سليمان يدعو لانتخاب رئيس جمهورية قوي وكبير بحجم الوطن ومكتمل الولاء للبنان
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى انتخاب "رئيس للجمهورية مكتمل الولاء للبنان يكون بحجم الوطن"، مؤكداً أنه " لا يمكن المباشرة ببناء الدولة من دون البدء في الاستراتيجية الدفاعية لحماية لبنان وبمن فيهم المقاومة".
وأشار سليمان في كلمة خلال حفل إطلاق مشروع اللامركزية الإدارية في بعبدا، الأربعاء، الى أنه " مع انتخاب رئيس قوي للجمهورية ومنتمي الى خط سياسي لبناني مكتمل الولاء للبنان"، مضيفاً أنه "يجب أن يكون الرئيس كبير وبحجم لبنان المقيم والاغتراب ليقوم بمواجباته بالشكل الصحيح".
وأكد أنه "لا يمكن المباشرة ببناء الدولة من دون البدء في الاستراتيجية الدفاعية لحماية لبنان وبمن فيهم المقاومة".
وشدد على "ضرورة ان يتابع الرئيس الجديد الحوار في الاستراتيجية الدفاعية، وأن يواكب المحكمة الخاصة وترسيم الحدود ونزع السلاح الفلسطيني وتطبيق ميثاق الشرف وتطبيق اعلان بعبدا".
الى ذلك، اعتبر سليمان أن "قانون اللامركزية الادارية يؤمن الانماء المتوازن ويعزز الوحدة الوطنية والتنوع في لبنان من دون ان يلامس الفدرالية او أي نوع من التقسيم"، مؤكداً أن "من ميزات القانون هو اشراك الشباب في القرار وليس فقط في الانتخابات واشراك المقيمين في البلديات من انتخاب المجالس التي تخصهم وهذا كله يؤدي الى تقليص الهوة بين السلطة والشعب".
اللامركزية تساهم على تأمين الأمن وذلك بانشاء جهاز شرطة على مستوى القضاء وهو امر مهم على مستوى ضبط الامن لأن الجريمة تبدأ بالشارع وبالضيعة وأول من يعلم بهذه الجريمة هو رجل البلدية، بحسب رئيس الجمهورية.
ورأى سليمان أن "القانون يؤمن الشفافية والمحاسبة والمراقبة بحيث يصبح المواطن اقرب لمحاسبة الذين انتخبهم".
وأضاف أن "اللامركزية تعزز الشراكة بين القطاعين الخاص و العام وتزيد من فرص العمل للشباب ما يخفف من هجرة الأدمغة".
بدوره، أشار وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق الى ان "اللامركزية هي في صلب دستورنا الذي اعتبر ان الانماء المتوازن للمناطق ركن اساسي من اركان وحدة الدولة".
ولفت الى ان "اللامركزية الادارية هي في صلب الاصلاحات التي اتت على ذكرها وثيقة الوفاق الوطني ونحن اليوم من خلال اقرار مشروع القانون حول اللامركزية"، مؤكدا على" تمسكنا بالدستور واتفاق الطائف ووثيقة الوفاق الوطني رغم كل الكلام والتهويل حول الحاجة لاعادة تأسيس الدولة واعادة بناء دورنا من خلال مؤتمر تأسيسي".
وشدد على الالتزام بكل ما نصت عليه وثيقة الوفاق الوطني ومنها الغاء الطائفية السياسية ووضع قانون انتخابات عادل وانشاء مجلس للشيوخ".
We have an excellent person in the name of Demianos Kattar, upon whom I cannot lavish enough words of praise, but suffices for me to say that this man is absolutely decent, clean, highly professional and has vision beyond the scope of most of our dinosaurs here. The only snag here is that Demianos doesn't have a militia.
