ايران تدين "بحزم" التفجيرين الانتحاريين في بيروت

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دانت ايران "بحزم" الاربعاء التفجيرين الانتحاريين اللذين استهدفا مستشاريتها الثقافية في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت واوقعا اربعة قتلى، على ما افادت وكالة فارس للانباء.

واعلنت المتحدثة باسم وزارة الخارجية مرضية افخم ان ايران "تدين بحزم هذا العمل الارهابي .. الذي يستهدف استقرار لبنان وامنه ووحدته" واتهمت اسرائيل معتبرة انها "غير راضية على تشكيل حكومة جديدة تشارك فيها جميع الاطياف" السياسية في لبنان.

واكدت وكالة الانباء الايرانية الرسمية ايرنا وقوع الاعتداء على مقربة من المستشارية الثقافية الايرانية ومكاتب الوكالة وشبكة تلفزيون ايرانية على الانترنت في بيروت.

وأدى الانفجار الى سقوط أربعة قتلى وأكثر من مئة جريح.

التعليقات 26
Thumb FlameCatcher 14:32 ,2014 شباط 19

I don't get Iran and Nasrallah... Al Qaeda claims the bomb yet they insist on blaming "israel" ???

How brainwashed are their sheep to believe them ???

You will blame all the misery in the world on the only two words you have learned : ISRAEL / TAKFIRI ...

Hezbollah, you have much more ennemies than that because you are a stubborn terrorist organisation who's idea of politics is WEAPONS and WAR and who's idea of achievements is physically eliminating your opponents. Your understanding of democracy is manipulating votes and freedom of speech = freedom to lie to your people without being held accountable for your propaganda!

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:38 ,2014 شباط 19

qaeda is an israeli fabrication, to sow discord, chaos and death among us. all qaeda has done is kill arabs and muslims.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:47 ,2014 شباط 19

if so, Hezbollah is an Israeli fabrication to protect Israel from 500k palestinians on the lebanese border.

if so, Takfiris are a Syrian fabrication to discredit and eliminate the legitimate pro-democracy syrian opposition.

PS: Isn't Hezbollah killing Arabs and Muslims ? Last I looked, Takfiris are also arab and muslim no ? Or are they western crusaders ?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:08 ,2014 شباط 19

takfiris are not muslims, they are a perversion that has nothing to do with islam.

Thumb cedre 16:48 ,2014 شباط 19

'takfiris are not muslims' ya movatin ya ignorant, saying that make u one of them...

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:18 ,2014 شباط 19

nope habibi, if i said everyone who doesnt think like should be executed, then i'd be like them.

they have an ideology that leave no room for respect/understanding/cohabitation/peace. you bend over for them or they kill you. so some people will bend (i understand your choice cedre, i would have done the same if i was a coward) and some people will fight.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:18 ,2014 شباط 19

if i said everyone who doesnt think like ME should be executed, then i'd be like them.

Thumb cedre 19:28 ,2014 شباط 19

thanks movatin for proving once more ur ignorance...

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:29 ,2014 شباط 19

and you for showing how little arguments you have

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:30 ,2014 شباط 19

so basically, they give themselves the right to declare muslims infidels and kill them. thank you for the clarification, which confirms what i was saying: they are here to kill muslims. tell me that this is not every zionist's wet dream.

Thumb cedre 00:09 ,2014 شباط 20

exactly movaten, wet dream of the west, israel, iran/HA,assad and anybody else hating sunnis...

I'm happy u finally understood what a takfiri is.
next time, please dont repeat words u dont understand and u heard on almanar...

Thumb falanges 08:34 ,2014 شباط 20

welcome to your religion

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:37 ,2014 شباط 19

I'm pretty sure they were Al Qaeda or Takfiris who ate the security guards to get through no ? :)

Missing rami 15:39 ,2014 شباط 19

FT, Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, the Hamas leader was assassinated in Dubai in 5* hotel by Israeli agents wearing a tennis gear and holding British passports. I wonder who the poor idiot is?

Thumb cedre 19:44 ,2014 شباط 19

ft is totally, following this logic he's a syro-iranian agent, like his beloved hizbokhomeynists...


Thumb _mowaten_ 14:37 ,2014 شباط 19

invariably, phil is here to defend the zionists.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:38 ,2014 شباط 19

Sheep ... do you believe in Al Qaeda Zionists :) ?

Thumb liberty 15:02 ,2014 شباط 19

invariably, mowaten is here to defend the farsi iranians.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:11 ,2014 شباط 19

"According to the state-run National News Agency, the three detainees have recently headed to Yabrud – Rima Farms and then to Dankuk in Syria where they met with the Emir of the ISIL, who is known as Abou al-Kheir.

The three have reportedly been taught about takfiris, suicide attacks and reasons to consider Shiites, Druze, Christians, Alawites, the Lebanese army, al-Nusra Front and the Free Syrian army as takfiris."

yea, they want to fight israel. we believe you and the loaded bin (bin laden)

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 14:49 ,2014 شباط 19

"(They) are agents of the Zionist (Israeli) regime who have been frustrated by the formation of a new government that includes all parties and tribes in Lebanon,"

Yes, it is very clear that the lebanese grover-ments always include parties and tribes

Thumb liberty 15:00 ,2014 شباط 19


Thumb _mowaten_ 17:26 ,2014 شباط 19

ibnsectarianscum: i think it was meant to be "all parties and sects" not "tribes"

Thumb ice-man 18:49 ,2014 شباط 19

@hajhussein: Please, refrain from using insults on this forum. Your anger is understandable but that is no reason to call people names. I am not going to vote you down in the hope that my action will be an incentive for you to improve your online social skills.

Thumb shab 20:21 ,2014 شباط 19

Oh yeah ?

Missing VINCENT 22:16 ,2014 شباط 19

Iran Logic-101. This is actually a college course that you man study in Persian colleges. While the U.S. under the Obama Administration has been leading from behind, regimes that were somewhat stable have now fallen, and Israel's comfort level is at lowest, together with Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, etc. This shortsighted Persian is trying to exploit the voids and the cracks left behind from these recent event and force Israel's hand again in a war (just as Iran did in the so called 2006 Israel/Lebanon war) to keep Iran distant from these crisis so they can proceed with their nuclear ambitions and prosperity.

Thumb kanaandian 12:56 ,2014 شباط 20

Iran doesn't get it... perhaps to ashamed to admit it, but their fellow Muslim brothers hate them more then Israel- in fact, I don't even hear Muslims talk about Israel anymore, just hate for the Shia/Hezbo/Assad and Iran/.