الحريري يتصل بجعجع إثر "الاستياء" من زيارة المشنوق لعون
Read this story in Englishأفادت معلومات صحافية أن "أوساطاً من 14 آذار وفي "القوات اللبنانية" أبدت استياءها من زيارة وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق لرئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون، ما استدعى اتصالا من رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري برئيس "القوات" سمير جعجع ".
وفي هذا السياق، أشارت صحيفة "النهار"، الجمعة، ان "زيارة المشنوق أثارت استياء في أوساط حزب "القوات اللبنانية"، ما استدعى اتصالا من الحريري بجعجع "تم خلاله عرض الأوضاع المحلية والإقليمية والجهود المبذولة لإتمام الاستحقاق الرئاسي في موعده الدستوري".
وأشار المشنوق للصحيفة عينها ان "زيارتيه لعون ثم لرئيس "الكتائب" امين الجميّل جاءتا استكمالا للجولة البروتوكولية التي بدأها منذ تسلمه مسؤولياته وشملت رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري و جعجع ورئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" وليد جنبلاط".
واوضح "ان اللقاءات جرت مع أطراف في اللجنة الوزارية المكلفة اعداد مسودة البيان الوزاري ما عدا "حزب الله" الذي له موقف معروف من موضوع المقاومة"، مردفاً "لقد اقتصر الحديث مع عون على شرح موقفنا من بند المقاومة في البيان الوزاري وهو ان تكون المقاومة تحت سيادة الدولة ومرجعيتها".
كذلك، لفت المشنوق في حديث لصحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، الى أنه "من مصلحة الجميع أن تنال الحكومة الثقة، وأن تتفرغ للأولويات الوطنية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية وأن تهيئ المناخ للانتخابات الرئاسية".
وكانت السفير قد كشفت أن "المشنوق أجرى ليلا اتصالا بجعجع عقب زيارته لعون".
يشار الى أن المشوق كان قد زار عون ظهر الخميس في الرابية، حيث عقدا لقاء لمدة 45 دقيقة.
واكتفى المشنوق بالقول بعد اللقاء: "لا يفتى والجنرال في الرابية".
fortunately, you are not in a position to determine the truth. You have sub zero credibility!
as a FM supporter, I say it clear and loud: " Although highly improbable, yet just in case FM jeopardizes its relationship with LF for any reason, I will abandon FM and become solely devoted to the LF"
The FPM is not a problem. Their unconditional support of Hezbollah and Bashar el Assad is !
dont worry, its not unconditional, only unconditional thing with fpm is Aoun for president and so other post for Bassel. Bass.
I need not be apologetic to anyone here, but the brutal frankness remains as it should, that Geagea has once again been betrayed by his coalition friends. Even though I stand first in line with national rapprochement, still, I advise that it not be done at any cost in the name of submission. I am with him on this latest of positions, it is as correct as should be, but he also has himself to blame. The problem with Geagea is that he tends to commit the very same mistakes. In those dark days when he deafened us with his "Al General bi moun" he was advised NOT to trust the "chameleonic" general, that he will one day soonn turns the guns we gave him against us. Did Geagea listen? Now about being too close to Mustaqbal, he was also warned, not to get too close, did he listen?
I also know one thing, if Bachir was around, someone like Aoun would never exist. Mustaqbal was literally kissing the feet of the LF some years back, because the LF is literally the only side that has guts to stand in the face of adversity. Now that Mustaqbal feels a little more confident, it is now beginning to show its true colors. There should come a time when Geagea should hand over the reins of the LF to a newer leadership, this business of "Bi moun" does not work, "ma fi 7adan bi moun, illal 7a2". Wake up ya Geagea.
@peacelover, sure bro, I cannot dispute your reasoning, and this is why I keep saying that Geagea needs to have more vision, he should look forward more than within. If I was him, I would simply break off with any alliance, leave the LF unattached, therefore we will have a lot more freedom to act as we should. Also, the Kataeb under the leadership of Amin Gemayel is not the real Kataeb we expect, this old man should go home and stay there. Amin should hand over to Sami, who has a lot more potential than the old man, the old man now truly belongs to the Dinosaurs of yesteryears like the other chameleons Aoun, Jumblatt, Berri and all that trash of our darkest history. Geagea too should be relegated, for all I know, he is not the best man now to lead the LF.
Very true ya FT, because someone like Geagea exist, someone like Aoun exists. The logic is so so so simple, "tanjra lay2et ghateha". Or better explained as "Tizeyn bi fardel lbeiss". Wou mella shinten, ya wayleh, ya wayleh.
.. Who is geagea ? Who are the kataeb ? They can barely win electoral seats. We call that Bad business and Bad investment. Recognize Aoun's true size and he will be future movements closes ally, don't forget he engineered 1559!
FT, please, do come to accept that Geagea is not alone in this, Aoun too is as deep in it as Geagea is. Both of them fought each other to the death of thousands of us, both of them have weakened us and both of them keep dividing us right to this day. Do you remember ya FT, before Hakim came out of jail and before Aoun returned from exile? weren't we all bridging our divides? weren't we all demonstrating together? How many times did we Christians get beaten by the same sticks and together so? Wasn't Samy Gemayel with us during those days? We were Christians and were beginning to speak in one voice, until these two vampires came back to the scene. I told you, if Bachir lived, none of them would be around. Please everyone, can't you see what these two killers are doing, Geagea and Aoun. Give them to me and let me hang them both, to give peace back a chance!!!
phoneix1, what you wrote in the previous 2 posts are un-expected from you. In one paragraph you are blaming Geagea for his "bymoun el general" in the first round and yet in another one you are labelling him as a killer because he resisted Aoun in the second round... make up your mind.
Last comment; Do not paint Aoun and Geagea with the same brush. Sure he made mistakes, but everyone does including Bachir Gemayel (RIP). When he does mistakes for the wrong reasons then you can blame him.