Baroud is another great, great guy, I absolutely respect him, he too makes an excellent candidate, a real professional, as dedicated and decent as Demianos.
i truly do not understand these calls for a strong president...OF COURSE a president has to be strong ipso facto...ya3ne it is only in our twisted country where a president is weak?!!!!!...phoenix i second your opinion....ziad is a great guy ..i am fortunate to know him personally and all the great work he did with ambassador salam on the electoral laws(especially for expats) which unfortunately a lot of it did not see the light or was implemented (for obvious political agendas)...he would make a great president.
if the presidential elections was by the people at least great educated guys like mr demianos and mr barroud and other will have a chance
and thank you mr president for admitting that the president should be strong ie (strong by the people behind him )
so mr president you should have resigned a long time ago cause you are may be loyal to Lebanon but surely not strong
In other words , No to Aoun and no to Frangieh for they're only loyal to Syria's embattled war criminal the thug Assad .
strong! LOL the new fashionable word! anything can fit this definition...
for example M8ers synonym is "weak" : weak as to obey hezbollah and syria, weak as to let hezbi do what they want, weak as to close his eyes on illegal deeds by hezbis, weak as to let hezbi do what they want disregarding the declarations they sign, weak as to let hezbis weaken the state to thrive on chaos....
LOL "strong"? an empty word....
When you have some "weight" behind you such as the weight of Hezbollah, this will immobilize you ! There is no such thing as a strong & independent president allied to Hezbollah.
And your Baroud / Rifi story is much more complex than you care to imagine.
I'm still waiting to understand why Charbel Nahas showed up with ARMED HEZBOLLAH members at that building !
FlameCatcher.... please never change your name, it obviously drives the persian propagandists crazy, they can't handle it.
Poor Bore, he can't understand the difference between stealing a name, and ridiculing it. Ignorance at it's best
I'm thinking of changing it "the_purr" ... because that's as much as he can be threatening and strong :)
Coming from an Iranian puppet, your comment is HAWA !
Hezbollah has no say about our next president. You want to participate in our democratic life, than you need to be "equals" meaning drop your weapons and stop your war.
Otherwise, shut up... people are trying to build this country while you are dismantling and destroying it !
Again, Hezbollah has no say in this. In fact, it's weird coming from you because Hezbollah does not even want Aoun as president :)
Having said this, focus on peace and drop your weapons and we will all elect Nasrallah as president !
Drop your Western takfiri zionist propaganda, and we would see peace in Lebanon tomorrow.
You and the rest of them M14 people, kiss some American boots, and bow down to Israel. The Resistance will never do that, so you can take your Defense plan, and American garbage with you.
You're funny !
The only propaganda I do is Lebanese patriotic propaganda. Something you don't understand given you take orders from Iran and your satan Ayatolah and his puppet Bashar.
It's not because you follow foreign powers that I do to.
You want peace, your weapons (or lack of them) is the only key to peace !
If you were a real patriot, you would support the Resistance, that defended Lebanon. When nobody else had the guts, i sense rather you are pro Saudi American. You probaly don't even live in Lebanon or near it.
@Mystic : Not only did I support the resistance, I offered shelter, food, water, beds for 40 displaced people from the resistance !
I stopped supporting the resistance when it showed its true face and turned against the lebanese ! When it showed it does not have a lebanese identity but an iranian one ! When it showed that it answers to Bashar and Iran before Lebanon !
You have no lessons of patriotism to teach me !
And if you sense that I'm pro-american / Israeli or whatever other BS, then the drugs your harvest and consume must be messing you up !
We, Lebanese patriots, are the REAL RESISTANCE against foreign influence and that includes Israel, Iran, Saudi and US !
I have a hard time believing you did that. Your words only helps Israel/US and Takfiris, so it doesn't matter how neutral, you want to appear, your words truly proves the opposite.
@Mystic : I could not care less what you believe. Belief doesn't equate to truth. You have no problem believing the lies of Hassan Nasrallah...
And my words only help Lebanese. Where do you see they help Takfiris and Israelis ?
Being against the fake resistance and their weapons does not mean supporting Israel or Takfiris. It only means supporting a free, strong and sovereign Lebanon. Something Hezbollah should be fighting for when the only thing you do is find ways to prevent this from happening ! You don't respect our country, our borders, our constitution, our laws and our sovereignty ! So why should we have any respect for you party ?
