حزب الله يبلغ القصر الجمهوري قرار عدم المشاركة في الحوار

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أعلن حزب الله رسميا عدم المشاركة في جلسة الحوار الذي دعا اليها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان يوم غد، في ظل تغيب معظم الأطراف السياسية عن الجلسة أيضا.

وقال عضو كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة محمد رعد لقناة "المنار": أبلغنا دوائر القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا قرار الحزب في عدم المشاركة بجلسة الغد".

وجاء موقف رعد، بعد خطاب الامين العام السيد حسن نصر الله يوم أمس السبت الملمح الى عدم المشاركة، والداعي في الوقت عينه الى "انتخاب رئيس جدي "في أقرب وقت ممكن"، مضيفا: "كي نؤسس لمرحلة جديدة نكمل بعدها الحوار".

موقف حزب الله من عدم المشاركة ليس وحيدا، إذ اعلن كل من رئيس تيار المردة سليمان فرنجية ورئيس حزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي النائب أسعد حردان، كما رئيس الحزب الديمقراطي النائب طلال ارسلان عدم المشاركة.

وفيما كشفت أوساط رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" فؤاد السنيورة ان "المستقبل" لا يزال على موقفه وسيشارك، يقاطع حزب القوات اللبنانية الذي لم بمنح الحكومة الثقة عن الجلسة أيضا.

وكان قد أسف سليمان في خطاب له اليوم "لقرار بعض اركان الهيئة عدم حضور جلسات الحوار"، آملاً ان "يعودوا في الجلسات اللاحقة".

التعليقات 31
Thumb ice-man 20:57 ,2014 آذار 30

How Sad... it would have been fun:)

Thumb popeye 21:00 ,2014 آذار 30

but why???? The terror party always claimed they care about lebanon; they defend lebanon; they are not sectarian; and are ready always to discuss how best to protect lebanon.

Thumb cedre 02:51 ,2014 آذار 31

'Flamethrower..... 7 hours ago 88
cedre "not apologist, just giving a cause-effect explanation..."

you're a liar and everybody read how you qualified a recent suicide bomber as a 'batal'.'

give us the link or admit u're a pathetic liar...

Thumb cedre 04:32 ,2014 آذار 31

prove it, use google, ask other people or admit u're a taqiya liar...

Thumb .mowaten. 15:25 ,2014 آذار 31

min fadilak cedre?

Missing peace 21:02 ,2014 آذار 30

oh! how surprising that hezbis and their lackeys boycott! unless the dialogue is not a hezbi monologue of course they will never attend! they do not want dialogue but just to impose their strategy not the lebanese strategy as loyal servants to the iranian revolution they are! with the full support of all antilebanese M8ers....

Thumb lebanon_first 21:12 ,2014 آذار 30

I think that Suleiman raised his rethoric vs HA and took the extremist role, in order to make M14 and especially Mustakbal appear more center.

Now HA is saying "i wont talk while suleiman is president, but when the new pres comes in, and with mustakbal I will be flexible to prove my good will."

Thumb ex-fpm 21:18 ,2014 آذار 30

extremist role?! really!! By asking HA to abide by the Baabda declaration and to withdraw from Syria that makes the President extremist in his stance?.... We say we want a strong president and when the president takes a national strong stance we criticize him.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:01 ,2014 آذار 30

ex fpm.

I am not critisizing the prez. I am just saying that he went out of his way to choose a position which is firmer than mustakbal vis a vis HA, and that in itself makes HIM opposition and mustakbal more centrist. And this is a good tactic.

Thumb general_puppet 22:16 ,2014 آذار 30

lebanon_first, I think the President is taking a Lebanese stand. Baabda was supposedly agreed by all and the president is calling all of them on it. The BS army-people-resistance golden mantra had to go, there can only be one armed force the LAF.

Thumb cedre 23:17 ,2014 آذار 30

start by cleaning ur hole ft, thats a good begining ya najass...

