حزب الله: الجيش حقق انجازات متقدمة وعلى الجميع دعمه وإدانة الإرهاب
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب الله ضرورة دعم الجيش بعد "الإنجازات الأمنية المتقدمة" التي حققها في وجه "الإرهاب التكفيري" داعيا إلى إدانة هذا الإرهاب.
وقال الحزب في بيان مساء الأربعاء بعد توقيف القيادي في كتائب "عبدالله عزام" نعيم عباس أن "هذه الانجازات الأمنية المتقدمة تضيف نقاطاً مضيئة إلى السجل المشرّف للجيش الذي يمثل الدرع الحامي لكل اللبنانيين".
وشرح أن الخطوة "هي دليل على تفانيه وعمله الدؤوب وتضحياته الدائمة لحماية الشعب اللبناني في مواجهة كل المخاطر التي يتعرض لها، ولا سيما الخطر الصهيوني الدائم، وخطر الإرهابيين التكفيريين الذين يستهدفون المدنيين الأبرياء".
عليه أعلن الحزب أن "الشعب اللبناني، بكل قواه وأحزابه مطالب بدعم المؤسسة العسكرية في مواجهة القوى الإرهابية التي تستهدف أمن المواطنين وتغتال مستقبلهم وتعمل على زرع بذور الفتن والشقاق بينهم".
وحيا قيادة الجيش على التصدي "للإرهاب التكفيري الذي يضرب لبنان" داعيا اللبنانيين "جميعاً إلى وعي المخاطر المترتبة على هؤلاء التكفيريين وإدانة إرهابهم، وإلى العمل على تنظيم خلافاتهم السياسية وتوحيد صفوفهم من أجل السير بلبنان على طريق النجاة من العاصفة الكبرى التي تشهدها المنطقة".
وكانت قد أوقفت المخابرات الأربعاء المدعو نعيم عباس فلسطيني الجنسية في منطقة كورنيش المزرعة وهو ينتمي إلى كتائب عبد الله عزام.ودفعت اعترافاته إلى ضبط سيارة مفخخة بداخلها ثلاث نساء على طريق اللبوة عرسال ودهم مستودعات في الدبية والسعديات ومصادرة صواريخ ومتفجرات وهويات مزورة.
"The army is the shield protecting all the Lebanese,”
if so, then disarm and give the weapons to the army you pretend to praise! LOL
hezbi are true hypocrits...
What a bunch of hypocrites indeed. They are an illegitimate party and put on our soil by the scums of IRAN.
Let me ask why is HA is praising the LAF and in the meantime in Syria fighting along side Assads troop? Who gave them the right to fight in Syria under the name of Lebanon? Scums don't speak for us!
true, we should go after those who invited, funded, armed, and sheltered those terrorists: M14
M14 got involved in the neighbouring conflict long before Hezbollah interfeered. Drop the act, the LAF has done so well and eradicating the takfiris, that they deserve the honor and respect from all Lebanese.
Instead of praising the army for stopping bombs you are attracting. Why not stop the reasons for being bombed in the first place !
The army cannot always be there to defend you from your crimes and their repercussions !
Stop being terrorist mercenaries fighting other people's wars under the order of foreign countries.
No one asked them to stop being Shia. I should ask you though to stop being stupid for once and fail to make me appear saying things I never said.
If you have a racist mentality, it doesn't mean your opponents do !
Idiot !
humm.. in that case, how come the takfiris started kidnapping shia pilgrims, massacring shias in border villages, and firing rockets on hermel BEFORE hezbollah got involved?
you try to depict the terrorists as defending themselves, when it's actually they would started killing innocents, and HA defending the said innocents.
The Shia pilgrim issue is an excuse to pull Hezbollah into war. Either HA fell in the trap or HA waited for this opportunity.
You will tell me the ALMIGHTY Bashar who is "winning" the war is unable to handle this on his own ? He can defend all Shiias in Syria with his brave and strong army can't he ?
And I thought HA's involvement in Syria was to "defend Lebanon", not defend Shiias in Syria... but I guess I was wrong ! Like all M8 sheep are wrong about this fake resistance and its agenda.
it's only purpose is to defend the criminal regime of Bashar el Assad in order to ensure their grasp on Lebanon !
nobody called bashar "almighty" except you here. and no the syrian army is not deployed everywhere in syria, they work spot after spot, and many areas are undefended, especially countrysides and mountainous areas. this is why rebels were able to "claim" control of many places and commit massacres before the army arrived to oust them.
So you're saying Bashar is weak and needs Hezbollah :) Hezbollah is not in Syria to defend Lebanon as Nasrallah is lying ! I love it !!! You admit it finally...
you have mental issues. i never said that, but you being delusional and hearing voices is no news.