Aha, so mostaqbal and Geagea are not liars? When did Sayed Hassan ever say something, that he didn't do? Thats why people admires him, because he stands behind his words, while your corrupt leaders, gets fed by the US and Saudi Arabia.
So you're ready to go against Hassan Nasrallah's wishes ?
Wow, this is progress !
You are a Hezbollah dissident !
Nope I'm a Lebanese Citizen, whether you like it or not. I lived here while your parents fled with you to America or another western country. Resistance has no say in the matter, because it's whatever people want to vote, it's their choice. I vote for General Aoun or Sulaiman Franjieh, because they are part of the Resistance bloc too.
My dear Mystic ... you can shove your assumptions where the sun doesn't shine. Never fled the country and never will. Whoever flees the country does so because they give in to terrorism including Hezbollah terrorism.
And the people unfortunately are not allowed to vote. It's the parliament that votes for the president.
And the parliament should not be allowed to vote because it's no longer representative of the people. There should be parliamentary elections before electing a new president.
Well your words sounds more like a Saudi to me, I do know that citizens doesn't vote, but my support goes out to the men, i mentioned. Lebanese people are resistant, and thats why they support their Resistance, thats why the Resistance is alive, because of it's support from the Lebanese people.
@Mystic : That's not true. lebanese people no longer support the resistance.
Over half the population voted against Hezbollah's weapons.
In fact, most Aounies and many many Hezbollah supporters are against the weapons.
And the resistance stopped being a resistance when it used its weapons inside Lebanon. And then inside Syria.
It's no longer a resistane.
And it's not a Lebanese resistance. It's an ISLAMIC resistance which is AGAINST THE principles of the STATE OF LEBANON!
Where do you have those statistics from? The Resistance are the reason the Lebanese border was sealed, and the reason Lebanon isn't part of some Wahabi Khalifah today, but i guess your true intentions was to turn Lebanon over to the takfiris?
Which Lebanese border ? The south ? Wrong ! UNIFIL is the only reason the border is sealed.
The eastern border is wide open and this is also due to Syria / Hezbollah using it to smuggle drugs and weapons.
And you don't need statistics to know these facts when you mingle with people from Hezbollah and Aounists all the time.
You think Hezbollah supporters like to be considered as terrorists ? Do you think they enjoy watching their children fight wars they do not understand and die for other countries ? You could not be more disillusioned !
Purist "Aounists" believe Aoun is no longer a Aounist and hate their alliance with Hezbollah. They hate Hezbollah altogether and believe Aoun has lost his ways. Just talk to people and you will figure out the harsh reality.
Why do you think Hezbollah did everything to postpone the parliamentary elections before M14 leaders even talked about this ? Because they would have lost big time whichever way you cut out our little country !!!
Your personal hate to the Resistance, has nothing to do with the rest of the Lebanese people, I knew you were pro zionist, and you know i'm pro Resistance, so why do you waste your time?
with respect to the baroud incident with Rifi
the president himself gave orders to Rifi and the later did not obey
what a strong president and what a military was Rifi to disobey his superiors
@Roar : it's funny when you often see ads for "hunting" rifles on OTV :) They are already armed since long before the war ended. Don't worry about that Roar. Houses are already full of ammo, guns, rifles and grenades...
The only reason Tsunami backed out is because M14 did not agree to make him a defacto president. So he thought the easy way out would be to ally with Hezbollah.
Very big mistake ! He's still biting his fingers to today and regrets his choices but is too proud to back away.
And please, explain how Hezbollah, Iran's army in Lebanon and Syria's #1 partner in Lebanon are "more in line" with an "independent Lebanon". The regime we kicked out in order to make Lebanon independent !
Ha ha! Mr. President, as soon as you put in that requirement of "being loyal to Lebanon", you pretty much eliminate 93% of the political sector.
"Suleiman Says New President Should be 'Strong,' 'Loyal to Lebanon'".
In other words, the complete opposite of Suleiman.
Is Beri a power hungy snake F.D? How about SHN? If they are, how come n your 1000+ posts you never criticized them? Are you Secterian F.D.?