رفعت عيد لجأ إلى الضاحية الجنوبية قبل اتجاهه إلى سوريا واعتقال علي فضة

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لجأ مسؤول العلاقات السياسية في الحزب "العربي الديمقراطي" رفعت عيد إلى الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت قبل أن يرحل إلى سوريا.

من جهة أخرى أفادت قناة الـ"OTV" مساء الأربعاء أنه تم إعتقال عضو المكتب السياسي في الحزب "العربي الديمقراطي" علي فضة في جبل محسن، إلى جانب المسؤول الإعلامي عبد اللطيف صالح الذي أطلق سراحه لاحقا.

وقالت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الأربعاء أنه "تم نقل رفعت عيد عبر موكب من جبل محسن إلى منطقة صفير في الضاحية الجنوبية ومنها غادر إلى سوريا".

أما والده رئيس الحزب علي عيد فهرب إلى سوريا "عبر زورق مرّ في النهر الكبير" بعكار، بحسب القناة عينها.

وكانت قد سرت أخبار منذ السبت عن هروب الرجلين إلى سوريا قبيل تنفيذ الخطة الأمنية التي بدأت الثلاثاء في طرابلس. ونفت وسائل إعلام أخرى أن يكون قد هرب.

وكشفت قناة الـ"MTV" حينها أن رفعت غادر إلى أميركا بعد سوريا لأنه حصل على إقامة فيها.

وطوق الجيش منزله الثلاثاء وأزال الدشم من أمامه في حين أفادت معلومات أنه دخل ولم يجده في الداخل.

- م. س

التعليقات 20
Thumb lebanon_first 02 نيسان 2014, 17:37

fine, let them go and never come back.

Missing helicopter 02 نيسان 2014, 18:25

The problem with that statement is:
1) If they wer able to go though oficial routes and crossings
2) That means they are able to retun via the same routes.
Why do you think HA wants to be the State-let within the State and are opposed to demarcating the borders?
Trash and Traitors.

Thumb lebanon_first 02 نيسان 2014, 17:39

Today in lebanon, we are proud to be able to send into exile thugs protected by assad. This is a big progress people. Rejoice.

We cannot arrest them yet, but this is a start.

Missing theobserver 02 نيسان 2014, 17:51

That's a good way to look at things !
See rather the full half then the empty half

Thumb saturn 02 نيسان 2014, 17:50

Got a green card there, boy?

Thumb saturn 02 نيسان 2014, 17:58

deth to amrika!

Thumb saturn 02 نيسان 2014, 18:12

He wasn't that welcome in Iran, due to his U.S. citizenship!

Missing helicopter 02 نيسان 2014, 18:21

Did you know that not only he is a Bachar/HA man, but that Jabal Mohsen is Bachar/HA Bastion and they are the resistance/SSNP brigade in Tripoli?
Now you know, you are welcome.

Thumb popeye 02 نيسان 2014, 18:24

cleaning the country must start with you and your likes

Thumb popeye 02 نيسان 2014, 18:26

The terror party protects and harbors criminals. This evil character is directly responsible for the death and injury of thousands of people and is avoiding the arrest warrants. Another saint joins the caravan of ........

Missing peace 02 نيسان 2014, 18:49

but...but.... i thought hezbis were for justice? i thought hezbis did not harbour people suspected of terrorism? i thought hezbis collaborated with the state?

oh! am i wrong? LOL

Missing peace 03 نيسان 2014, 08:18

sure wolf...whatever BS you say will please your M8 friends cause it is all you understand as you live deep in it....

Thumb FlameCatcher 03 نيسان 2014, 10:42

@FT : Hezb protects Eid ? Samaha ? Butros Harb's killers ? Hariri's Killers ? and countless more.

Hassan Nasrallah is a terrorist, he will be hanged and all those who defend him including yourself should follow !

Missing peace 02 نيسان 2014, 18:51

any comments wolf on how hezbis harbour a man wanted by the justice and the army or is deflecting the issue to forget your trademark because it is bad for your propaganda ?

Missing peace 02 نيسان 2014, 21:13

and you? any proof hezbollah are not covering eid and co? LOL

Missing peace 02 نيسان 2014, 20:05

but eid is not only wanted for tripoli but for terrorists acts... so please spare us the "all parties do the same " thing... hezbi are covering him and that is a fact... M8 whines when bombings occur in dahiye but never did a thing when it happened elswhere... M8 double standards are why sensible people hate them....

Thumb freedomarch 02 نيسان 2014, 22:25

Thugs = lowlife people who spread and initiate unlawful acts of disturbance.
Hizbolah terrorists make any sense? or Educated people from Mustaqbal? wein Dameerak?

Missing helicopter 03 نيسان 2014, 00:09

Does HA have a site similar to naharnet where readers can post? I would like to join such a forum if it exists FT, let me know.
Regarding your comment about women's rights here is a reply from me:
Dar Elfatwa is not a political party that is represented in our Parliament and Cabinet, but HA and Amal are and they are supported you and M8ers.

Thumb FlameCatcher 03 نيسان 2014, 09:16


This can no longer go on ! Whenever a terrorist is caught in the act, Hezbollah protects them, hides them, eliminates them and will do anything to prevent them from falling in the hands of justice.

Because it stinks Hassan Kezballah all over ! The terrorist in chief!

I hope you're happy M8 that your terrorists always get away !

Shame on you and shame on Aoun for covering for Hassan !

Thumb -phoenix1 03 نيسان 2014, 12:47

Same story, yesterday Al Assir, today Eid, just a question of different days.