تعرض دورية لليونيفيل لاعتداء في عيتا الشعب الجنوبية

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راشق مدنيون اليوم الجمعة دورية تابعة لـ "اليونيفيل" بالحجار" وحاصروها في بلدة عيتا الشعب الجنوبية.

واوضح الناطق الرسمي باسم "اليونيفيل" اندريا تننتي الامر، وأعلن أنه "قرابة العاشرة قبل ظهر اليوم، أوقف نحو 50 مدنيا دورية تابعة ل"اليونيفيل" وحاصروها في بلدة عيتا الشعب جنوب لبنان، ثم بدأوا برشقها بالحجارة".

وقال: "الحقوا اضرارا بالاليات دون وقوع اصابات في صفوف الجنود، إلا أن آليات الدورية أصيبت بأضرار".

بدروه، أعرب القائد العام لـ"اليونيفيل" الجنرال باولو سيرا عن قلقه من الحادث، معتبرا أنه "يشكل اعاقة لحرية حركة اليونيفيل ويعرض للخطر سلامة حفظة السلام ويلحق ضررا بممتلكات اليونيفيل".

وتجري اليونيفيل مع الجيش تحقيقا في ملابسات الحادث.

يشار الى ان اليونيفيل تنتشر في الجنوب منذ العام 1978، وقد توسعت مهامها وحجمها بموجب قرار مجلس الامن 1701 الصادر العام 2006 الذي وضع حدا لنزاع دموي بين اسرائيل وحزب الله اسفر عن مقتل اكثر من 1200 شخص في لبنان واكثر من 160 في اسرائيل.

التعليقات 14
Thumb eli-g 16:53 ,2014 شباط 21

@ Lebanon-first I very seldom read a comment from you that is not 100% correct. thumbs up

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:23 ,2014 شباط 21

ensure their safety? what did the UN ever do to stop israel when they attack? terbih jmileh 3a chou? because of the way you talk i could call you a a za3ran ibn za3ran, but i will abstain because i know nothing about your father, he might be more civilized than you.

what is stupid however, and quite hateful of you, is how you insult them without knowing why they reacted like this. 50 people get angered, can't you give them a minimum of credit before considering they are all wrong? the people in the south are usually very friendly and hospitable, but you can't mess with certain things there.

in the past there was an issue like this because UN soldiers took pictures (accidentally or not) of women in their houses, through the windows when they weren't wearing their veils. the situation now could be similar. try to know at least the facts before judging.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:31 ,2014 شباط 21

your own country's soldiers get killed every day in tripoli, in saida, in arsal >>> not a word.

a few rocks thrown at UN soldiers you get enraged? lek tfouu 3aleik w hek double standards.

Thumb Mystic 17:53 ,2014 شباط 21

Lebanese Forces always ensuring the West and Israel comes to Lebanon for "peace"

Thumb lebanon_first 18:47 ,2014 شباط 21

3- During the war of 2006, some women around me did a drive to collect food and clothing the help the shiite refugees here. The shiite took everything and complained that it wasnt enough. They didnt even say thank you. (So used to be assisted that they imagined it was our obligation to help them)
Also, I sent some people over to a school where able bodied (non militia) men were sitting smoking arguileh all day, offering them work. They said "no need, Hassan will provide"
A number of my employees are shiites. And they themselves advise me against hiring more of their correligionists. Are they sectarians against themselves?
Your accusations of sectarianism are cheap.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:47 ,2014 شباط 21


1- It is Unifil's duty to keep a certain stability. The main point here is that they are expats away from their families working for the benefit of Lebanon. You are missing the point by insisting on their exact mission.

2-Assir, Tebbaneh... all these lowlives are a creation of HA. Hariri offered a moderate sunnism to Lebanon, HA threw him b3ard el 7a2it, Assad the allies of HA, killed his father, and they marginalized the sunni community (like the christian has been marginalized). All these lowlives assir, tabbaneh were created because of HA's internal cold coup in Lebanon. HA, Assad and Iran are the root cause of these army attacks.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:59 ,2014 شباط 21

lol i bet the lack of rain this year is also HA's fault.

besides that, your sectarian bias was clear in your point "n3" above. you're clearly not someone who can see things rationally or objectively, so i'm not interested in further discussing this with you, it's like talking to a wall. a hateful wall.

Thumb popeye 18:28 ,2014 شباط 21

Typical HA behavior.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:49 ,2014 شباط 21



ortit zo3ran

Thumb popeye 18:52 ,2014 شباط 21

Instead of condemning the act that his tribe carried out, the paid mouthpiece sits here and writes page after page of ridiculous justifications. Pity those with blind prejudice:(

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:56 ,2014 شباط 21

you speak of prejudice? hilarious.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:56 ,2014 شباط 21

lol you're taking your dreams for realities. it's your soldiers who ran with their tails between their legs.

Thumb ice-man 19:04 ,2014 شباط 21

@HajHusein: you don't need these ignorant people to prove to us that HA won the war in 2006. It is so unlike you to get down to this level.... stay above this kind of rhetoric. The next war might be just round the corner, and we will see HA invading Tel Aviv, Inshallah:)

Missing peace 19:08 ,2014 شباط 21

poor hezbi people.... pityful they are.