"النصرة في لبنان" تدعو "العقلاء" للإبتعاد عن معركة ولاية الفقيه: حسابنا مع حزب الله كبير

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وجهت "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" إلى رسالة إلى "العقلاء" فيه طالبة من جديد بتحييد أنفسهم عن ما أسمته "معركة ولاية الفقيه" التي يقودها حزب الله في سوريا، مشيرة إلى أن الحساب مع الحزب "كبير".

وقالت الجماعة عبر حسابها الرسمي على موقع "تويتر" الإثنين "لا يخفى على أيّ إنسان عاقل الظّلم الذي مارسه حزب إيران في كافة المناطق اللّبنانيّة والسوريّة وبالأخص القصير والقلمون، وما ارتكب فيها من جرائم".

ورأت الجبهة التب تبنت استهداف الجيش السبت الفائت بتفجير انتحاري في الهرمل أنه "ما كان هذا ليكون لولا تسهيل دخول رجاله (الحزب) وعتاده إلى سوريا عبر المعابر اللّبنانية وتحت أنظار الحكومة اللّبنانيّة الشّكليّة والجيش اللّبنانيّ المغتصب والتبديل اليوميّ المستمرّ لجنوده عبر معابر الجيش".

كما أشارت إلى أن حزب الله "لم يكتف بهذا فحسب بل سلّم حماية أوكاره للجيش اللّبنانيّ ليتفرّغ لمعركة الشّعب السنّيّ السّوريّ واضعاً الجيش في الواجهة ليدفع فاتورة جرائمه في سوريّا".

عليه أضافت الجبهة "رداً منّا على جرائم الحزب كنّا قد قررنا تحويل المعركة إلى أرضه لنذيقه ما أذاق أهلنا المستضعفين في سوريّا ونحن بدورنا نعتبر أن كلّ أوكار الحزب هدف مشروع لنا فخلّو بيننا وبينه فالحساب بيننا كبير".

وختمت برسالة "إلى عقلاء لبنان" بالقول "حيّدوا أبنائكم عن معركة ولاية الفقيه ومشروعها في المنطقة، ولا تكونوا عوناً للظالم على المظلوم".

واستشهد عسكريان ومدني السبت في الهجوم الانتحاري بسيارة مفخخة الذي استهدف حاجزا للجيش في الهرمل وتبنته الجبهة عينها.

وقالت في بيانها "تم استهداف منطقة الهرمل بعملية استشهادية مباركة، وذلك في يوم السبت 22 ربيع الثاني 1435ه، الموافق 22/ 2/ 2014، فالى اهلنا أهل السنة في الشام لن ينقص الدين وأبناؤكم أهل الجهاد أحياء".

التعليقات 17
Thumb joker37 18:35 ,2014 شباط 24

ice man, kallem. He's referring to you.

Thumb _mowaten_ 00:08 ,2014 شباط 25

let them come. we'll send them to their 72 goats. rationally.

Missing shootingstar 19:48 ,2014 شباط 24

BLah Blah Blah. You put Islam back to the stone age you ignorant illiterate stupid people.

Thumb cedre 22:45 ,2014 شباط 24

LOL, u owned him big time...
He's not stupid, he's just hypocrite...

Thumb cedre 22:57 ,2014 شباط 24

there, the first khomeynist voted me down, u can do better lads, please i want to be on the top rated comments list...

Yalla ya shabab nasrala...

Thumb cedre 23:41 ,2014 شباط 24

haboub did not watch this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-yJtvDeriY

Thumb _mowaten_ 00:15 ,2014 شباط 25

lol habibi dont bother. not so long ago they kept complaining that HA had their own security, and cried day and night that the army and ISF should take over. HA invited them to do so. now they are crying that HA should take it back into their own hands.
it's like with syria, they cried for years that they should have an embassy in lebanon, and as soon as they had they embassy they started crying that we should expel the ambassador. i dont know if they are just hysterical and lunatic, or completely dishonest and complaining just to complain. but either way, if you know they'll always whine, you shouldnt give it anymore attention.

Thumb _mowaten_ 00:15 ,2014 شباط 25

i meant habib*

Thumb _mowaten_ 00:18 ,2014 شباط 25

lol, you really are funny. i say okay, let's designate a battlefield, far from habitations, where they can fight. like... ummm... for instand the qalamoun range! oh, and it just happens that HA men are there! let your loser friends know that they are running in the wrong direction!

Thumb _mowaten_ 00:39 ,2014 شباط 25

scarf, a camera and a youtube account... and a few hundred kilos of explosives to claim an attack or two.

ps: after you blame the army, and insinuate it's their fault, saying "i condemn this event" does not clear you and make you politically correct. it's as fake and hypocrite as you.

ps: "event"? really? is the best word you found to qualify a cowardly terror attack? what a measly measly condemnation, and what a measly measly person you are.

Thumb cedre 01:06 ,2014 شباط 25

movatin, unlike u, in my religion suicide, terrorism is haram.
Thats why I condemn this event. Not to be politically correct, I couldn't care less tbh.
Now, I go a bit further than u and ask myself why all this is happening. And the answer is because of the Hizbos killing syrians with LAF turning a blind eye.
Complicity, fear, connivence, realpolik, u name it as u wish...
Another example to make it easy for u to understand.
I'm against putting bombs in zionist busses, but I understand palestinians doing it. Capisci ?

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:16 ,2014 شباط 25

you are seriously brain-damaged... how do you manage to survive a regular day?
"oh, and it just happens that HA men are there!" < you didnt understand that this was in reference to qalamoun? boy, please, stop trying so hard you're painful to watch.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:18 ,2014 شباط 25

that's funny, you have the same discourse as nusra! what a coincidence! they too claim to be muslims, but blowing up for them is very halal!

Thumb lebanesenationalist 01:33 ,2014 شباط 25

Believe me the rational people of Lebanon are against you, and with the army.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:09 ,2014 شباط 25

And I say the same to Al Nusra, we are against you ya Nusra and with our Army. Hezbollah is not fighting you inside Lebanon, Hezbollah is fighting you in Syria, inside Syria ya Shaytaniyoun. Sayed Hassan told you this in very clear words, so go fight Hezbollah inside Syria, not Lebanon damn it!!
Then you keep provoking Hezbollah and Hezbollah keeps calm, so far it's telling its people not to return to you the fire, but wallahil 3azim, the day Hezbollah decides to hunt you guys down, in Lebanon it's as easy as counting to 2. They'll track you down, one by one, they'll decapitate you before you even have time to put your stupid metal spoon round your necks, and you will know that inside Lebanon you will go but a few inches forward. Take your fight to Syria, Hezbollah has long since told you so ya joubana.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:11 ,2014 شباط 25

Ya Nusra, focus on butchering Hezbollah in Syria and stay out of Lebanon.

We Lebanese patriots will handle the trash in our own country thank you ! Including Hezbollah and you terrorist groups.

Default-user-icon Ty Himop (ضيف) 18:32 ,2014 شباط 25

Nusra received positive responses from Nusra 14 and Nusra Awalan in letters from Dr. Fares Nusra and cheikh Saad al-Nusra.