"مخرج جنبلاطي" لتسهيل صياغة البيان الوزاري
Read this story in Englishبعد تحرّكه على أكثر من مستوى وفي اتجاه كل الأفرقاء من أجل تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة، بدأ رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط في الدفع من أجل صياغة البيان الوزاري في أسرع وقت.
فقد كشفت صحيفة "السفير"، الثلاثاء، أن جنبلاط تحرّك في الساعات الماضية للتمهيد لولادة طبيعية وميسرة للبيان الوزاري، واوفد وزير الصحة وائل ابو فاعور للقاء رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام.
ولفتت الى انه يجري التداول في مخرج يقوم على عدم ذكر لا "استراتيجية دفاعية" ولا "ثلاثية" ولا "اعلان بعبدا"، وحصر البيان بالاشارة الى مهمة الحكومة في الإعداد للاستحقاقات المقبلة.
ومن أهم هذه الاستحقاقات، الانتخابات الرئاسية والتصدي للوضع الامني بما يتطلبه، وكذلك مواكبة الاساسيات، لا سيما الشأن الاقتصادي والمعيشي.
ووفق الصحيفة فإن سلام تبنى هذا المخرج، ونقلت عن أوساط جنبلاط قوله "لقد تجاوزنا الاصعب، أي تشكيل الحكومة، ولا نرى ما يستوجب ان نعلق هنا".
يُشار الى أن لجنة وزارية مؤلفة من قبل الحكومة ستعمل على صياغة البيان الوزاري في مهلة أقصاها شهر تمهيداً لمثول مجلس الوزراء امام مجلس النواب من أجل طرح الثقة.
In any normal country, defending a country is an exclusive responsibility of the armed forces. That is what they get paid to do. That is what they enlisted to do. In Lebanon, the terror party wants to insert the resistance in the policy statement to give their sectarian activities legitimacy. Ain't going to happen anymore!
exactly popeye, in any country its Army + People = Resistance
NOT People + Army + Resistance... this implies an additional element i.e. an illegal militia (hizbshytan) Hizbshytan represents some but certainly not the majority of the lebanese...
therefor the resistance's vote of confidence by the lebanese is LOW.
and who ever wants to dispute this (FT and MotoMouth) OK no problem, lets have a referendum guys and will see the Total Populace Vote of Confidence!!!
never really liked the guy but he is making an effort to achieve something productive so more power to him.
“Baabda Declaration” should be the most important part, since supposedly they already agreed on it. Now they should all be held accountable to it with out exception and they all should agree on the LAF controlling the entire border.
This should be a 24 hour deal and then everyone moves to attending to people's business............... oh wait, this is Lebanon where one camp wants Sovereignty and the other wants resistance.
unfortunately i don't think they can....both parties do not trust each other and hence they need to secure that the other is not going to do anything without them being able to oversee or control!!! Maskhara hal balad!!! they all need to go ....
they all need to go? where? when? and by who????? they will be there for the foreseeable future. As you said, unfortunately.
go as in replaced...toppled ...we need less politics and more efficient gvt to work towards lebanon and the people...we are becoming like egypt...people graduate and cannot find work u have engineers and lawyers working as math or language teachers or even worse cab drivers....not acceptable ...
Jumblat as usual, playing here and there, and back again. I wonder what the proud druze community think of him, i mean , after all they are one of the two sects with christians who gave Lebanon his independance from ottomans and others. They are know unfortunately only sitting aside, leaving their warlord decide their fate by forgetting principles of patriotism and jumping from one bed to another