الجربا: حزب الله أعاد الحياة للنظام السوري

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رأى رئيس الائتلاف السوري المعارض أحمد الجربا أن "حزب الله هو من يوقف النظام السوري على رجليه"، مردفاً "ليطمئن الجميع أنّ كل سوري لا يريد البقاء في طرابلس أو البقاع، بل العودة إلى دياره".

وأشار الجربا في حديث لصحيفة "الجمهورية"، نشر الأربعاء، الى أن "حزب الله هو من يوقف النظام على رجليه"، مردفاً أن "النظام ميت أصلاً، ويحتاج أن نصلّي عليه صلاة الجنازة، ودعم "حزب الله" هو بمثابة إعادة حقن النظام ليكون قوياً، ويستمر".

وبالنسبة لاعتبار "حزب الله" أنّ التفجيرات التي طاولت معاقله ليست نتيجة انخراطه العسكري في الأزمة السورية، بل جزء من مشروع التنظيمات التكفيرية كان توسيع عملياتها إلى لبنان، لفت الجربا الى أننا "لا نعرف إذا كانت التفجيرات التي استهدفت مناطق "حزب الله" هي من تنفيذ الاستخبارات الإيرانية أو السورية، وما إذا كان الهدف منها خلق الفتنة".

وأوضح أن "مشكلتنا مع الحزب أنّه يقتل السوريين والسوريات. في الماضي اتّهموا "ابو عدس" بقتل الرئيس رفيق الحريري ليتبيّن في ما بعد أنّ المنفذين عناصر من "حزب الله".

الى ذلك، نتمنى رئيس الائتلاف السوري المعارض للحكومة اللبنانية التوفيق، مؤكداً أن "نجاحها يهمّنا. ونعوّل على دور إيجابي لرئيس مجلس الوزراء تمام سلام كونه ابن شخصية وطنية، ومع وجود عدد كبير من اللاجئين السوريين الذين تخطّوا المليون نسمة، نتطلع إلى تعاون الحكومة اللبنانية إيجاباً مع الائتلاف في هذا الموضوع الإنساني والأخوي تحديداً".

وأضاف "ليس لدينا مصلحة في بقاء السوريّين في لبنان، وليطمئنوا أنّ كل سوري لا يريد البقاء في طرابلس أو البقاع، بل العودة إلى دياره".

ولفت الجربا الى أننا "كائتلاف نمدّ يد المساعدة إلى الحكومة اللبنانية للسيطرة على الوضع وحماية السوريين، وندعوها إلى القيام بدور إيجابي في معالجة الأزمة السورية وفي انكفاء "حزب الله" عن التدخل في شؤون السوريين، وذلك كفيل بنزع فتيل النزاع الداخلي في لبنان"، آملاً "تحسين أداء الحكومة وعدم اللجوء الى سياسات أمنية مسيئة في حق النشطاء واللاجئين السوريين، ونحن حريصون على احترام سيادة لبنان وجيشه وعدم الإساءة لأهلنا وأخواتنا في هذا البلد الشقيق".

وغالباً ما تتبنى كتائب "عبد الله عزام" و"جبهة النصرة" الانفجارات التي تحصل في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت.

وكثرت في الآونة الأخيرة الهجمات على مناطق ذات نفوذ لحزب الله في لبنان، وذلك بعد إعلانه في تموز الفائت عن مشاركته بالحرب السورية الى جانب النظام.

التعليقات 27
Thumb _mowaten_ 11:36 ,2014 شباط 19

lol, the 200 HA men in syria, most of them in sayyeda zainab, is what is keeping the regime alive?

ya m3attarin, that's all that is keeping you from winning and you can't get passed it?

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:37 ,2014 شباط 19

“That alone would stop internal strife in Lebanon,” he said.

there is no internal strife in lebanon, there are foreign jihadis trying to impose their emirate in the "levant", which includes lebanon. those will be dealt with in the only appropriate way.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:26 ,2014 شباط 19

lol,m the rebels demonstrating their impressive running skills. almost as fast as anonyme when asked for sources.


Thumb FlameCatcher 12:10 ,2014 شباط 19

According to some reports (israeli), Iran and Hezbollah trained over 50,000 terrorist mercenaries : http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Mar-14/210122-israel-sees-50000-syrian-fighters-backed-by-iranian.ashx

Missing jester 12:12 ,2014 شباط 19


Can check that as well.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:14 ,2014 شباط 19

lol you two are cute with your israeli and takfiri propaganda. true lebanese patriots :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:18 ,2014 شباط 19

"Assad will soon fall, Kochi said"
heheheh that was march 2013 :) how soon is soon? we've been waiting for him to fall in the coming weeks for now 3 years!

