الرئيس الروسي: إذا لم يقم الأسد بالإصلاح ويتصالح مع معارضيه فإن مصيرا حزينا ينتظره

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أعلن الرئيس الروسي ديمتري مدفيديف الخميس ان روسيا تشعر ب"قلق هائل" ازاء الوضع "المأساوي" في سوريا، وحذر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد من "مصير حزين ينتظره" في حال لم يطبق اصلاحات.

وقال في حديث لوسائل اعلام روسية "في سوريا الوضع يأخذ للاسف منحى مأساويا". واضاف "للاسف يقتل هناك عدد كبير من الاشخاص. وهذا يثير قلقا هائلا لدينا".

وقال مدفيديف ايضا في هذه المقابلة مع اذاعة صدى موسكو وشبكة ار تي الروسية الدولية، انه يحث دائما الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد "لكي يطبق اصلاحات ويصالح المعارضة".

وتابع الرئيس الروسي "وفي حال لم يفعل ذلك فان مصيرا حزينا ينتظره ولا بد لنا في النهاية من اتخاذ قرار".

إلا انه لم يفصح ما اذا كانت روسيا ستدعم قرارا في مجلس الامن يدين القمع في سوريا بعد ان وافقت الاربعاء على صدور بيان بهذا الصدد.

والمعروف ان روسيا لا تزال حتى الان تعارض صدور قرار عن مجلس الامن يدين سوريا وتتخوف من ان يمهد هذا الامر لتدخل عسكري في سوريا على غرار ما حصل في ليبيا.

التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 19:29 ,2011 آب 04

But Mr Medvedev , President Assad is fighting the same terrorists you are fighting in Tchechenia ... the same Salafis and Wahhabies beared fanatics and terrorits . You should help him and not warn him . He knows what he is doing in his country , exactly , as you also know what you are doing in Tchechnia .

Default-user-icon BullsEye (ضيف) 19:31 ,2011 آب 04

Well said, though I tend to be skeptic of what the russians do or say, especilly when it comes to the ME politics.

Default-user-icon ev vs ov (ضيف) 19:52 ,2011 آب 04

Is that what Dimi is whispering to Bashar?

Default-user-icon Formidilosus (ضيف) 19:56 ,2011 آب 04

It is about time for Russia to realize that they were supporting not only the losing side politically but, worst, the wrong and "evil" side.

Simply put, after four months of trying to keep their ally, they came to conclusion that not even the greatest country in the world can ignore all the killings of innocent people, human rights violations and incarceration of thousands of peaceful demonstrators without trials.

No government will withstand to be pointed as accomplice of such regime and who ever stays silent in front of such tragedies will be called "accomplice".

Default-user-icon Formidilosus (ضيف) 19:57 ,2011 آب 04

It is about time for Russia to realize that they were supporting not only the losing side politically but, worst, the wrong and "evil" side.

Simply put, after four months of trying to keep their ally, they came to conclusion that not even the greatest country in the world can ignore all the killings of innocent people, human rights violations and incarceration of thousands of peaceful demonstrators without trials.

No government will withstand to be pointed as accomplice of such regime and who ever stays silent in front of such tragedies will be called "accomplice".

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 20:11 ,2011 آب 04

His end is near and sad indeed......

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 20:29 ,2011 آب 04

His fate wouldn' t be sad It would just be JUST! Wish his father hadn't died of natural causes like all those peole who were murdered under his wise governance !
The countdown has started. Joumblatt sniffed the change during his visit to Moscow and has been repositionning himself once more! The Hezb will soon receive a double blow, from the downfall of the stalinist regime in Syria, and from the findings of the STL.The combined timing couldn' t have been better!

Thumb Marc 20:58 ,2011 آب 04

Russia negotiated their price already... The needed some favors and guess they got it. Now they will turn against Assad and co.! Poor Bashar, he must be sitting in his room and crying... and Hafez is turning in his grave

Default-user-icon Omar (ضيف) 21:03 ,2011 آب 04

Bravo Russia... I respect your position.
You tried to warn him long before the revolutions to do reforms, but he didnt listen to you... you gave him time to stop killing the demonstrators, but still he continued with the atrocities... I think Russia did what they could, they honestly tried to solve the problem, but the butcher of Damascus and his Blood Baath regime does not listen to the voice of wisdom... I think Russia now with pure conscience is washing their hands from you.

