share of the next cabinet. Let's hope that this is the case. These guys are scarier than your run of the mill Hussein al Jaafari.

Thumb -proudm14- 19:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Also watch and learn, M8, as the M14 community and Sunnis in particular help the security forces find this guy and his men real quick.

Thumb premiumuser55 20:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

exactly ft, but what option other than m14 do they have? there is no unifying figure like saad for sunnis so they root for him, but hes weak... to resolve this i think saad should court the FPM and give them the ministers they want. and FPM should m14 more leeway for that and solve problems like extremism by making their unifying leader have more say.

Missing imagine_1979 20:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

U FT idiot if sunni in saida stood by assir over the army assir would have lasted for more ghan few days... Remember how uch time tooked naher el berred...
Stop painting sunni as extremist fanatic takfiri.. It would be like painting all shia as hezbollah jihadist in syria....
We will have all to live together, no one can irradicate the other, we tried this before, remember?....
No plus one FT, no chuachups neither...

Missing imagine_1979 20:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Let me rephrase first thx saying sunni are not all extremist.. Really it means to me (even if i'm not muslim) so plus one for u with my appology..
But again do u really think moustakbal is takfiri?... Really?... Compared to hachem minkara, billal che3ban..even mustakbal member of parlement from akkar look innocent...
Man please donnot generalise...
Once again plus one for u FT anyway (not all sunis are takfiri this is a good start)

Thumb cedars2 19:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Please let the army kick his and anybody carrying weapons other than the official security forces. They should start from the north and continue in a beeline to the south. Anyone who's loyalty lies with another country should be arrested and treated as a spy or saboteur. That includes everyone.

Thumb premiumuser55 19:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

hezbollahs justified existance is... you know... evil israel. the last thing it could ever think of is saying it exists to battle sunni extremism. thats just straight sectarianism no one would support.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Lebanon must not tolerate another outlaw like HA pledging allegiance to a foreign entity. This man should be arrested and court marshaled post haste by the LAF. Failure to do so quickly will add to the fractured nature of our country. In simple terms he is no less a traitor than HA.

Thumb -proudm14- 19:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Very true. Hoping they have the wisdom to stop the FM = AQ propaganda and work together to avert a crisis where ISIL gets some sort of hold within Lebanon. This goes for Sunnis as well, the LAF must have political cover in Tripoli and other regions.

Thumb premiumuser55 19:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

proudm14, i find it hard to believe the laf will not be called sectarian or an HA-tool or whatever and get attacked for any operation. what makes you think they will be welcomed to arrest somebody who is in his mind trying to serve the sunnah? genuine question here...

Thumb -proudm14- 20:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

premium, 4 years ago the idea of AQ having a safe haven among the Sunnis of Lebanon was a far away joke. But this was still the rhetoric of FPM and HA. They kept accusing and accusing, and belittling, and threatening, and intimidating, at the end of the day this is what happened: the propaganda has slowly turned into the truth and now the country might permanently be engulfed as is the case in Iraq.

The majority of Sunnis still follow the FM line, and we can be invaluable in defeating whatever AQ has managed to leak into the country and sealing the country off from further infiltration but that will not happen if our politicians keep getting killed, if Saad is still unable to come back to Lebanon, if HA insist on waging a war against 15 million poor and starving Syrians who have spent the past three years learning how to use an AK47 and finding out how to create car bombs.

Thumb -proudm14- 20:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Furthermore, how can the LAF be in charge of sealing off the border when HA is conducting operations in Syria, with some reports stating they have invaded as far as Idlib and Halab? Should the LAF protect the border and be the backup for HA as they invade another country? Wouldn't that officially mean that the Lebanese government is a participant in the battle on the side of the regime and its allies?

Thumb -proudm14- 20:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

The Shia that have gone off to fight Iran's war in Syria are more needed manning checkpoints in Dahye, than they are needed shelling the slums of Homs. There is no takfiri threat on our border, but there is a volatile security situation in Lebanon that needs to be handled through a political consensus among M14 and M8. The idea that we are harboring these people is a LIE, they serve no military or political value to us, in fact it is quite the opposite. Look at how the ISIL has stabbed the Syrians in the back for instance.

Thumb premiumuser55 20:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

so basically tripolitans would welcome the laf if the FM leadership covered for them? good to know.

i agree that HA should come back and integrate into the army to regain credibility. thank you for the response, it is reassuring.

