المساعدات الدولية للبنان هدفها "منع تحوّل اللاجئين الى جهاديين"
Read this story in Englishاعرب المجتمع الدولي عن تخوّفه من تحوّل اللاجئين السوريين الى جهاديين، في حال لم يتلقوا المساعدات من الدولة اللبنانية، لذلك، فإن هذا المجتمع يسعى الى دعم لبنان لتأمين حاجات النازحين.
واكد ديبلوماسي غربي، الثلاثاء، لصحيفة "السفير"، أن اللاجئين السوريين سيعودون الى ديارهم، و"لن يتحوّلوا الى لاجئين دائمين بفعل المساعدات التي تقدّم لهم".
وأضاف، قائلاً ان اللاجئين وطالما هم في لبنان "نفضل أن يكونوا في رعاية الدولة اللبنانية كي لا ينحرفوا نحو أعمال أمنية أو صوب الجهاد".
الى ذلك، شدد الديبلوماسي على تمسك المجتمع الدولي بأمن لبنان واستقراره، وبالتالي فإن تقديم المساعدات للبنان، سببها الابرز "حق اللبنانيين في العيش بأمان".
ولفت الى ان "لبنان مرّ بحروب كثيرة وصرفت الدول أموالاً طائلة على إعادة إعماره، وأصدرت قرارات دولية بهدف الحفاظ على سيادته واستقراره، لذا تتشبث هذه الدول بحماية استثمارها وتحييد لبنان عن الغرق في مستنقع الأزمة السورية".
كما أشار الى "وجود 12 ألف جندي دولي منضوين في قوات الطوارئ الدولية العاملة في الجنوب الى 4 آلاف مدني أجنبي يعملون في أنحاء البلاد كافة".
واعتبر الديبلومسي، عبر "السفير"، ان لبنان، هو من وجهة النّظر الدولية، "الحلقة الأضعف بين دول الجوار والأكثر تأثراً بفعل أعداد النازحين التي يستضيفها ما يجعله أكثر بلدان الجوار حاجة الى الحماية".
يُذكر ان مؤتمرات دولية وعربية عُقدت من اجل تقديم الدعم للبنان في ما خص ملف النازحين السوريين الى اراضيه، في حين يُطالب لبنان بتقسيم الأعباء والأعداد، وسط عدم قدرته الجغرافية والاقتصادية على تحمّل أعباء اللاجئين.
If they do not join JIhad abroad but any fool cleric yells for JIHAD in lebanon, don't you think that all the JIHAD thirsty lebanese will join?
I am sure they will join. And people from all over the world would come for jihad in lebanon against the druze, christians and other religions in this country.
i didnt know the west tortured, cut the penis and killed 13 years old Hamza Khatib and other kids from Daraa. Thanks for the info habibi...
'UN should establish a no-fly zone'
do u just know what it means to establish NFZ ?
Go ask Bashar first...
I understand Syrians may be driven to Jihad. What I don't understand is what drove Hezbollah brainwashed sheep to jihad !
@Southern ... please spare the BS. Most refugees in Lebanon are fleeing the regime and Hezbollah.
If you believe otherwise, please carry a Hezbollah flag and go for a walk in any syrian refugee camp of your choice.
We will see if you will be welcomed as a hero or murderer !
I DARE YOU ! Film it !
If I were a supporter of Isil and Nusra, I would but I only support non-terrorist and unarmed entities : Lebanese Citizens and the Lebanese state. Something you will never understand it seems being a hezbollah terrorist supporters answering to Iran and Bashar.
Again, go have a stroll in any Syrian camp with your flag held proudly over your hear. I dare you ...
In fact, go have a stroll in Dahyé with a Lebanese flag proudly held over your head.
Bring some video footage... if you survive !
there is no beer in Kababji khaldeh
and if you are wearing shorts, they will seat you on the first floor,
ask me how I know
@Thrust : there is no beer in any Shia villages in the south. They threaten christians who dare to sell beer... and they talk about Sunni radicals ?
Let me remind everyone that hezbollah is an Islamic Resistance "IN" Lebanon as per their flag. They are not even a "Lebanese Islamic Resistance". Lebanon is nothing for them other than a hijacked country !
@FT: the only point I'm making is that Hezbollah is as radical and extremists as Sunni extremists. The only difference between both is the country they follow. So let no one tell you Hezbollah is fighting extremists or terrorists because they are the first ones to be so !
I used to be able to practice my beliefs (not religion) all over the country years ago. Meaning I could access virtually any point in my country. Enjoy drinks all over. This is no longer the case not because of a rise in Sunni extremism but because Hezbollah has banned Lebanese from doing so.
Phil, I have mentioned this before, that now as both sides seem to have consolidated territory adjacent to our border, it's now time for the Syrian refugees to start leaving back to their homes. Camps can be set up now inside Syria, the UN and the Arab Relief organization can go a long way to assist them, especially now in view of Winter's last weeks. Lebanon has tried well, it gave a lot of its resources to shelter the refugees, many of people lost both jobs and businesses to the Syrians, it's now time to reduce the pressure on us, the thought is now to encourage the Syrians to start returning.