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:23 ,2014 شباط 19

UNLESS! we use these advanced quantum physics formulas to explain this situation:

he will fall for ever and ever, and ever, and his sons after him will keep on falling and falling! bashar is the key to infinite energy!

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:33 ,2014 شباط 19

The only one endlessly falling is you Mowaten.

I repeated so many times how everytime I read your comments, it seems you're digging yourself into deeper and deeper levels of mediocrity. You astonish me when I find out there are deeper levels yet. It seems you're the one stuck in an infinite downfall :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:48 ,2014 شباط 19

you really hurt my feelings FC, that's not nice! :(
i was really hoping you would praise me for moping the floor with you.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:59 ,2014 شباط 19

Mopping floors is all you'll ever be good for :) Keep on the good work !

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:37 ,2014 شباط 19

I'm my own boss thank you... unlike you, I follow no one.

And if I get "squashed", it's only in your vivid imagination where the world is full of Takfiri Cannibal Zionist terrorist zombie armies eliminating the human race and Hassan Nasrallah is Batman and Aoun his Robin...

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:08 ,2014 شباط 19

jarba the hutt cried last night, he said he was very offended by this video:


please watch it FC, and tell me if you cried a lot too.

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:09 ,2014 شباط 19

You know it's Jabba the hut, not Jarba from Tehran :)

Unfortunately, your video is "currently unavailable" :( probably a zionist cannibal conspiracy to shut you up ?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:13 ,2014 شباط 19

it's perfectly available in lebanon. maybe you are in a country where it was blocked. i'd take a wild guess but then you'd accuse me of antisemtism

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:18 ,2014 شباط 19

Sorry Mowaten, my internet connection is a government connection. i don't have illegal internet setup at my house provided by Hezbollah's partners stations beaming the connection illegaly from Cyprus...(i mean Israel) ...

Thumb cedre 16:36 ,2014 شباط 19

200 ? sayyeda zeinab ? movatin stop embarrassing urself with ur stupid taqiya...


Thumb _mowaten_ 17:23 ,2014 شباط 19

hahahahhaha yes cedre. according to the brave activists who have been winning everyday since 2011.

ps: takiya is a muslim thing, when you use this word you're targeting all muslims.

Thumb cedre 19:22 ,2014 شباط 19

taqiya as lying is halal is a qomi thing...

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:00 ,2014 شباط 19

The practice of concealing one's beliefs in dangerous circumstances originates in the Qur'an, which deems blameless those who disguise their beliefs in such cases.[8] The practice of taqiyya in difficult circumstances is considered legitimate by Muslims of various sects. Sunni and Shi'a commentators alike observe that verse 16:106 refers to the case of 'Ammar b. Yasir, who was forced to renounce his beliefs under physical duress and torture.[9]

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:02 ,2014 شباط 19

shia just happened to need it more because they were persecuted by sunnis more often.

in any case, you try to use something that is from the qur'an like it is a shia only thing. dont sunnis follow the qur'an as well?

Thumb cedre 20:14 ,2014 شباط 19

here movatin


Thumb _mowaten_ 22:34 ,2014 شباط 19

oh, thanks for that, had forgotten about you, "al kafi". that was your previous alias, what happened to it?

you were the only one to quote these quotes, back then i did my research and found that your quotes are not in the book, and sources point to pages that dont exist. this is very low-grade propaganda material.

Thumb cedre 00:16 ,2014 شباط 20

so why does this iraqi shia cleric say that qomis do taqiyyas to lie ?

here some more for u, from shia sources...


Thumb -phoenix1 11:43 ,2014 شباط 19

Mr. Jarba needs to be told that if he can't keep his Syrian Opposition Coalition glued, how can he tell us Lebanese what to do. Mr. Jarba, I am one who vehemently opposes Hezbollah's involvement in Syria, in fact I am one of those millions of Lebanese who share this sentiment. But Mr. Jarba, you have the world's deadliest sickest Satanic killers on Syrian soil, they are obliterating human life and property in your country, nothing in the annals of human history could compare to their sick brains, sick hearts and sick killings. If for instance your coalition could control properly its own ranks, impose rule of law in its areas of control, then it's possible for you to talk with such an authority, but in the absence of such, you just don't convince.

Thumb cedre 16:44 ,2014 شباط 19

'how can he tell us Lebanese what to do'

Syria, his country, is invaded by Lebanese.
Syrians, his compatriots, are killed by Lebanese.
So he can tell us what to do...

'you have the world's deadliest sickest Satanic killers on Syrian soil'

it's pathetic that at your age and with the path u had, u're so naive.
Especially when ur christian 'open-minded civilized' LF mates have done the same in Lebanon...

Missing ---karim_m2-- 01:18 ,2014 شباط 20

“The regime is dead..."

Yet it's the FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists that just fired their military chief terrorist a few days ago LOL.