منقبات بأحزمة ناسفة دخلن لبنان لتنفيذ عمليات انتحارية

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كشفت المعلومات الامنية عن دخول نساء منقبات الى لبنان، آتيات من منطقة يبرود السورية وبحوزتهن أحزمة ناسفة لتفجيرها في مراكز دينية تعود لطائفة معينة.

ونقلت صحيفة "السفير"، السبت، عن مصدر أمني أن الشبكة الارهابية الموقوفة والتي كان يديرها القيادي في "كتائب عبد الله عزام" الشيخ سراج الدين زريقات، تقدم الكثير من المعلومات خلال التحقيقات.

ولفت الى ان عدد الموقوفين أربعة، وهم محمود وحسن أبو علفة وحسين عوالي (فلسطينيين) وشخصا من آل جمعة (لبنانيا).

وتابع المصدر ان من خلال الاعترافت يقوم الجيش والأمن العام وقوى الأمن الداخلي وأمن الدولة بمطاردة شبكة نسائية تمكن زريقات من تجنيدها.

وأوضح ان الشبكة تضم أربع نساء منقبات تمكن من مغادرة يبرود السورية وعبرن البقاع الشمالي وبحوزتهن أحزمة ناسفة، وهن عراقية وثلاث لبنانيات.

وأضاف ان التعليمان أعطيت لهن بتفجير أنفسهن في مراكز دينية في مناطق من لون طائفي معين.

يُذكر انه في منتصف شباط الفائت، تمكن الجيش اللبناني، من ضبط سيارة مفخخة، من نوع "كيا" على طريق عرسال-اللبوة في البقاع وبداخلها ثلاث سيدات، آتية من يبرود في سوريا إلى داخل الأراضي اللبنانية ثم بيروت.

التعليقات 21
Thumb popeye 10:33 ,2014 آذار 01

As Safir or Al Akhbar with their incredible stories. Typical HA newspapers

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:54 ,2014 آذار 01

why incredible? hasent there been many terrorist attacks already? isnt there an ongoing effort to continue doing so? werent women used for transporting explosives a few weeks ago?

nothing incredible here, you're just trying to spread your disinformation and discredit the forces in lebanon who are fighting those terrorists.

Thumb popeye 12:33 ,2014 آذار 01

you have zero credibility. It is time you use one of your other aliases and make a fresh start.

Default-user-icon some guest (ضيف) 13:25 ,2014 آذار 01

too bad someone didn't think it was important to have close borders with syria

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:40 ,2014 آذار 01

lol stop switching aliases to support yourself, it's pathetic

Missing helicopter 16:23 ,2014 آذار 01

Outlaw the hijab and let Takfiris and HA raise hell.

Thumb popeye 12:36 ,2014 آذار 01


Default-user-icon Tiger (ضيف) 12:49 ,2014 آذار 01

May Allah guide all the Muslims in the right path and not including the takfiri groups because you can't be a Muslim and commit such crimes.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:59 ,2014 آذار 01

When they start blowing up people to shreds, everyone here that is smacking the other with such irrelevant posts will realize that it was a lot better to give this some seriousness. It might sober you all up to know that the LAF and all our security forces are working flat out to keep us safe. Alas, but we are Lebanese and bickering is now well entrenched into our nature, just imagine if the ISS (International Space Station) was under our command, what would happen to it. Good Lord!!!

Missing helicopter 16:27 ,2014 آذار 01

Sometimes I wonder if our politicians were to be replaced by posters on this forum if Lebanon would improve any or would it get even worse.

Thumb eli-g 13:09 ,2014 آذار 01

what happens when a veiled woman gets to a security ck point? Does she have to uncover her face to show her ID?

Thumb eli-g 13:11 ,2014 آذار 01

hahahaha phoenix1 build the international space station Lebanese way. hahahahah. good laugh thin morning.

Thumb eli-g 13:12 ,2014 آذار 01


Thumb _mowaten_ 13:13 ,2014 آذار 01

racist israeli with chosen people delusion syndrome, hates all arabs

Default-user-icon Dr (ضيف) 13:55 ,2014 آذار 01

ونقلت صحيفة "السفير"، السبت، عن مصدر أمني ....Does not that means that Safir are involved and knows the criminal ?
Thank you for the answer

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:59 ,2014 آذار 01


Thumb cedre 15:51 ,2014 آذار 01

the pro-HA army intelligence wants to get the sunnis out of control by targeting their women...

Thumb cedre 17:27 ,2014 آذار 01

Haboub, the sunni street speech is far more angry than mine.
I just hear and watch their oppression, they live it on daily basis...
Cant u see that the full sunni spectrum is fed up by HA ?
Actually, maronites as well but they mainly live in areas where they represent the majority unlike sunnis or beirut, arsal, saida, etc...
As well maronites want to stay out of this fight even if that means partition or confederalism...

Missing helicopter 16:25 ,2014 آذار 01

Apprehended by Lebanese authorities or by HA abbas?
Is Lebanon a welayat elfaqih already? Last I heard is that more than half the Lebanese do not want HA not as an aouthority, or resistance, or a militia.

Missing --karim_m2--- 18:37 ,2014 آذار 01

Find them, torture them, hang them.

Default-user-icon Greg (ضيف) 19:55 ,2014 آذار 01

As a visitor to Lebanon I wish you all a country at peace to live in. I think it's a beautiful place with much to offer. I have met many people from all political and religious denominations and made friends that will stay with me for life.