Default-user-icon Reader (ضيف) 21:08 ,2011 آب 04

Le Phenicien, go to sleep.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 21:13 ,2011 آب 04

Mr Medvedev , look how ugly they are the bearded fanatics and terrorists


Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 21:18 ,2011 آب 04

le fini what are beared terrorits?

Default-user-icon Bye Bye Assad!!! (ضيف) 21:29 ,2011 آب 04

Le Phenicien:
Russia is no longer fighting the Chechens... The Chechens are very happy now.. Russia gave them sort of autonomy, with russia-loyal president.. .and they improved the standard of life in Chechnya... So chechens are very happy these days, the economy there is better, life is better... only small minority of bandits is doing some trouble, and not in Chechnya but in Dagestan... And russia is not attacking civilians like Assad... they are doing very clinical and precise operations on these bandits... so dont worry about Chechya, they are doing pretty well...
Start worrying about Bisho... :)

Thumb joeleb 22:16 ,2011 آب 04

To Someone, bearded terrorists are Hezbollah fighters....OOPS! did I say that too loud? sorry Le Phenicien ;) hehehe

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 01:05 ,2011 آب 05

This is a doctor who has taken the Oath of Hippocrat in order to practice his ophtalmology! Can one imagine one second he studied and lived in England...! When he' s out of power (soon I hope), maybe out of this world too, Lebanon should strip the boulevard, streets monuments named after Hafez El Assad ( near the Camille Chamoun Stadium for instance), and give them the names of some of the syrian martyrs, heroes, such as the 13 years old Hamzah El Khatib , tortured to death , mutilated by those animals , and his parents made citizens of honour of Beirut !

Missing th21 03:30 ,2011 آب 05

Le phenicien... ya phenicien.. to2borne ya phenicien... ya habibi inta ya phenicien... come back to this site when you've learned how to share well rounded, substantiated sentences.

Here's a tip: learn the classical tips of formulating a successful argument.

Now thank you, goodnight phenicien !!

Default-user-icon ludde (ضيف) 05:32 ,2011 آب 05

Somehow one commentators designation is spelled wrong. "Le Phenicien"
should be "Le Pheniscien"!
This one is not a real Phenician but one who loves the thugs from Hez.
the lowest criminals, assassins in Lebanon.

Thumb bipartisan 10:46 ,2011 آب 05

I think that we should not regard Russia with a bad eye. When it was occupying Afghanistan and being fought by all arabs the british were at port said doing the same things. now England supports the rebellions of Libya and i think if we give russia a chance we may well find out that it can be well useful to the syrian revolution. Now Russia has a lot of oil, and this long time starving giant, will have soon a filled stomach, if we are hostile toward it we will push it aside the arab despot leaders, but if we embrace it and show it the right path, then it would be clear that there are huge fields of common interests between the arab people and russia, just show them kindly the right door

Default-user-icon Wake Up (ضيف) 11:09 ,2011 آب 05

Well... Nothing to add, everything is said. But if you want to understand better why Russia does not condemn (sic!) the actions of the Regime in Syria, you should have a look at that movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1486193/

Default-user-icon Chi Fekhem (ضيف) 12:02 ,2011 آب 05

LOL! This "Le Phenicien" can never make sense in any of his comments cos U would never see a thumb up on any of his comments but all down, Well unless of course from now on He Fingers himself up!

Thumb shab 13:18 ,2011 آب 05

Shit has hit the fan. bye bye Assad

Missing tarator 19:25 ,2011 آب 05

Talk, talk, it's only talk, babble, burble, banter, bicker, boulder, brouhaha, ballyhoo, it's only talk.

People are dying is Syria and the Russians, who are still standing firm against a Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian regime for its actions, choose to give us nothing but talk.

I'll start saying good things about Medvedev when he stops giving us lip service and starts backing up his words with deeds.

Guess what? The current regime in Syria owes Russia a lot of money. Figure out the rest.