Missing imagine_1979 20:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

btw lebanese comunist party retreted from ussr party union since the 70s, or maybe a litle before...i wish other would also cut aliances with foreign powers..
Anyway plus one for ur participation southern...

Missing VINCENT 20:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Ahlan oue Sahlan be Lebnan. You achieved your goals. You took a beautiful country and turned it to an Islamic nightmare. Bravo ya shabab.

Missing imagine_1979 20:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

Souther if u look back to history (cause europe has history books..) staline won over nazis in the est while imperialists americans french(de gaulle remember?) uk and co. helped from the west... So just to put ur facts right (u csn also fond is papers siting staline as"uncle joe" then) this didn't last but shows that under threat we all could ally (like in lebanese patriotic resistance front, there was communists, kawoumi, amal... Untill hezbos tooked over...
Second southern i see also that communism has its bad sides but u cannot take over the advances in human rights, social right that communist helped creating in europe (in france george marchais got more than 20percent of persidential vite in the beggining 80s) but also their servitude to ussr dictaturship was not really helpfull.

Thumb general_puppet 22:26 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

This is pure sedition, the LAF needs to go in arrest and crush any insurrection against Lebanon no mater what the consequences. Any one that try's to gives this traitor cover will show their true colors.

This is what comes from having a so called political armed block claim allegiance to foreign entities and go to war on their behalf. Other nuts think they can get way with the same thing.

Thumb general_puppet 22:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 25

sahg, cover your legs… this is not a pick site, you will distract the young Southern villager with his propaganda.

Thumb general_puppet 00:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

And you will always be a propagandist. What Lebanon can not over come, is a fully armed Iranian militia that flat out say's that their only partners are the Axis and that Lebanese consensus is of no consequence to them. For too long Hizbullah has behaved as if their was no government and they can do as they please. You an your buddies can post all the BS you want but it will not change the fact that Hizbullah is under the Ayatollah's orders and that a number of M8 blocks speak for and are under Assad's orders.

Thumb shab 01:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

More idiots as if it's not enough with one murdering militia

Missing youssefhaddad 02:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

He might be Made in Damascus like Abou Adass or shaker Al Absy,....
Whoever this new born islamists is he has no support in the street. His talk is aimed are scaring Christians and Shias so they would run to Assad and Hezbollah in fear.

Thumb lebanon_first 11:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

What are these folks? even worse than Hezbollah in its early days...

Why does the moslem religion produce these medieval characters?

The christian religion produced Pope John Paul the second, it produced mother theresa, it produced the redcross, the bill of rights, the educational missions. Why does the moslem religion produce such junk?

Thumb Loubnani 13:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

All religions have throughout the ages produced religious fanatics LF. That also includes us as Christians. Bosnia war, Lebanese war, George W Bush etc... Poverty, lack of education and a feeling of being prosecuted would lead to madmen like this guy here. Shame

Thumb Loubnani 16:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

legit they probably were not poor and probably educated but possibly brainwashed with a FEELING of being prosecuted. It doesn't even have to be true....

Thumb -phoenix1 16:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

When the moderates of Lebanon face it off with Hezbollah, and for years get treated with disdain, year after year, the radicals simply see the wedge and enter it. They extend it all the way where and when the moderates no longer have a voice, then Hezbollah ups the ante and so will the radicals. Surely, there will be lots in this forum who will dislike my posts now, but I care less, the truth is that the moderates were once taking us into an era of peace and prosperity, but Hezbollah cannot accept it nor like it, as that would rob if of its "legitimacy" to keep its weapons and eternals wars. This latest group of Jihadists, as much as I hate them came about as a gift of Hezbollah's foolish intransigence.

Missing cedars 20:01 ,2014 كانون الثاني 26

Catch him and hang him before he becomes another Imad mughnieh or Assir or Nassrallah. Simply because for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Default-user-icon AUS (ضيف) 00:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 27

If those groups exist in tripoli why the haven't done any bomb in Jabal mohsen or revenge from Assad in Jabal mohsen. This all B.S., it's fabricated by Assad and his puppets in Lebanon like Hasson el wati

Default-user-icon Cole (ضيف) 08:22 ,2014 أيلول 11

Thanks for finally talking about >Abu Sayyaf Al-Ansari Pledges Allegiance to ISIL from Tripoli — Naharnet <Liked it!