Missing cedars 21:13 ,2014 آذار 30

Why they should attend if they can't commit to a single decision or idea?
This is a deja vue discussion, they have signed before the Baabda disassociation policy and then as soon as they have digested the food they ate in Baabda they have changed their mind because the Syrian food tasted better for them.

Thumb EagleDawn 21:21 ,2014 آذار 30

No surprise there at all. HA could care less about Lebanon as long as its sectarian agenda is in full force. This is a clear message to what kind of president they want and they will do anything and everything to torpedo the elections.

Thumb general_puppet 21:55 ,2014 آذار 30

Souther most of us are 100% against all terrorist… but you and the other M8 ding-dongs are the ones supporting the Iranian terrorist militia and praising the cowardly chief terrorist hiding in his bunker. Btw when is Nasrallah going to jump out of his hole and wipe out the Israeli/wahabi cannibals in Syria?

Thumb scorpyonn 22:23 ,2014 آذار 30

Your naivete and ignorance becomes more apparent with every sentence you write, Josepahni.

Missing coolmec 22:55 ,2014 آذار 30

Hello scorpion
Hope things are ok with you and life is treating you well

Thumb general_puppet 22:44 ,2014 آذار 30

Southern, cut the 2006 BS… the Hizbullah militia brought the Israelis to Lebanon by the Ayatollahs orders to take pressure off Hamas. Don't forget Nasrallah's famous words "If only I knew" and the only thing that came out of that catastrophe was more death and distraction to Lebanon.

Hizbullah is part of the Iranian Guard and that is all there is to it, they are fighting in Syria to prop up their Axis partner Assad… there is Nothing Lebanese about them.

Thumb cedre 23:16 ,2014 آذار 30

yeah right ft, lebanon is safest, more stable and with less refugees since HizbIran is killing people in syria...

Thumb scorpyonn 23:18 ,2014 آذار 30

hey are emulating their Master, Iran. Everyone knows that Iranians speak from both sides of their mouths ;they are quick to deny things that are apparently true to the international community and do so with conviction.

Thumb shab 23:20 ,2014 آذار 30

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb eli-g 23:39 ,2014 آذار 30

where are you phoenix1. Why are you not commenting these days?

Thumb cedre 04:13 ,2014 آذار 31

he's off in kenya eli...

Thumb Mystic 03:39 ,2014 آذار 31

What dialogue? President Sulaiman, wants to sell the country to Israel. No way for the Resistance, to participate in that.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:04 ,2014 آذار 31

Mystic : "No way for the Resistance, to participate in that."

Khallas the resistance. The resistance is dead. There is no more resistance. It's a lie and it no longer exists.

And don't worry, we will not let your party of terrorists participate in anything until you drop your weapons and act as Lebanese patriots who answer to the Presidency and government whether or not you agree with it !

Thumb Mystic 15:43 ,2014 آذار 31

you answer to Israel and Saudia not Lebanon. So spare me the lecture.

Thumb geha 17:51 ,2014 آذار 31

you answer to iran :) so spare us your comments.

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:10 ,2014 آذار 31

@Mystic : demonstrate your lies to me please.

Where in any of my comments do I show support for Israel and Saudi ?

I'm more Lebanese than the sum of all Hezbollah members !

Thumb tonyfarris. 07:18 ,2014 آذار 31

Bunch of loser, ASSad belong in the zoo period......

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:01 ,2014 آذار 31

Obviously ... KEZBALLAH is not interested in dialogue. It's not interested in cohabiting with the rest of the FREE LEBANESE people. It wants full and total control of Lebanon and the only way they will get this is by the force of weapons and by terrorizing the lebanese people !

Thumb general_puppet 12:35 ,2014 آذار 31

Iranian bootlicker… have you found any Zionist Cannibals hiding in your closet?

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:11 ,2014 آذار 31

If Hezbollah has no respect for the presidency they should be ruled out of the political landscape and have no say on the next president !

When they are summoned to a dialogue session and decide to avoid it, then it's their loss and dialogue should happen anyway !