"التغيير والاصلاح" يدعو الى "خطة انقاذية" لعرسال: لتعزيز التلاقي لانجاز استحقاق الرئاسة
Read this story in Englishدعا تكتل التغيير والاصلاح اليوم الثلاثاء الى وضع خطة انقاذية لعرسال والبلدات المجاورة "لمواجهة ما يتعرضون له من مآساة" ، مشددا على ضرورة الحوار والتلاقي وصولا لانجاز الاستحقاق الرئاسي.
وقال أمين سر التكتل النائب ابراهيم كنعان بعد اجتماع التكتل: "توقفنا عند استمرار الاشتباكات بطرابلس، وتفجيرات البقاع".
وعليه، أعلن انه "تم تبني موقف رئيس التيار الوطني الحر العماد ميشال عون الداعم لوضع خطة انقاذية لاهالي عرسال وللبلدات المجاورة لمواجهة ما يتعرضون له من مأساة بظل تدفق النازحين وبينهم مسلحين".
وتشهد عرسال توتر أمني شديد فيها، لا سيما بعد سيطرة الجيش السوري وحزب الله على مدينة يبرود السورية، وهروب نازحين ومسلحين اليها، وتتعرض هذه البلدة البقاعية بين الحين والاخر لغارات جوية من الطيران الحربي السوري، وتتهم بانها طريق سالكة للسيارات المففخة.
ومنذ يومين تم اقفال طريق اللبوة- عرسال، واللتي تعتبر المنفذ الحيوي لاهالي البلدة، وذلك بعد سقوط صواريخ على اللبوة ومقتل شخص فيها.
وأكد كنعان ان "التواصل والتلاقي اساسي وواجب وطني في هذه المرحلة"، مشددا على وجوب ويجب السعي "الى تطوير هذا التفاهم لتعزيز الاستقرار وصولا للاستحقاق الرئاسي".
كما دعا الحكومة الى "تحمل مسؤولياتها فور الانتهاء من جلسات الثقة"، مطالبا اياها بالشروع "فورا للمطلوب منها على صعيد المناخات الامنية والدستورية".
يشار الى ان البيان الوزاري للحكومة قد أنجز ليل الجمعة بعد مماطلة لمدة شهر ، وسط اعتراض حزب الكتائب ووزير العدل أشراف ريفي حول "الالتباس" الموجود فيه، فيما يتعلق ببند المقاومة، على ان تعقد جلسات لطرح الثقة واللاثقة في الحكومة يوم غد الاربعاء وبعده الخميس.
وتعتبر هذه الحكومة "مؤقتة" الى حين انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية في 25 أيار.
I think this is too little, too late guys.
it looks we are going to a regional major conflict NOW:
- attack in Golan
- Russia annexed crimea.
- sanctions are being upped against Russia
- US close Syrian embassy and consulates across the US just now.
- Israel is preparing for a retaliatory action.
Honestly I strongly believe we are going into an all out war in the region.
Why do you need a plan ?
Send your Hezbollah terrorists in to clean up the mess. No need for plans or army or government. You have given our country to Hezbollah... let them deal with it ! They have already surrounded Arsal with illegal road blocks and harass lebanese citizens there ...
And by the way ... "talking about a plan" does not mean you actually have a plan. Not everyone is a "Aounie" to believe your BS !
@FT : the FPM's alliance with the Hezb is the biggest proof we cannot trust AOUN !
He goes from accusing Bashar of murder to siding with him and his partners KEZBALLAH just to become president... something he will never be. Not without stealing the election and not within the hearts of Lebanese patriots.
How dare you talk about "trust" when your leader lacks all sense of integrity when it comes to his positions ? He will sell his country to the highest bidder if it will get him the presidency. A presidency which will mean nothing when the country is ruled and hijacked by Hezbollah !
And why do you say, Hezbollah is a "military" movement ? They are a "resistance"... there can only be 1 military force in Lebanon and you have shown your true face you traitor !
@Roar : "he could of become president with a snap of his fingers"
You make me laugh ... we saw how that worked out :) We also read Hezbollah's message to Aoun in al Safir rightfully telling him he's worth NOTHING without them...
And about your "FPM is conditioning HA slowly" : How is that Hezbollah is getting stronger and stronger with the FPM "conditioning" them to assimilate HA into LF ???
You made my day ... go condition HA and get Aoun the presidency ... yalla ta chouf...
And I don't "force" anyone into anything... this is the HA way of doing things and the only way Aoun will get his presidency is by force !
@Roar ... "HA to remain strong & Aoun for President"
you can repeat this to your self all you want. Ain't gonna happen :)
Hezbollah is WEAK because it hides behind weapons ! It builds nothing and brings no value to its people or country !
Aoun for president ? He can remain a candidate all his life, even Hezbollah doesn't want Aoun for president so there's no chance in hell it's going to happen. This is why Aoun is turning now and Hezbollah threatening him ...
"Suck it up or blow your nose"? This is your idea of "democracy" right with your ideals inspired by Iran and Syria. I applaude you ... basically, you are showing that you disregard the majority of Lebanese against Hezbollah weapons and are stealing this country's sovereignty, freedom and democracy by accepting to impose Hezbollah's rule ...
@leb_roar: How nice that you had met Mr. Kanaan. Did he drop by at your station @ MacDonalds?
ok so they want to close the border at arsal, but leave it open everywhere for hizbos to come and go ? there is dissociation in the dissociation policy...
LAF showing again its neutrality and professionalism...
yeah a professional and neutral LAF taking orders only from Qahwaji, not Nassy and Mamlouk...Defending the country not serving tea and biscuits to israelis...
Oh well roar... switch on to youtube and google the debate between the "brilliant" Kanaan and young Sami Gemayel :)
The youngster crushed him!